
[a]scension blog

Entries from December 1991.

31st December 1991

"The Celestine Prophecy" arrived in the metaphysical bookstore "The Emerald Rose" on Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado, (part of "The Harvest" restaruant complex), while I was doing psychic readings there... and one of my meditation students there bought the book and read it and then told me that I didn't need to read it, because I had already taught them (my students) 9 out of the 10 principles of The Celestine Prophecy, to which my immediate reply was: 'well, which principle did I miss?' as I had not yet physically read the ink on paper, however, the owner of the store had already the day it arrived in the store had me do a psychic reading on the book, blind (not knowing either the book title or the author name), a game I used to do in the store for people... hand me a book, I hold it up to my 3rd eye to read it, and tell you if you need to read it for what lessons... and I had read that: "This is a channelled metaphysical teaching from ExtraTerrestrial sources, however the author has determined that 'the people' are not ready to hear the info from such a source, and therefore, it has been reframed as if it was a historical human story so that more people can benefit."

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