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![[Voyagers II by Ashayana Deane]](
Voyagers 2
by Ashayana Deane
The Philadelphia Experiment and Solar Crisis
The Philadelphia Experiment of 1943
We will now resume our discussion of the Zetas plan to stop the merger of Earth and Tara's grid and what they did to the Sun in 1943 that almost caused the extinction of the human population on Earth in the 1970s.
The Zetas determined that in order to retain control of the human society within the future space-time coordinates where they had successfully achieved dominion over Tara-Earth's territories in the D-4 time cycle, they had to stop the fifth DNA strand from manifesting within the human populations of present-day Earth. Re-alignment of the fourth DNA strand by Guardian groups had broken down their D-4 Frequency Fence and they were losing control of their human subjects in the future. If the fifth DNA strand activated within 8 percent of Earth's present human populations, the race Morphogenetic Field in the Sphere of Amenti would realign the Frequency Fence distortions in the grids of Earth and Tara, and the Zetas' Frequency Fence and Zeta Collective Mind Complex in D-4 would be destroyed. The upcoming morphogenetic wave period of 2012-2017 in Earth's present time cycle would allow all Earth humans to begin assembly of their fifth DNA strand and the D-4/strand-four Zeta Seal would be released in all humans. After 2017 the Zetas would totally lose control of the future human populations, if they did not stop the fifth DNA strand from activating within Earth humans and stop the present Earth grid from receiving its scheduled infusion of fifth to ninth-dimensional frequencies.
From the beginning of their involvement with the covert human
the Zetas held this secret agenda of Earth infiltration.
When they offered the Allied Governments technological information that
helped them win World War II,
the Zetas had ulterior motives.
In 1943 the Zetas offered the U.S.
Navy a rudimentary technology that would allow them to make objects
appear invisible.
On August 12th,
1943 the experiment was conducted in Philadelphia, PA,
using a [battle ship destroyer escort],
the U.S.S. Eldridge.
The event became known as
the Philadelphia Experiment.
We will not detail the experiment here,
as there are several published accounts of this event,
but we would like you to understand
the Zetas' motivation for instigating this project.
The Zetas knew that in creating such an experiment,
which utilized the creation of
an external, manufactured Merkaba Field,
that the functions of Earth's natural Merkaba Fields would be disrupted.
They failed to share this knowledge with the U.S. government.
The experiment created a "rip in space-time,"
or a tear in the natural Merkaba Fields,
which served as a dimensional warp through which the Zetas could
secretly pass their ships to Earth from their D-4 future location.
Using this rip in space-time,
the Zetas were able to transport large numbers of their spacecraft,
undetected by human observation,
into Earth's D-2 Merkaba Field,
and, from there,
the ships could be used to broadcast specific electromagnetic pulses
directly into Earth's D-1 Merkaba Field at the center of the Sun.
Because the Earth is directly connected to Sun through the Stellar Spirals of the multidimensional Merkaba Fields, the Zetas knew they could misalign the grids of Earth and Tara by manipulating the Merkaba Fields of the Sun. They desired to create a Frequency Fence on Earth that would cause the grids of Earth and Tara to repel each other in 2012. Earth would be unable to receive its infusion of D-6 frequency, which would stop the fifth DNA strand imprint from manifesting in the races and keep Earth trapped within HU-1 for another 26,556-year cycle. They also knew that such a Frequency Fence, applied during the half-point in the second ascension cycle, would cause a pole shift on Earth, creating cataclysmic changes on Earth, wiping out the majority of the populations; once the environment had re-stabilized, the Zetas and Dracos planned to claim Earth's territories as their own.
The covert human government had no idea of the Zetas' real plan when they entered treaties with them during WW2, and they still do not know the extent to which they have heen manipulated by the Zetas. The Interior Government was not aware of the dire consequences that could have resulted from these actions. Violation of human rights through covert forced abductions of citizens for hybridization experimentation was the least of the troubles created by the Zetas' involvement. In 1943 the Zetas used the opportunity presented by the Philadelphia Experiment to begin their plan of shifting the Earth's grid out of alignment with Tara via manipulating the energy fields of the Sun. To the present day, the Interior Government does not realize that it was this event which triggered abnormal activity on the Sun between 1949 and 1972, activity which had some of Earth's scientific community very concerned about the probability of a major pole shift occurring sometime during the 1970s or 1980s. The Merkaba Fields of the Earth, the Sun and Tara are intimately intertwined with each other and with the Pleiadian star system and others, so following 1943 the Zetas plan brought many different Guardian groups into Earth's drama.
After the rip in space-time was made on August 12th, 1943, the Zetas secretly positioned their spacecraft beneath Earth's surface in the D-2 frequency bands and began beaming electromagnetic pulses into the Sun. Using these E [lectro-]M [agnetic] pulses, the following effects were created:
The spin of the base tone particles/magnetic field of the Sun's D-1 Merkaba Field was reversed, which made the Sun's D-1 magnetic spiral become electrical. This change in the Sun created a reciprocal shift of polarity within the D-1 Merkaba Field of Earth. Earth's D-1 base tone particles/magnetic spiral became electrical. This, in turn, caused Earth's D-1 electrical/overtone particle spiral to reverse and become magnetic. Through spacecraft positioned within the D-4 frequency bands, the Zeta next reversed the spin on the Sun's D-4 Merkaba Field, which set the pattern for Tara's grid through the gold core crystal at the center of the Sun. The D-4 Merkaba Fields of particle and anti-particle Tara were reversed. These actions constituted a full reversal of Earth's D-1 electromagnetic Merkaba Fields, and a partial reversal of Tara's D-4 electromagnetic Merkaba Fields, putting both out of alignment with the Merkaba Fields of D-2, D-3, D-5 and D-6,
Normally, when the grids of Tara and Earth begin to enter alignment with each other about five years before the half-cycle point, the D-1 and D-4 Merkaba Fields line up as follows:
Earth's electrical overtone spiral in D-1 aligns with Tara's base tone magnetic Spiral in D-4, and Earth's magnetic base tone spiral in D-1 aligns with Tara's electrical overtone spiral in D-4.
