What is 'love'?
"Love is the state of being in congruence with the positive
synergy of the divine pattern of life.
Loving intent is amplifying the optimization of the positive
synergy of the divine pattern of life.
Those who are perceiving within duality see a dichotomy between 'service to self' versus 'service to others'.
In ascended perception that dichotomy does not exist,
for it is predicated upon the lower dimensional 'separation' of an ego-self from the divine pattern of life.
Loving intent is therefor not about service to 'others',
but about cognizing the wholeness of all and optimizing its
synergy via harmony,
i.e. integration into oneness,
and it produces the condition of 'love manifest'
where all already is the divine pattern fully manifest as oneness.
There is only 'service to life',
the wholeness thereof,
the entire whologram.
Being that one is part of that whologram,
and one's own nature is of that divine life pattern,
one's service to life benefits all / one,
not just 'self' or 'other'.
Love is life.
Life is love."