The eclipse energies are supporting the anchoring of the time-line of New-Gaia within Kaua'i's 8D-4D ascension portal, all of which is relatively calm, while the eclipse energies are triggering Old-Gaia into greater polarization within duality, especially between yin and yang energies, activating "shadows", denied ego characteristics, particularly the collective (sub)conscious about the global patriarchal system and its dedication to the time-line family leading to planetary "cleansing" (of those who refuse to "get the lesson"), via massive destruction and termination of lives. Naturally this is a further separation between 4D- and 5D+, making for either a disconnect between those of each reality, or even greater conflict between those who interface realities. As a lightworker facilitating ascension, it is a trying time for the old habit of rescuing, as any attempt now to rescue 4D- people into 5D+ tends to pull my own reality down from 5D+ to 4D-, and thus this gateway requires further releasing of those who are not releasing their 4D- attachments, and focus upon stabilizing those who have committed to 5D+ time-lines, none more so than my own embodiment, and its quest for 5D+ housing within a world of 4D- rental landlords.
i have been struggling to completely release what i perceive with my five senses as "real", and my commitment to speak only truth meaning having to report that 4D- as "reality", and to beleive in that which i only feel with my heart and image with my 3rd eye as "real", and to speak only of that as my truth, in order to precipitate its manifestation. This transition is essential to move to creator of individual reality.