30th April 2015
Sorting through the energies, issues, growth, healing, quantum-leaps, and resulting lessons, the past few days have offered much learning i can now summarize into principles of ascension.
- The issue of energetic boundaries between entities is primarily a symptom of a causal conflict of polarization within duality, and therefore, healing requires ending the polarization, either by going "neutral", and / or transcending the duality by raising vibration above the realm of duality, to at least unity consciousness.
- Because an individuals will is the one thing a healer can never touch / affect, dysfunctional will can only be healed by a change of choice within the healee. The most common problem is a conflict within the individual between their present-time conscious "choice" and their subconscious patterns (past choices / will / programming / beliefs).
- Nothing can be accomplished until / unless / iff they are willing to give up their reparation fantasy.