
[a]scension blog

17th April 2015

i start the day early, pausing for a moment of gratitude, to honor my departed younger sister, Cyndy, for whom this is her calendric birth day. Our time of sharing was brief, and your time of leaving seems early, so may your path flow easily, as we all get along.

i am observing a great deal of wavering, oscillations between parallel-reality time-lines as we are passing through a turbulent time-node. The chaos is triggering in many a lot of conflict, to whatever extent they are engaged with duality, whereas from a transcendent perspective, i just shake my head or giggle, seeing the impossibility of peace while polarized.

This afternoon brought opportunities of completion with old time-lines for some local light-workers. This gateways nicely with tomorrow monrning's new moon. We continue to align energetics with ascended templates.

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