
[a]scension blog

5th June 2015

We interrupt our irregularly unscheduled channelling, for a brief message shared by the channel herself... who just synchronistically stumbled across this message:
"Here is the thing: People fucking despise trans women. Often the nicest thing they can think of to say to trans women is:
'Gosh, you are so little like a trans woman!'
Being trans is something to avoid, to exclude, to escape, at worst to nobly bare up under.

If you present in a traditionally feminine way, you are just being a misogynistic parody of a woman, and if you fail to present in a traditionally feminine way, well ha! There is the proof that you are not really a woman right there. And even if you are 'really a woman', that might not be enough."

As the process of ascension brings us up out of physical-world-only, body-is-all-that-is-real, veiled unconsciousness, to the awareness that we are eternal spirits who have in most cases, not only incarnated in both sexes of sexed body types, but may also have non- [mankind]-body incarnations to integrate as well, we are all really going to have to "get over" our expectations regarding gender and sex.

Created by Chronicle v4.6