
[a]scension blog

12th January 2014

"Today we would like to share our 8D energies of delicate gentleness, a very tender and sweet warmth of aloha, surrounding your hearts with appreciation. This is us sharing who we are in our realm, bringing our aloha to you in our own way, inviting you into an experience of our reality. We love you, so we wish to share our lightness of heart with yours, but your reality weighs very heavily on our hearts. We choose today to live our advice to you of yesterday. We cannot help you by becoming you, or like you, or by descending to your realm and ways. We cannot be your saviours or healers or even guides. We can share our selves and our ways, authentically, and if you take to our reality, you may join us."

'It is incomprehensible how dead, [mankind] require each other to be, to "live" together, to share even the blessed Garden Isle. Yet, we find wonderful bright spots amongst the shadows and darkness.'

Tears roll down my cheeks, as they so often do, as i listen to soulful music from the angelic composer Bruce Mitchell.

'As the bridge between the crystal faeries collective consciousness, and the celeste:crystalfaery individuality, i am often unable to offer more than "be patient and let the energy of love shift things".'

celeste giggles, remembering the Reagan era 'bumper sticker': "SHIFT HAPPENS".

'I feel hopeful after visiting with celeste's aumakua, the crystal faeries, and bringing back to her consciousness, our aloha.'

Thank you tomril, and all my family of crystal faeries, for helping me walk this path through life.

"We'll keep the 8D ascension portal open over Kaua'i, as tomril keeps your individual portal open."

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