This alignment of D-1 electrical to D-4 magnetic and D-1 magnetic to D-4 Electrical creates an interdimensional Resonant Tone through which the planetary grids can fuse. Following the reversal of Tara's D-4 and Earth's D-1 Merkaba Fields, the new alignment between Earth's and Tara's Merkaba Fields became D-1 electrical to D-4 electrical and D-1 magnetic to D-4 magnetic. The particles, which compose the planetary grids, would magnetically repel each other and the grids of Earth and Tara could not fuse. But this plan also causes major imbalance within the D-2, D-3, D-5 and D-6 Merkaba Fields. If the Siriun Council and other Guardian groups had not intervened, the human populations of Earth would have been vaporized between 1972-1974.
By 1950 Earth scientists began to notice odd phenomena occurring on the Sun, as the Sun appeared to release periodic spirals of energy toward the Earth. This phenomenon was heavily observed between 1952 and 1968, and there was great concern that this solar anomaly would alter the wobble of Earth upon its axis, creating a pole shift of the planet. Although most of this information was blacked out of the media and kept from the public, some of these studies were published in scientific journals and news papers, especially after 1968, when the scientists calculated that if events continued as they were, by 1972 there would be a huge explosion on the Sun that would cause pole reversal and wipe out humanity by about 1984. On August 7, 1972 the solar explosions began to occur. Earth scientists observed a rapid increase in solar flares for several days, which peaked on August 7th, with the most intense flare ever recorded. Solar winds accelerated at an alarming rate in the most intense solar storm ever witnessed by Earth scientists. Published accounts of these observations can be found in scientific literature from this time period. The solar winds increased rapidly between August 7th and August 10th 1972, then strangely the winds began a rapid decrease in speed and the solar storms appeared to die down in the month that followed. This was a perplexing observation to Earth scientists; they had no idea that the Siriun Council had intervened
Solar Crisis and 11:11 / 12:12 Wave of Flame and Red Pulse
In January of 1972 members of the Sirian Council, Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense, the Pleiadian Star League and several other Guardian groups entered the UHF bands of Earth's atmosphere, aware of the solar events that were to occur. If they had not intervened, Earth's populations would have been wiped out by 1974. When the electromagnetic Merkaba Fields of the Sun are artificially manipulated, such as they were by the Zetas following the Philadelphia Experiment, erratic electrical energies build up within the Sun's energetic grid, throwing all of the Sun's Merkaba Fields out of balance. As the misalignment of the Sun's EM fields progresses, it manifests as an acceleration of solar-flare activity, which eventually culminates in surface explosions and temporary expansion of the Sun's Merkaba Fields, lasting about 950-970 years.
In 1972, the first explosions began to occur. The explosions would have continued until about September of 1973, when the Sun's D-1 Merkaba Field would have burst open and expanded. The expansion of the Sun's D-1 Merkaba Field would have sent an intense wave of ULF energy out through all of the planets in the local solar system. This wave of energy would cause a chain reaction within all of the planetary Merkaba Fields, through which pole reversal and vaporization of surface life would result. This wave of expanding D-1 energy is called a Red Pulse (red denoting its D-1 frequency), and it constitutes a wave of solar flame within the D-1 frequency bands. Life-forms on planets in the First Harmonic Universe cannot survive such an infusion of ULF D-1 energy, because it would implode the molecular structure before the genetic code could expand enough to process those frequencies.
In order to avert the pending termination of Earth life, the Guardian races, under the direction of the Sirian Council, altered several layers of the morphogenetic fields of Earth and the local planets. As the Red Pulse Wave of Flame would be coming in on the electrical overtone D-1 frequency bands, all of the D-1 overtones were temporarily removed from the planetary morphogenetic fields. This served to create a D-1 seal around Earth's core, so the ULF of the Red Pulse could not enter Earth's grid, or the grids of the neighboring planets. Next, a frequency seal was placed within the D-4 frequency bands, in order to block D-4 frequencies from entering into Earth's morphogenetic field. Once the overtones of D-1 were removed, Earth's core could not synthesize incoming D-4 frequency, and the core would explode, so D-4 frequencies had to be temporarily blocked from Earth. To create the D-4 seal, the first 11 (out of 12) base tones and overtones of D-4 were removed from Earth's morphogenetic field, which meant that Earth's lower three Merkaba Fields connected with the D-4 Merkaba Field only at the level of the 12th base tone and 12th overtone. These morphogenetic manipulations created another Frequency Fence, which served as a protective barrier around Earth and the neighboring planets. In energetic terms the 11:11 / 12:12 Frequency Fence took the form of a spherical band of energy surrounding Earth, within the D-1 and D-4 frequency bands -- a protective "bubble" of multidimensional energy.
Following the implementation of the Guardians' Frequency Fence, humanity was under three layers of frequency modulation, the original Frequency Fence Quarantine from 9540 BC, the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence from 1748 AD and the Frequency Fence of 1972. All three of these Frequnency Fences would need to be lifted in order for the Blue Flame of Amenti to become embodied on Earth between 2012 and 2017. As Frequency Fences are Morphogenetic manipulations, they also manifest within the DNA imprint of the races. The DNA of 8 percent of the human populations would have to be realigned and purged of the three Frequency Fence Seals and the remaining mutations from the earlier Amenti, Palaidorian, Templar and Templar-Axle Seals by January 1, 2012. Guardian races began conducting mass-level, consensual, soul-agreement abductions of humans since 1972, in order to help humans begin repairing these genetic mutations, and also to begin education on preparation for 2012. Memory repression tactics were used to spare humanity the terror of facing events that it was not yet prepared to understand. The Zetas had been conducting frequent forced abductions since the late 1940s as part of their hybridization program. They also used memory repression tactics. Guardians did not participate in these forced abductions, nor did they participate in intrusive experimentation.
