
[a]scension blog

14th June 2015

We are moving through an energetic gateway in time for collective reality. We crystal faeries are activating higher consciousness emphasis via our ascension portal network. Balancing energies of duality allows transcendence to unity consciousness. Calm peaceful harmony with all that is, including the contrast and duality around us, is a foundation for healthy life.

Later in the day, by contrast, as if to test my practice of the principles which came in early morning awareness, today's physical world activities brought challenges of failure in transportation and mobility. As i have been learning, i simply responded as necessary to work around the failures, and did not assign any meanings to the events, and with no meanings assigned, remained emotionally neutral, calm, and peaceful. One might wonder at the synchronicity of one journey into the world producing both a broken shoe and a flat tire, but i just chose to "leave it in the mystery" rather than getting all left-brained analytical. That was my lesson du jour, choosing to release as much as possible, all left-brained logical ego-personality, and consequently, a lesson many will now find relevant, but maybe only a few will manage as i have. Our processing of written language, therefore reading webpages (yes, like this one), e-mails, or SMS text messages, or live chat (e.g. IRC or other interactive text chat), places our consciousness into our left-brained ego personality, and takes our attention away from our right-brained intuitive feminine imaginative creative spiritual no-time no-space transcendent ascended consciousness. In alignment with my intent to live in ascended consciousnes i am prioritizing voice communication over text.

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