We are orbing into the new moon energies, (peaking at 2015-11-11@{07:47 HST,17:47 UTC}), completing and releasing all that came before... blossoming into a new time-line, the energies of which were pre-cast during the weekend, in synergistic cocreation.
While i continue to dally in habitual / old / obsolete interests, I'm working to moving all of my attention into music, and developing my flute playing. Particularly I'm moving out of "doing" hardware, minimizing my software programming and still working to reduce my sysadmin load.
i have been directed to focus on just my island and more specifically my ahupua'a (watershed) (community) of Kilauea, focussing upon developing conscious community here and developing New-Gaia here, so part of that is new technology, and certainly even if i can't develop it in my little studio, i can guide others in what is preferable to embrace and develop.
i remain very much the Celestial Faery High Priestess, and am leaving others whose expertise is closer to nature spirts and Gaia Fairies to develop community food forests and eco-sustainable agriculture.
i do have a particular goal to establish community networking, and so far i think the freedomboxes are the best option, though ultimately MaidSafe may surpass that, but has been working on "the problem" much longer and has less working.
So, i spend too much time on computers as it is, need to focus more on my music, and also complete my transition from my old ministry of psychic healing to ascension activations and sharing my flute playing.
These times of high rate of change, and in many cases the failure / disassembly of old (dysfunctionally) (semi-)successful modalities is occurring before we have functional replacements of the New-Gaia paradigm, technologies, and being sans-money-system.
Meanwhile, other than impatience ("are we there yet?"), I'm fine :-)