When the 11:11 / 12:12 Frequency Fence was established in 1972, the Guardians knew it was a temporary measure to buy the time they needed to rebalanoe the Merkaba Fields of Earth and the Sun. Balancing the Merkaba Fields was the most important project in the Guardian agenda. Since 9558 BC, when the islands of Atlantis sank and the Earth tilted on her axis, the Guardians knew they would have to assist in realigning the Merkaba Fields of Earth before the 2012-2017 ascension cycle. Following the events of 1943-1972, this rebalancing effort would be much more difficult to achieve. Originally the Guardians planned to slowly accelerate the vibration rate of Earth's grid through occasional infusions of D-4 energy that would slowly bring the grid into alignment and correct the pole tilt over the course of about 2,000 years. These occasional energy transmissions began in 196 BC, when Earth entered its present 4,426-year cycle. In their original plan the Guardians intended to raise Earth's grid vibration into the UHF bands of the third dimension beginning in the 1950s, so the first seal on the Arc of the Covenant could be released no later than October of 1986. Following the release of the first seal on the Arc, the Sphere of Amenti would begin its 12-14 month descent into Earth's core.
The Sphere of Amenti had to be in place no later than 1/1/1988 so the Sphere would be able to fulfill the First 12-year phase of its activation cycle no later than 2,000 AD. Once the Sphere was fully activated to the 3rd dimensional level in Earth's D-2 core, it would cause Earth's grid to send a spark of D-5 frequency into the Arc of the Covenant, releasing the second seal on the Arc. This would begin the 12-year descent of the Blue Flame of Amenti and the shift of Earth from the D-3 to the D-4 time cycle. The second seal on the Arc of the Covenant had to spark open no later than 6/1998 so the shift into the D-4 time cycle would begin by 1/1/2000, in order for the Earth's grid to be prepared for proper fusion with Tara's grid between 2012-2017. The D-5 frequencies of the Blue Flame had to be embodied within the populations of Earth, no later than 5/5/2012, or else Earth changes would result when the grids began to merge.
When the Zetas' Frequency Fence and genetic mutation from the future began affecting Earth in 1748, creating blockages of the D-4 frequencies in Earth‘s morphogenetic field and fourth-strand DNA mutations in the races, the Guardians began construction of an artificial D-4 grid imprint within the Earth's morphogenetic field. They re-entered the aligned D-4 frequency patterns into the gold core crystal D-4 Merkaba Field at the center of the Sun, which began to restore the D-4 imprint in the Earth's morphogenetic field and within the Sphere of Amenti. This allowed the Guardians to continue infusing Earth with D-4 frequency to slowly reverse Earth's unnatural tilt on its axis. This artificial D-4 imprint also began the deterioration of the Zetas' Frequency Fence and a reverse mutation of the fourth DNA strand. The new D-4 imprint manifested as a band of UHF energy surrounding the outer portions of the Earth's atmosphere, about 444,000 miles out in space, just beyond the 12th overtone of the third dimension. It allowed human consciousness to continue its expansion into D-4 perception and allowed the Earth's infusion of D-4 energy accelerations to continue. This artificial D-4 grid which the Guardians began constructing in 1748, has frequently been referred to in New Age terminology as the "artificial Christ Consciousness Grid". This term was chosen because the upper frequency bands of D-4 represent the beginning levels of the Turaneusiam 12-strand DNA consciousness, which was exemplified on Earth by Jesheua-12 in 12 BC-27 AD. When the problems arose with the Zetas' manipulation of the Sun between 1943-1972, the artificial D-4 grid became blocked by the 11:11 / 12:12 Frequency Fence.
In 1972, the Guardians had to accelerate their whole energy infusion program in order to reverse the damage the Zetas had caused, which meant that humanity would be put on a course of very rapid evolution between 1972 and 2012. For the artificial D-4 grid to become operational again, the 11:11 / 12:12 Frequency Fence had to be removed, which meant that the D-4 and D-1 Merkaba Fields of the Sun had to be returned to their original polarity. This Would correct the D-1 Merkaba Field of Earth and the D-4 Merkaba Field of Tara-Earth so the grids could fuse in 2012, if the Earth grid vibration was raised high enough in time to hold the Sphere of Amenti.
The Earth's grid had to reach the speed of the UHF bands of D-3 for the first seal on the Arc of the Covenant to spark and release the Sphere of Amenti by 10/1986. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for the Guardians to raise Earth's grid speed that high without the infusions of D-4 energy that were now blocked by the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence, so correction of the Sun's Merkaba Fields became a race for time within the Guardian legions. Even though the Frequency Fence did not lift until 1992, the Guardians were successful in raising the grid Speed enough for the Arc of the Covenant to open by the 10/1986 deadline. The accelerated energy infusions used to re-balance the Merkaba Fields of the Sun, began in 1973 and were projected into the solar fields via beam ships stationed in the future D-4 time cycle. These infusions would cause rapid shifts of the energy fields on Earth, which would have created havoc within the consciousness of the human populations and instability of Earth's natural EM fields. However, that 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence allowed the Guardians to employ Holographic Insert technology on Earth, through which the illusion of grid stability could be created, so the Guardian re-balancing efforts would remain undetected and excessive instability within the human populations could be avoided. Earth existed under these Guardian-created Holographic Inserts from 1973 to 1/11/1992, when the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence began lifting.
The Montauk Project
Zetas and Rigelians, the Montauk Project 1983 and 2976 AD
Between 1973 and 1980 Earth remained under the Guardians' Holographic Inserts and the illusion of electromagnetic stability they created, While the Guardians worked to complete realignment of the Sun's Merkaba Fields. By 1982 the Zetas became tremendously frustrated as they observed the continuing breakdown of their Collective Mind Complex in the D-4 time cycle, and began to realize that the Guardians would correct the misalignment of the Sun in time for the ascension period to proceed as scheduled. Between 1982 and 1984, most members of the Zeta Legion entered into treaties with the Guardian races, and agreed to stop their plan of Earth infiltration. These agreements also included the Zetas from the D-4 time cycle, who had fallen under domination of the Dracos in that future time period. The Guardians agreed to relocate the Zeta races and their hybrids to another planetary system in D-4, where they could evolve peacefully, as long as the Zetas agreed to follow the dictates of the Sirian Council and Galactic Federation, and to operate upon principles of the Law of One from that time forward. The Zetas were also required to fully dismantle their Collective Mind Complex in D-4, to release the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence and to assist the Guardians in preparing Earth and humanity for 2012. Though most of the Zetas agreed, and began working with the Guardians in 1983, several Zeta and most Dracos groups refused to release their desire for possession of Earth. These groups became known as the Dracos-Zeta Resistance, which included rebellious Zeta races, Dracos and their hybrids.
