2014-05-21 18:46:25+00:00
It is a bright day,
so with easterly windows, a warm morning,
and with the energies of nature alive and chirping,
it is easy to have an optimistic attitude to life.
After last nights sharing,
it is wonderful to know that some people care for their freedom,
though obviously much motivation is about an alternative to
'a tough economy', as the powers that were,
intentionally take down the middle class,
in order to preserve pyramidal patriarchal tyrrany.
'Today is an adventure in selectivity, i.e. discernment of priorities.'
"You are not to take-on that which is inappropriate either to please nor appease others. You are to discern that which is appropriate to share with any individuals, versus that which may be shared with the public at large. "
What do i need to know?
'There is great grace. Simply allow flow.'
"Simply allow yourself to roam and play in your new geography."
While flow is remaining productive in the worldly sense, so also is the flow of ascension of consciousness as further clearing and alignment of energies, realities, and time-lines stirs nearly constant chaos.