For me true spirituality of transcendent consciousness is the basis of loving life. It had been my mission to facilitate 4D to 5D ascension within our crystal faeries ascension portal of Kaua'i. The drive i feel to find or cocreate an 5D faery land in Kilauea, is about anchoring into and staying in 5D consciousness. From that space i can facilitate others who wish to also anchor in to 5D. As usual with an energy shift, those of old time-line connectivity check-in to either get the same triggering, or resist ones shift out of their reality. i already feel my new 5D reality and community coalescing around me, as i anchor 5D+ energies, and all that is compatible comes into alignment for cocreation in positive synergy.
"Enjoy your sense of completion with your past, your old time-line, continue to release and forgive and grieve, what was, and what could have been, and release all incomplete projects, i.e. your attachments to expected, dreaded, or intended futures, that you may be fully in acceptance and at peace in the now. There is much free-floating trauma in the environment around you, energies denied by others struggling with their 4D realities, therefore hold fast your boundaries of reality creation, allowing others their lessons, or refusal thereof, while you embrace your own growth path, and prepare for your leap to your next time-line. Remember to be without expectation, in full acceptance of the now."
'We are in a time of great change, releasing everything we have known as our selves and as our lives; in order to jump time-lines to finally fulfill our prayers.'
"With your usual asking for 'this or better', and visualizing your preferred time-line reality, we see your intent to be embraced and nurtured by nature, to share and cocreate with [mankind], to live with and by the values of faeries, and to enjoy the divine melodies of the angels. With patient and persistent focus, your time-line is aligning to manifest."