Today has presented tests of commitment to truth, integrity, and ethics. As usual, my commitment thereunto has resulted in some people having to either look at some aspect of themself and their choices, or push me away, or because they persist in attempting to hire me to abuse my abilities in service to their dark agenda, to push them away. i can ethically facilitate one who intends to change themself, and seeks help in their consciously chosen changes, but i can not be hired to change others without their conscious participation.
i serve the call of spirit,
and wherever and whenever mankind is out of alignment with spirit,
i cannot be in alignment with those [mankind],
though i may forgive, bless, and
aloha them,
i cannot submit to anyone's ego, especially my own.
It was a principle which came up early in my training,
that when one accepts or invokes the "gift" of higher powers,
that correspondingly one gives up control of one's own life,
for one's life then is in service to the use of those powers,
for the good of all, the implementation of
the divine plan.
i was prepared for the surrender of my individual will to service,
but i was not prepared for the abuse by those
who would far rather "slay the messenger",
than hear "the message"
sent from spirit to [mankind].
But then, why should we have any expectation that
[mankind] has progressed much since it chose to crucify Yeshua,
or burn at the stake all the midwives?
i simply cannot do other than walk the path spirit commands.
If you don't like the message, mirroring, or lessons i bring,
you can punish me or ignore me, but i cannot betray spirit.
Wakey wakey people, this island is the prototype of ascension,
and we lightworkers and loveworkers are manifesting it,
whether you fight it or embrace it,
crucify us or hug us,
Gaia is here now.
We are scheduled to have fully 1/3 of [mankind] ascend to unity consciousnes, love, and service-to-others consciousness in the next half year. Kaua'i is allegedly the leading-edge prototype of [mankind] ascension on Gaia. It is certainly not a linear progression of consciousness, which means many are going to have some challenging quantum leaps to make. Since all is mirroring, i hereby forgive myself and love myself unconditionally.
Yes, those souls who still wish to experience duality and negativity, are indeed running out of time to experience such on Gaia, thus the intensity of negativity and polarity is stepping up every bit as much as the positive unity reality of New-Gaia is. It is the final darkest period before the dawn of a new era. I've outgrown the role of Djedi Warrior for the light, have been operating as a Frequency Holder for ascension reality, as a portal creator and gate-keeper for Kaua'i's ascension portal, and am ready to move forward to my new role of Faery Magician / Musician in Kilauea.