The primary Zeta groups that refused Guardian treaties are the Zeta Greys from a solar system that orbits the star Rigel, in the Orion star system. These are frequently called the Rigelians; we know them as the Futczhi (pronounced FOO'-SHE). It is this Zeta group that formed treaties with the Interior Government on Earth and orchestrated the Zeta Seal and manipulations of the Sun: They are the most aggressive and militant of the Zeta Grey races and are extremely dangerous to humans, because they often attempt to present themselves as Guardians in order to seduce humans into being their earthly operatives.
The Rigelians/Futczhi dominated the other Zeta races in the D-4 time cycle until the majority of these non-Rigelian Zetas rebelled and sought Guardian protection when this option was offered between 1982-1984. Following the Guardian treaties of 1982-1984, the Zeta-Dracos hybrids known as the Rutilia, who had always been the primary go-betweens in Zeta-Futczhi / human relations, served as infiltrates within the Interior Government, and continued to secretly motivate humans to continue helping them fulfill their old agenda. (Note: the Rutilia are those beings referred to by the government as "EBE's" (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). They closely resemble the Greys, but usually have a lighter gray to gray-white complexion, and more pronounced ridging at the rear of the skull). The Dracos-Zeta Resistance had to find a way to reconstruct the Zeta Seal, Frequency Fence and Zeta Collective Mind Complex before 2012, in order to regain control of the human populations in D-4.
The Dracos-Zeta Resistance set their new plan in motion in 1983, when they covertly motivated humans to create another experiment, similar to the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. They desired to create another rip in space-time, through which large numbers of their ships could be secretly sent from the future to Earth, into three different time-space coordinates. From these positions in time, the ships could enter the D-2 frequency bands of Earth and begin transmitting ElectroMagnetic pulses through the Earth's grid, which would serve to reconstruct their Frequency Fence and cause mutation in the fourth DNA strand.
Even if the grids of Earth and Tara were able to merge between 2012-2017, the human gene code would not have time to fully assemble the fifth DNA strand in the majority of the populations. This would stop the scheduled ascensions through the Halls of Amenti and keep the Zeta Seal operational within the Sphere of Amenti, so their human captives in D-4 would once again be subject to Zeta/Dracos control. For their new plan to work, the Zetas had to begin broadcasting their EM pulse Frequency Fence as close to 2012 as possible, While still allowing enough time for the fence to take effect within the human gene code. It would take a minimum of six years for the new frequency fence to cause the fourth DNA strand mutation in the majority of the human populations, so the Dracos-Zeta Resistance would have to begin broadcasting their EM pulses no later than 2006. If they began broadcasting too soon, the Guardians' infusions of D-4 frequency would counteract their EM transmissions, and the genetic mutation would not "hold" within the DNA. The Dracos-Zeta Resistance decided upon the year 2004 as their target date. In order to fulfill their plan of covert mass infiltration, they Would have to enter their fleets into Earth's D-2 frequency bands during the peak of Earth's D-1/D-4 Merkaba Field cycle, which takes place every 20 years on August 12th.
Dimensional Merkaba Fields go through cycles of movement in which the two spiraling energy fields vertically condense and draw toward each other, then progressively expand on the vertical axis, drawing away from each other. When the Merkaba Fields draw away from each other, the upright electrical Spiral blends into the magnetic Merkaba spiral of the dimension above, which causes a temporary blending of frequencies between the magnetic spiral of one dimension and that of the dimension above. These points of interdimensional magnetic spiral blending are called Dimensional Magnetic Peaks. During Magnetic Peaks, natural interdimensional portal windows briefly open, allowing unencumbered transit between dimensional bands. Magnetic Peaks also occur between the Merkaba Spirals of Harmonic Universes, through which the Merkaba Fields of a dimension in one Harmonic Universe blend with the Merkaba Fields of the corresponding dimension one Harmonic Universe up; these blending periods are called Harmonic Magnetic Peaks. Each Harmonic Universe has three dimensions, each of the three dimensions representing a base tone, overtone or resonant tone, within the 15-dimensional scale. D-1, D-4, D-7, D-1O, and D-13 are base tone dimensions. D-2, D-5, D-8, D-11 and D-13 are overtone dimensions. D-3, D-6, D-9, D-12 and D-15 are resonant tone dimensions. Harmonic Magnetic Peaks occur when base tone-base tone, overtone-overtone, or resonant tone-resonant tone Merkaba Field alignments take place. The D-1 base tone Merkaba Field of Earth and the D-4 base tone Merkaba Field of Tara reach their Magnetic Peak cycle once every 20 years between August 12th-15th, at which time a dimensional window opens between Earth's HU-1, and Tara's HU-2, time continuum cycles.
The first Harmonic Magnetic Peak of the 20th century occurred on August 12th, 1903, and the last on August 12th, 1983. These periods mark a time of peak magnetic pull within Earth's subtle energy bodies and heightened dimensional blending, through which large numbers of Dracos-Zeta ships could be cloaked and brought to Earth from D-4. August 12th, 2003 is the closest peak date to the Dracos-Zeta Resistance target date of 2004. The plan called for a simultaneous entry of beam ships during three time periods, and once the Zetas had successfully orchestrated infiltration, they would broadcast their Frequency Fence through Earth's grid and begin the genetic mutation. If they attempted this mutation from only one time period, there would not be enough time for it to take hold within the majority of the populations. By entering the EM transmissions at the three different, but closely related time periods of 1943, 1983, and 2003, a great number of people would be affected.
For the Dracos-Zeta Resistance plan to be effective, they would have to create three rips in space-time on Earth, through which their ships could be entered. One such rip already existed from the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 and one would have to be created in 2003. The Resistance scheduled the third rip in space-time for the next Harmonic Magnetic Peak cycle of August 12th 1983, the only opportunity they would have before 2003. Working with the Interior Government, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance orchestrated another experiment, which came to be known as the Montauk Project. Again, accounts of this experiment are available in other publications, so we will not detail here.
