"This is a time of great change, therefore people who are not fully surrendered to both release the old and receive the new, are attached in duality with effort, either resisting change or attempting to force change contrary to actual changes in progress. This is, of course, completely silly, since the changes arriving for each of us are merely the mirroring of our inner energies, all well and true and easy for those operating as conscious reality creators, but a real 'issue' for those in denial. Whatever is not feeling good, is a clear sign of something to surrender into release from your inner reality as inappropriate, and whatever is feeling positive, is a clear sign of something to surrender into receiving into manifestation as expression of your essence. It is time to choose love, aloha, namaste, and to release separation, as we ascend into oneness."
When one is focussed upon appropriateness, then the associated 'feeling' related with 'having' something manifest in ones reality is that all of reality is appropriate, and therefore the feeling is simply 'peace'. In this condition, energy is relatively 'at rest', so the visualization to create the reality is much more related with the deep peace of knowingness that all is appropriate. In this perspective, the focus is upon the reality which is appropriate already existing. This contrasts greatly with any focus upon a process of attaining, characterized by desire and fulfillment.