
[a]scension blog

19th November 2014

i am motivated to remove accumulated "stuff" from our blog. It is too easy to get caught up in helping others with their problems, which then places focus on analyzing the problems, which only empowers them. Even though i am able to offer solutions, i wish to prune the problem info and expand the solution info, by transcending to a level above the problem-solution dynamic of duality.

i often find that, despite knowing that any such focus only sabotages manifesting a better reality, i feel to break down and cry myself to death with grief... the pain of consciousness of the world as it is is unbearable... and then i take responsiblity for creating it all, and healing it all, and then I'm right back at impatience to shift to another time-line parallel-reality. My only spiritual knowing is to be patient... but that doesn't stop the pain of feeling the reality surrounding me. And then i have to remember that i volunteered to be in service to others ascending, and then it is clear why my reality is as it is, to keep me where i am needed.

And then, i tune in to the higher realms, where aloha is real, where i know of Fairies, and i cry tears of joy.

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