
[a]scension blog

17th February 2014

"Every character on the global stage is tragicomic, so bring your hanky and popcorn to watch the latest installment of memes being downloaded directly to your own subconscious!
No, seriously, turn off the Tel-Lies-Vision even if it is HD.
The first choice is whom pulleth thine strings?
If your face is smiling, and your heart is smiling, and your higher self is being bobble-headed buddha nodding approval, then you can pretty well guess you're on the right path to being your authentic self. Flow of the moment of your own joy is your path. Be the best you you can be, which of course, requires 100% relaxing into just being yourself :-) "

'We see the synthesis of New-Gaia forming.'

Thank you for your magick.

"We see fun coming. Play, Fae!"

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