3rd November 2015
![[Virtual_Opioid_2.0 Multilayered Frequencies]](/audio/opioid/virtual_opioid_2.0-multilayered_frequencies-sedative_effect-pain_relief_binaural_beats-v3owe5yfn4.jpg)
i am listening to
this track for the first time as i write this.
(Given the low frequencies involved, a good set of circumaural headphones are essential.)
Need i say that this virtual opioid has infinite possibilities for (mis-)use?
Half way through the half-hour track I'm very "whatever...", but enjoying the running water sounds,
but as usual finding the synthetic static tones, for whatever focussed effects they may trigger,
to be so un-musical.
As one whose life has been meditative for decades,
triggering frequencies of alignment and peace
typically just verify my usual state of consciousness,
wheras they may produce more profound effects in those who are less in alignment.
more info here.