
[a]scension blog

1st December 1971

Your mind will lie to you, (due to the "archontic" invasion of our ego - left-brain - text-processing - linear - logical - rational thought analyzer). You can always trust your body to tell you the physical truth. You can always trust your heart to tell you the truth of your incarnation, being a soul incarnate in a body.

If you ignore the body's messages, its painful symptoms, especially through medication, the problems only get worse as the causes go untreated. The physical body is governed by the emotional body.

If you numb your emotions, you can avoid the cause of your emotional pain.

Look to your mind to govern the emotional body. You can think all kinds of stuff, but the most useful is what validates the truth of your emotions and body. Otherwise a quiet mind is most useful, so that you can hear the messages of your soul. Seek the inner sanctum of your heart.

This journey will likely be fruitless unless your heart is open. We often close our hearts in order to not feel pain; either the pain we're afraid we're about to receive, or the pain already there. If we keep stuffing trauma and pain into the subconscious, eventually we can only feel pain when we seek heart's guidance, so we cease to go there.

It can be a chore to clean out the subconscious and catch-up to now, but once we do so, we can maintain health and harmony by following our heart's guidance.

Be willing to feel your pain so that you may stay alive!

We exist either in a rising expanding spiral, or in a falling contracting spiral. Choose the heart expanding path of rejuvenation!

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