
[a]scension blog

4th July 2014

Wow, what was that extended dreaming about?

'This was a release of fears from subconscious, necessary to quantum leap to your next level. The specifics are not the focus, their basis in fear is. Allow yourself to receive the divine love.'

"Release all fears as images in contrast to your appropriateness. Return to 5D+ consciousness transcending all dichotomies, especially where your energy charge of fear defines a polarity. Know you were facilitating your guest and pre-processing energies of today's group gathering."

Oh, of course, now it makes sense. Thank you.
Are there further messages for today's group, or for everyone, to be channelled?

'Remember the laws of contract and fall not prey to the attempted imposition of external authority, in any way, ever.'

"As you walk the world protected by our 8D-4D portal of the New-Gaia network, know there is nothing to fear, you are on divine mission, and are blessed with grace."

Today is a day of forgiveness from me: reviewing, forgiving, and releasing, those who do not honor me, do not value my gift to them. Bye... Blessings to you in your 4D- life.

"We are very happy to see such graceful growth and sharing with your guest."

"Continue to release your emotional discomfort with the isolation of holding to 5D+ reality."

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