The Montauk project served to widen the rip in 1983 space-time that had begun as the result of the Philadelphia Experiment. By August 14th, 1983 the time periods of 1943 and 1983 were successfully linked to the Dracos-Zeta Resistance this time period, which they used as a base of operations. From 1983 to the present, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance resumed their hybridization program through abducting humans, creating several strains of hybrids and human clones. They also created infiltrates via genetic engineering, through which they could interface with Earth's cultures under the guise of human form. Infiltrates are children conceived of natural human conception, whose mothers were abducted during pregnancy so Zeta-Dracos genetic materials could be infused into the fetus. These children are born (usually within the seventh month of gestation) and raised by their human parents, and appear to be fully human. They are consciously unaware of their ET affiliation, but can be subliminally directed by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance via the DNA and neurological structure. When Guardian groups locate such infiltrate individuals, they orchestrate abductions, and dismantle the Zeta-Dracos gene codes, thereby freeing these mostly human subjects from their covert controllers.
2976 AD and the Dracos-Zeta Resistance
The Guardians became aware of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance problem in 1984, and were able to trace probable events in the future that would result from this present activity. What they discovered was alarming, as the consequences of this infiltration were more far-reaching than they had speculated. They discovered a future event that would occur in the year 2976 AD, that was the result of the Zetas' interference after the year 2000. In this probable future, the Guardians had been successful in realigning the Merkaba Fields of Earth and the Sun, but in 2003 AD the Dracos-Zeta Resistance is also successful with their infiltration plan. The Guardians saw that the Zetas' new Frequency Fence partially misaligns Earth's grid, in 2012, and when Earth and Tara begin to intersect, major Earth changes result. Though Earth still bases with Tara and releases a morphogenetic wave as intended, just as that wave begins to crest (2012), the Earth changes begin. When the morphogenetic wave begins to crest, the Halls of Amenti portals open, but the Earth grid must be stable in order for the Halls to remain open through their 10-year cycle (2012-2022). The Earth changes cause a premature closing of the Halls of Amenti, which creates a rapid drop in Earth's grid speed. The Sphere of Amenti can not be left in Earth's core during this drop in vibration or the Earth grid will explode. In this future probability, Guardians remove the Sphere of Amenti from Earth and human populations come under direct covert control of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. The Zeta Seal genetic mutation is returned to the human race. Once Earth is under Dracos-Zeta rule, the Zetas are attacked and dominated by the Dracos group with whom they had been working. The Dracos take command of Earth in both the D-3 and D-4 time cycles and begin to use the D-3 Earth as a storehouse for unwanted photo-nuclear waste materials from the D-4 Tara-Earth time cycle. (Photo-nuclear waste is produced through certain processes involving the manufacture of photonic energy through manipulation of multidimensional nuclear materials). This process causes a massive nuclear explosion on D-3 in 2976 AD. through which Earth is destroyed. All souls involved in the cataclysm fragment and are lost within HU-1. Their connections to the Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field and their personal soul matrices are severed.
If this future event occurred in present-Earth's line of development, not only would the Earth and the major part of the human race be lost, but the evolution of Tara in HU-2 would be set back by eons, as Tara would remain trapped in her HU-2 time cycles until Earth's imprint could be reconstructed and re-evolve in HU-1.
Upon discovering these probable future events, Guardian groups made an appeal to the Resistance Zetas, telling them of the Dracos' betrayal and offering to assist them in relocation, if they would give up their infiltration plan. The Zetas refused to alter their plans.
Though the Guardians could easily subdue the Dracos-Zeta legions in a forced confrontation,
such a confrontation would cause major damage to the Earth's Merkaba Fields,
which would ensure the destruction of the human populations.
The Guardians had to find a better way to avert the new Dracos-Zeta agenda.
Not only did the Guardians bear the responsibility for preparing Earth and humanity for 2012,
they now had the additional burden of protecting their preparation plan
from Dracos-Zeta Resistance sabotage.
In December of 1984, the Sirian Council, Pleiadian Star League,
Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense,
the Andromeda Federation of Planets,
the Palaidorians of HU-2
and several other Guardian groups from HU-1, HU-2 and HU-3,
co-created the Bridge Zone Project,
in order to protect Earth and the human populations from Dracos-Zeta
Resistance infiltration,
and the destruction of Earth in 2976 AD that would result from this
Note that A'shayana Deane states
at 2:24:25 into Ascension Mechanics part 1 that
the Bridge Zone Project failed in 2003, and alternatives were then created.
-- celeste
The Dracos-Zeta Resistance is presently quite aware of the Guardian's Bridge Zone plan, but they are confident that humanity will be unable to rise to the occasion and feel sure their infiltration plan will be successful. The Guardians believe humanity can indeed pull together and make the Bridge Zone project a success. For this reason we of the Guardian Alliance bring to you this hidden knowledge, so that you may be prepared to make a stand on behalf of your own evolution and freedom.
Current Events
The Bridge Zone Project
The Bridge Zone Time Continuum Shift 12/1984 present
Before the Dracos-Zeta legions had altered the EM fields of the Sun in 1943 the Guardians' preparation plans were relatively simple. Using their artificial "Christ Consciousness" D-4 grid from 1748, they progressively sent transmissions of UHF D-4 energy into Earth's grid to raise the vibration of Earth's core high enough to send the first spark into the Arc of the Covenant by October of 1986. The Sphere of Amenti would complete its 14-month descent through the Arc from the UHF bands of D-3 by 1988. The Sphere of Amenti would merge its D-1, D-2 and D-3 frequency patterns with, and expand Earth's morphogenetic field no later than 6/1998, which would spark the Arc a second time, beginning the 12-year descent of the Blue Flame and Earth's temporary 2000 AD shift into the D-4 time cycle. The Guardians would continue to gradually realign Earth's Merkaba Fields / electromagnetic fields to correct the tilt caused by Atlantis sinking. This would align Earth's fourth vortex / Heart Chakra at Giza with the Alcyone energy spiral by 2004, in preparation for Earth's entry into the Photon Belt and Holographic Beam, and the opening of the Halls of Amenti in 2012.
