
[a]scension blog

20th May 2015

As i continue to release olde reality, it appears to my consciousness primarily via others, the reality choices they are living, and how that defines what is relationally possible. Given that my work has been a large part of my life, naturally so as a star-seed lightworker on mission, so has it been a factor in my friendships, therefore, as i make the changes of reality in progress, they are reflected both by friends and by those for whom i minister, and by the law of attraction, those are shifting. i have stated before my awareness of progression through roles, from Djedi Warrior through Frequency Holder into Faery Magickian / Musician.
Those who have been holding on to the me of olde roles, are now facing the choice to either change their relating with me to track my new roles and modality, or to fall away as i leave behind olde roles. While i have been soft with boundaries allowing grace with others reticence or timing, i have crossed the thresh-hold into transcendence now, and am determined to remain in it permanently.

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