
[a]scension blog

29th March 2015

An issue which has been increasing in frequency with customers, is that of intestinal dis-ease. The patterns i am observing with these, are two-fold. One is that the community of bacteria which live in our intestines are ascending just as is the community of cells we call "our body", and is reacting to the very same acension activation energies coming through the gateways and portals, as we are. Secondly we are all being intentionally exposed to altering influences via the environment, itself being geo-engineered via chemtrails, (which causes us to both inhale and ingest living organisms), GMO, and nanotechnology. What i am finding to be most beneficial to most of us, is to minimize the necessity of semi-biotics, (colloidal silver and iodine), and to maximize ones exposure to the broadest spectrum available of pro-biotics. Your intestinal community will have to sort it out amongst themelves, but we need a variety of bacteria sharing the space, so find every kind of probiotic you can at the health food store, and include in your diet regularly, exposure to non-pasteurized fermented foods, e.g. sour-kraut, kefir, yogurt, etc. However, remember that the point is to periodically seed your intestines with a dose of each culture, rather than to overdose on them as if they were foods.

Colloidal Silver is a powerful, natural selective antibiotic and preventative against infections. It acts as a catalyst which disables the enzyme that one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi need for their oxygen metabolism. They suffocate without corresponding harm occurring to [mankind] enzymes or parts of the [mankind] body chemistry. The result is the destruction of disease-causing organisms in the body and in the food.

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