The original Quarantine Frequency Fence from 9540 BC would begin to lift once the Arc of the Covenant first opened, and all traces of the fourth-strand DNA Zeta Seal mutation and Zeta Frequency Fence would dissolve once the Arc was sparked a second time and D-4 frequency from the Sphere of Amenti would begin transmitting through Earth's grid. Between 1/1988 and 1/2017, the seven natural seals on Earth's seven primary vortex points would progressively open as the dimensional Merkaba Fields and Stellar Spirals began opening and blending into each other; while the Guardians assisted the Earth grid to remain balanced through these transitions. The Guardians planned to offer dispensations of teachings to humans while the veils between the ego, higher self and soul identity began to lift, as the DNA progressively assembled. The Guardians primary concern at this time was to realign Earth's Merkaba Fields and bring Giza into alignment with Alcyone. They would ensure that the descent of the Sphere of Amenti and the Blue Flame stayed on schedule. Guardians were to maintain planetary balance while Earth's seven vortex seals opened, and they would begin making subtle Contact with humans, to help them prepare for the opening of the Halls of Amenti.
Following the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, the Zetas' manipulation of the solar Merkaba Fields and the necessity of the Guardians' 11:11 / 12:12 Frequency Fence of 1972, the Guardians' preparation plan and deadline schedule became more taxing. Before the original plan could continue, the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence, which blocked all of the fourth-dimensional frequencies except the 12th base tone and overtone out of Earth's grid, had to be dismantled. Though the Guardians could alter the Frequency Fence enough to allow the Sphere of Amenti to enter Earth's core on schedule, the fence could not remain intact when the Sphere of Amenti began transmitting D-4 frequency into Earth's grid in January of 2000, when the fourth vortex seal opened. It would take about four years for the Earth's grid to balance once the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence was released, so the fence had to be down no later that 1/1996.
Once the Sphere of Amenti was Opened, if the D-4 frequencies could not enter Earth's core in 1/2000, the D-4 Merkaba Field of Tara, the gold core crystal stored at the center of the Sun, would explode. In this event, not only would Earth explode, but so would the other 10 planets of the local solar system and the Sun, all of which are energetically attached to the D-4 Merkaba Field gold core crystal. This would begin a similar chain reaction within the Pleiadian star system, to which Earth's Sun belongs. As you may now understand, balance and timing are extremely important factors when the Halls of Amenti open. In order to remove the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence, the Merkaba Fields of the Sun would have to be carefully realigned no later than 6/1994, which would allow one and one-half years for the Earth's grids to rebalance before the Frequency Fence was lifted. Realigning the solar fields is a delicate process in and of itself, but this process combined with the general preparations of opening the Halls of Amenti within the scheduled deadlines served to make the Guardians' task even more complex.
As if these complications were not enough, the Guardians then discovered the porentially disastrous results of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance infiltration and their plan to re-institute their Frequency Fence and Zeta Seal in 2003. The events of the 2017 ascension cycle were taking a very serious turn. and if the circumstances were not handled properly, the human populations would be decimated by severe Earth changes between 2012-2017. The option of stopping the Sphere of Amenti from descending through the Arc of the Covenant. and thus allowing Earth and humanity to remain trapped within HU-1 time cycles for another 26,556 years, was no longer open. The Earth changes of 2012-4011 could be primarily avoided in this case, but humanity would fall under dominion of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and under that influence the Earth would meet with an untimely, cataclysmic end in 2976 AD. These events could not be allowed to transpire, as they were set to occur. The explosion of Earth would cause tragic consequences for Earth, Tara and numerous other star systems. The lost souls of Tara, whom the Guardians had so painstakingly nurtured and protected for the past 550 million years, would once again be fragmented and left with no evolutionary blue print to follow.
The Rigelian/Futczhi Zetas working with the Dracos would not listen to reason and the Dracos would not release their claims on Earth. Confrontational force between the Guardians and the Dracos-Zeta Resistance, during Earth's most vulnerable period, would destroy the planetary balances of Earth, so the Guardians had to turn to high-spiritual technology in order to shift the course of events as they were evolving on Earth. In 1984 Guardian groups from HU-1, HU-2 and HU-3 joined together to create the Bridge Zone Project. The basic idea behind the Bridge Zone project involved shifting Earth completely out of the HU-1 time cycle, an event that would not occur naturally until the second morphogenetic wave of the second ascension cycle, during the natural Doreadeshi in 4230 AD. Since the Guardians could not move the Dracos-Zeta Resistance out of the way of Earth' intended evolution, they would instead move Earth out of the way of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. The Guardians would construct an artificial time continuum between the third and fourth dimensions, into which Earth could pass in 2017. This constituted orchestrating a forced Doreadeshi, 2213 years ahead of its natural schedule.
In order for the Dracos-Zeta Resistance's Frequency Fence to work in 2003-2004 AD, they had to transmit very specific EM pulses, at very specific angles through the Earth's grid. The Zetas had worked since 1943 to decipher the appropriate calculations to use for the projections of their EM pulses. If the Merkaba Fields of Earth were rapidly accelerated, which would constitute a planetary leap in time cycles from the HU-1/D-3 cycle to Bridge Zone D-3.5 cycle of the Inner Earth, between D-3 and D-4, the Zetas-Dracos calculations would be useless. The Earth's grid speed would be increased to a level that the Frequency Fence EM pulses could not reach. The Dracos-Zeta Resistance would not have enough time to decipher new calculations, and once Earth was stabilized in the Bridge Zone D-3.5 time continuum, and under full Guardian protection, the Dracos-Zetas could not successfully launch an infiltration. Furthermore, if Earth was successfully shifted, and its frequency raised sufficiently, the Dracos-Zetas would lose control of their Frequency Fence and their human captives in the D-4 cycle. For humanity to shift into the Bridge Zone with Earth, the populations would have to fully assemble their DNA to the 4.5-strand level, and a minimum of 8 percent would have to assemble the fifith DNA strand. Along with this, 144,000 individuals would need to fully assemble the sixth strand, embody their entire soul matrix and begin to assemble the seventh-twelfth strands. This acceleration of the human genetic imprint would release the D-4 Zeta Seal from all of the human races Present and future, and would allow Earth's grid speed to raise high enough to remain in the Bridge Zone.
