
[a]scension blog

16th July 2015

Today's lesson is about "frenemies".
We can be quite clear about "how" to relate with a friend or an enemy (really, you still have enemies? must be in duality still :-)
But when we are in doubt about the intent of someone, or have experienced both positive and negative energies from them, we may be in doubt about them, about what energies they will bring to our next "relating". This "doubt" is really a form of fear.
Rabbit magic: attracting your fears in order to have to confront them.
i was this morning asked to psychicly read someone's "frenemy", to help her discern whether she should allow them into her home.
i responded: "Ewwwwww!!!", partly in jest, partly to create a "break set*", and partly because that's really how i feel about looking at others' "yuck".
Oh, sure, for 3 decades i did such psychic readings... i can survive another.
But, i dwell solidly in transcendent reality now. i guided my querant into rememberance of her being the creator of her reality, the chooser of her time-line, directing her to choose to intend a time-line wherein the new time-line version of each were aligned as friends.

to break out of a "mindset", to release an expectation, attachment, or aversion, (one form of which is a fear).
to change ones belief about what is "real" or "possible".

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