Today starts with the lesson of surrender to spiritually guided flow rather than ego-directed "order". Not everyone is comfortable with "chaos", the absolute unpredictability of a divine life, but the more an ego attempts to "lock things down", the more it succeeds in squeezing all the joy and passion out of, what it's calling "life", but which is no longer alive. It is the reptilian fear-based root chakra which seeks control. We have to get out of the consciousness of fear or scarcity, to feel abundant, to thrive.
The instruments of regulation, which completely sabotage divine flow, start with the calendar and the clock. The next interrupter of flow, is that little beep, from your smartphone, declaring: "You have SPAM!". Really, it is not relevant unless it's happening with your body. The more time we spend in our mind, in text, in time, interacting with mental illusions of people rather than those around us, the less "life" there is in our "living"
Does it not feel much better to have pleasant surprises?
But certainly not as "safe" as:
"Today went according to (fear-based) planning!"
The more one lives spontaneously (I sleep when I'm tired),
and the less from mental
((mis-)leading Doctors recommend 8 hours of shut-eye/night),
the more one can have a magical divine passionate fun playful life.
...but then...
you're reading the ramblings of a seelie faery :-)
Have a completely unpredictable day...
faery blessings for you! -- celeste