
[a]scension blog

16th April 2014

"You are having fun with your new levels of conscious awareness, particularly as you allow yourself to be amused by [mankind] relationships, rather than to take anyone or any event seriously. As you integrate as your perspective your 8D consciousness and abilities to effect healing from that level, it is easier, more fun, and more effective."

'In many ways there is very little new but perspective, for the comprehension of the concepts of how it all works is really not new compared to what you've studied and taught for decades. The primary consciousness shift to 8D, and your completion of your own individual lessons, has resulted in it becoming very real for you, that you are part of a collective consciousness, and it is the acceptance and shift to that as normal and usual, which is most profoundly altering your life.

Yes, it feels that it is this shift to 8D collective which is making the most difference in my life, as has my acceptance of the directive to stay in 5D in my activities to 'change' or 'heal' anything 'of the world'. The concept that all which is not of the ascended realm is to be ignored out of one's consciousness and reality, i comprehend as an essential part of my ascension process. It was challenging to learn the lesson to cease my work to perfect my old time-line(s) before releasing them and moving on to my new time-line(s), but it was well worth the work to transcend that. Thank you for walking me through these lessons :-)

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