
[a]scension blog

17th July 2015

i continue to detach from my belief in time, a property of dualistic reality. This is both a factor in living an age-less life, (which some call longevity), and in freedom to hop between time-lines. In what we crystal faeries find to be the interesting families of time-lines, our New-Gaia transcends the densities which include time. To be free to have a preferred time-line reality, independent of time or time-ology (astrology), is quite liberating, and is the "release of limitation" we are completing in the manifestation of our incarnate tomril. Summarizing, this is about living in the eternal now moment, in full free will choice to resonate the appropriate time-line of the moment, without any limitation by either outside influence, or internal attachments, aversions, beliefs, expectations, history, etc. Thus we can be free to follow our highest passion, in alignment and congruence with our truest essence.

OK, so why are we tracking any astrology in our blog?
Because our mission is facilitating others to make the time-line jumps from duality to nondual parallel-realities, and to anchor into Gaia reality.
To whatever extent anyone can be triggered (influenced) by the energy waves of time or other aspects of duality, that is their lesson to forgive, release, balance, and finally to transcend, those polarites of duality.
The strongest astrological influences are the quarter lunations: new, waxing half, full, and waning half -moons.
The squares (90 degrees) (i.e. waxing and waning half moons) are a time of energetic lock-up, when it is best to surrender to the lack of flow, release all will or agenda, disconnect from the world, chill out, and just be, because doing isn't going to succeed.
The new moon conjunctions are a full harmony between yin and yang, great for relationships, great for initiating new (co-)creations, and better yet, excellent for using the complete balance, peace, and rest of energies to be with ones self, to know ones self, to know "Who Am i, and what is appropriate for me?".
The full moon oppositions between yin and yang, a high "accident rate" (disowning responsiblity as creator), conflict between the sexes and genders, a time of maximum triggering, and therefore an excellent time to meditate on ones inner turmoil, to surrender, forgive, release, and come to peace with all polarities of duality.

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