
[a]scension blog

31st August 1999

i was originally brought to Kaua'i by a Kahuna of O'ahu who was of the blood lineage of the Kahunas who served King Kamehameha the 1st (I). i taught her much from my tradition, and she commented that "i made it look like a Sunday walk in the park" to do the psychic work that she struggled through, which i could only encourage, as proficiency comes with practice.
We visted most of the sacred sites on Mau'i and Kaua'i doing healings, and rebalancing energies in the 'aina. She gifted me with the Hawaiian name "Kahealani", and suggested that i would find myself to be most at home on Kaua'i.

On 1999-08-31 i moved permanently to Kaua'i, and was told by spirit that i would never leave the isle except by [a]scension.
'This was a coming home to your roots in Lemurian lifetimes.'
-- tomril

"This was a quantum leap into appropriate support of your increasing frequencies, as O'ahu was in a slide downward when you left." --
-- crystalfaeries

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