
[a]scension blog

1st April 2015

Today's first lesson is about choices, which could be said to be expressing a preference for some time-line versus other time-lines. One of the fundamental factors in certain time-lines is the level of commitment required to be in a given time-line. Some parallel-realities reflect a complete lack of will, or commitment, for which i make the analogy of floating in the surf at the beach... whereby one will be taken where the waves cast you. The polar opposite is a strong swimmer setting a course, and powerfully swimming towards a goal, regardless whether the waves are assisting or impeding the journey. There is also a middle-ground based in seeking synergy, wherein one does ones best to take advantage of the waves when they align with ones chosen path, or intelligently dives under big powerful waves which are travelling in opposition to ones path. A higher wisdom combined with patience might result in a choice to make ones journey at the time of the daily cycle when the waves will least oppose and / or most assist one.

Some projects or goals, are sufficiently large, or take so much passage of linear time to create, that they are not truly practical except by cocreation, with commitment, and persistence. In these cases synergy becomes an overriding factor, but without commitment, success is unlikely. As we contemplate the choices in our lives, particularly during this lunar cycle, one of the 4 quantum-leap blood-moon-eclipses which serve as milestones on the journey of the first wave of ascension, which is a journey of coming into full alignment of one's own essential truth, and into alignment with larger collective realities, we are being triggered to look at our choices of commitment... to what are we committed, and with more than one, what are our priorities amongst them?

It is an adventure in giggles witnessing many April Fools pranks today, as bogus "news reports" surface.

A large volume of concepts, a bit of emotional association, a lot of relationships, and much discernment to sort it all, are involved in releasing old time-lines, parallel-realities, passed past, and alternative potential futures, to focus and converge upon Gaia.

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