Following the shift to the Bridge Zone, Earth would leap ahead 2213 years by skipping the second half of its D-3 cycle, then move backward in time 1106.5 years within the Bridge Zone cycle. After completing 1106.5 years in the Bridge Zone, Earth would leap ahead another 1106.5 years by skipping the first half of its first D-4 cycle. Earth would then pass into the first D-4 cycle at the half-cycle point and continue its path of natural evolution through the D-4 time cycles, This movement of 2213 years ahead, 1106.5 back, and 1106.5 ahead in time represents a cumulative leap of 2213 years in evolutionary space-time progression. The Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence would end up in the dimensional frequency bands below the Bridge Zone frequency bands in which the Earth was positioned, and thus Earth's grid would be unaffected. However, once Earth was above the frequency fence, it could not be re-entered into the dimensional bands below the fence. The Merkaba Fields of Earth would re-seal in 2017, locking Earth into the Bridge Zone time continuum. If the Guardians were going to force an early Doreadeshi, by moving both the overtone/electrical fields and the base tone/magnetic fields of Earth into the Bridge Zone time continuum cycle during the 2017 half-cycle point, the move would have to be permanent.
Bridge Zone Mechanics
The idea of shifting a planetary body from one time continuum to another may seem quite outrageous to a civilization that does not yet have a working comprehension of multidimensional physics. We assure you that such a procedure is most definitely real and valid in terms of the structural energetic dynamics of the Time Matrix. This procedure is not used frequently, for it is a complex and delicate process requiring direct intervention from the higher Harmonic Universes of HU-3 HU-5. For the most part, planets and civilizations are allowed to evolve along the course of their own development, following their own choices and meeting with the consequences of those choices. But occasionally a planet and its peoples get into trouble that has far reaching consequences for numerous planetary systems, and in these cases intervention in the course of evolution is permitted. Earth is presently in such a state of potential crisis, unbeknownst to most of its populations.
TimeCycle Mechanics and Evolution
In order to understand the dynamics involved in such a time continuum shift, it is helpful to realize that the Structure and illusion of linear time is created through the pulsation rate of particles and their relationship to that of other particles. Each of the six 4,426 year smaller cycles within one 26,556 year Harmonic Time Cycle represents one time continuum. A 26,556-year Harmonic Time cycle, through which a planet evolves through the 3-dimensional bands of one Harmonic Universe, is called an Eurago. A planet passes through each of the six smaller time continua as it progresses upward through the 3-dimensional scale within its Harmonic Universe. Each dimensional band contains two time continua of 4,426 years each, so each dimension represents a time track of 8,852 years.
Of the six time continua in a 26,556-year Euiago cycle, four time continua represent forward-moving tracks of time called Pardo, and two represent counter-rotating tracks of time called Reiago, in which the planet passes through the parallel universe. A Pardo = 17,704 years (4 continua of 4,426 years each = 4 x 4,426 years = 17,704 years). A Reiago = 8,852 years (2 continua of 4,426 years each = 2 x 4,426 years = 8,852 years) spent in the parallel universe. Each Euiago eontains one Parole and one Reiago.
A planet's progression through one time continuum creates a 45degrees shift in the angular rotation of particle spin, or 1/8th of a full 360degrees rotation of particles, thus one continuum represents one dimensional Octave. One Octave = a 4,426-year track of time. One dimension contains two time continua, or two Octaves. A planet's progression through one dimension creates a 90degrees shift (2 shifts of 45degrees) in the angular rotation of particle spin, or one-fourth of a full 360degrees rotation, thus one dimension represents one Harmonic Quadrant. One Quadrant = an 8,852 year track of time. Three dimensions, three Quadrants, or six Octaves (time continua) represent one Harmonic Universe. One Harmonic Universe = a 26,556-year track of time.
As a planet progresses through the first two Pardo Octaves, the angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90degrees from its original position. Upon entering the two Reiago Octaves in the parallel universe, the angular rotation of particle spin undergoes a 90degrees reverse rotation, bringing the angular rotation of particle spin back to its original position. As the planet completes the final two Pardo Octaves, returning from the parallel universe, the angular rotation of particle spin again shifts 90degrees. Through the progression of three dimensions, or Quadrants, the angular rotation of particle spin has a cumulative shift of 90degrees (+90degrees, -90degrees, +90degrees = +90degrees shift), so in one Harmonic Universe the angular rotation of particle spin undergoes one-quarter of a full 360degrees rotation.
When passing from one Euiago cycle (Harmonic Universe) to the next, the angular rotation of particle spin shifts 45degrees. Between HU-1 and HU-2, the 45degrees shift is a 45degrees reverse angular rotation of particle spin. Earth enters HU-2 with its particles at a 45degrees angular rotation from their original position upon entering HU-1 (+90degrees, -45degrees = +45degrees shift). In the progression from one Harmonic Universe to the next, the angular rotation of particle spin moves forward 1/4th, then backward 1/8th of a full 360degrees rotation.
It is through the multidimensional relationships hetween angles of particle and anti-particle spin that multiple reality fields can take place in the same space, while remaining invisible to each other as a planet evolves through this process, the rate of particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which time moves, progressively increases while the density of matter particles progressively decreases. This is the process of planetary evolution through the 15-dimensional scale.
A planet moves from one dimensional frequency band to the next, and from one time continuum to the next, by magnetically drawing into its morphogenetic field, particles from the Unified Field of energy for each dimension. when a planet has pulled in all the frequency patterns of one dimension into its' morphogenetic field, it then moves upward into the next dimensional field to complete the same process.
As a planet pulls in particles and patterns of frequency from the Unified Fields, its morphogenetic field progressively expands to include those frequency patterns and the pulsation rate of its particles progressively increases. For each dimensional band there is a corresponding specific rate of particle pulsation and also a specific angular rotation of particle spin. In one Harmonic Universe a planet simultaneously has three levels of energetic identity, one in each of the three-dimensional fields of that Harmonic Universe. The three levels of a planet's identity function together to give you the illusion of Earth's matter solidity. The particle content of each level of Earth's body pulsates at a rhythm characteristic to the dimension in which each portion of the body is stationed, and particles spin on an angular rotation that is characteristic to the respective dimension. The planet exists within each of six time continua simultaneously, as each of the three levels of the planet's body pulls in energy from its respective dimensional band, through the synchronization of particle pulsation speed and angular rotation of spin within each of the six time continua. A planet evolves out of one Harmonic Universe and into the next as each level of its three-dimensional body simultaneously completes pulling the frequency patterns of its respective dimension into the planet's morphogenetic field. These processes give the consciousness perceiving the third dimension the illusion of passage through linear time. In actuality, time is not linear, but simultaneous.
