7th November 2015
A world of harmony,
that we are all one,
gentle tones of love,
knowing it is done.
Freq._ Decimal_ Ratio___ Note Interval 432.00 1.00000 1:1 A unison 455.11 1.05349 256:243 Bb minor second 486.00 1.12500 9:8 B major second 512.00 1.18518 27:37 C minor third 546.75 1.265625 81:64 C# major third 576.00 1.33333 4:3 D perfect fourth 606.81 1.40466 1024:729 Eb diminished fifth 615.09 1.423828 729:512 Eb? augmented fourth? 648.00 1.50000 3:2 E perfect fifth 682.66 1.58024 128:81 F minor sixth 729.00 1.68750 27:16 F# major sixth 768.00 1.77777 16:9 G minor seventh 820.12 1.898437 243:128 G# major seventh