Time exists as a Unified Field of particles pulsating at various rhythms and spinning on various angles of rotation, through which the illusions of manifest space and linear time appear to individuated identities, as they bring segments of the Unified Field of particle suhstance into view by moving their consciousness through portions of the Unified Field. Time does not move. Consciousness moves itself through the Unified Field of the Time Matrix.
Incarnational Identities, the Time Cycles, DNA and Planetary Evolution
The evolution of life-forms upon the planet also takes place simultaneously, and, at any given time, activity takes place within each of the six time continua. As the planet evolves, so does the consciousness stationed upon that planet. Reincarnational identities represent portions of a persons' soul awareness that are simultaneously stationed and evolving upon a version of the planet within each of the six time continuum cycles of an Euiago cycle. Usually, a soul HU-2 identity, manifests into 12 simultaneous incarnations, two in each of the six time cycles in one Harmonic Universe. In each pair of incarnates, one is male, the other female; this relationship is referred to as "twin flames", but does not necessarily imply a romantic "soul mate" involvement.
The over soul -- the HU-3 identity -- creates 12 soul identities in HU-2, each of which create 12 incarnates within the six time cycles of HU-1. Thus, each person is part of an incarnational family of 144 incarnates residing within the six HU-1 time cycles. Each of the 144 incarnates carries part of the 12-strand DNA pattern within the genetic code. As the 144 incarnates simultaneously evolve with the planet through the six time cycles, the 12-strand DNA imprint is progressively built up in the genetic code. DNA evolves and human consciousness expands as identity evolves with the planet through the Euiago cycles in each Harmonic Universe. The perceptions of your present races are focused within the middle range of the third dimension (the sixth and last time continuum of HU-1), and you perceive the reality of these dimensional bands, from a station of consciousness one dimensional band above. When you perceive the activity that is simultaneously taking place in the lower-dimensional time continua, in the lower levels of Earth's body, that activity appears to you as having taken place in the past. Perception of the other members of your soul family identity, who are stationed in time continua below your own, will appear to you as past life incarnational memory, even though these lifetimes are occurring simultaneously within their own space-time coordinate. Identities stationed in time continua/Octaves and dimensions/Quadrants ahead of your own, (which in your case would be those in the HU-2 time cycles of Tara), will appear as future life incarnational memory.
As you assemble DNA strands, perception of both past and future incarnations becomes progressively more available to your present conscious awareness. Earth evolves through the HU-1 time cycles, expanding its morphogenetic field and raising the pulsation rhythm of its particle content, until Earth evolves into the HU-2 time cycles to become Tara. As you move through HU-1 time cycles with Earth, assembling your DNA and expanding your consciousness, you evolve into the HU-2 time cycles to become your soul-self identity.
To the soul-self, the 12 immediate HU-1 incarnates that are in its incarnational family are recognized as living sub-personality fragments of its own identity, whose reality simultaneously takes place within the dimensional bands contained within the soul-self's DNA. The DNA represents electromagnetically encoded, digital data imprints of the other living portions of your identity, which are stationed within other time continua. Through the DNA, the experiential reality of other-time incarnates is implanted into the body cells, to create a living Cellular Memory of your simultaneous participation within other fields of time. The DNA operates as a window in time through which your consciousness can perceive and participate in activity taking place in the other time continua. As you assemble DNA, you expand the particles of your body and awareness into higher-dimensional time cycles, and progressively open the windows through time into other space coordinates within other time cycles. Through DNA assembly, the Cellular Memory, which is subconsciously stored within the cellular body consciousness. progressively opens into conscious perceptual recognition.
In your current time continuum, you technically have one-half cycle remaining within your third-dimensional time cycle. Earth's morphogenetic field has pulled in only half of the frequency patterns of the third dimension. There is a direct correlation between how many frequency patterns the Earth has pulled into it: morphogenetic field and the type of consciousness and biology that will appear on the Earth at that stage of evolution. We call the amount of frequency Earth has pulled into its morphogenetic field, from the dimensional unified fields, its Accretion Level.
Earth is presently at the 2.5-accretion level -- Earth has pulled into its morphogenetic field all of the D-1 and D-2 frequency patterns, and half of the frequency patterns of D-3. Earth would normally pass into HU-2 time cycles at accretion level 3. Normally the three accretion level of Earth would not be reached until 4230 AD. The life-forms on a planet at the 2.5-accretion level will have a consciousness that falls near the 3.5 range. Consciousness will perceive as solid matter and external reality the level of Earth's body that is one full dimension / Quadrant below the accretion level of the consciousness.
Present human consciousness has an average accretion level of 3-3.5, which means that the energy patterns and activity taking place within the low to middle frequency bands of D-3, between the 2 to 2.5-accretion level, within the fifth time continuum, appear as solid matter, and external forms and events. Present external earthly reality represents the energy patterns of Earth's body and the Unified Field in the low to middle frequency bands of D-3, in the fifth time continuum, at accretion levels 2-2.5. In order to perceive the 2-2.5-accretion level of Earth as solid, consciousness must be stationed within the low to middle D-4 frequency bands at an accretion level of 3-3.5 (seventh time continuum).
When perceiving your own physical body, and the external objects and activity around it, you are seeing the particle content of your personal morphogenetic field, Earth's morphogenetic field and the Unified Field, as they exist within the low to middle frequency bands of D-3, in the pulsation rhythms of the fifth time continuum, at the 2-2.5-accretion level. You perceive these frequency bands as solid while the particle content of your consciousness is stationed within the low to middle frequency bands of D-4, in the pulsation rhythms of the seventh time cycle, at a 3-3.5-accretion level. You will perceive the frequency bands of middle to upper D-3, in the pulsation rhythms of the sixth time cycle, at the 2.5-3 accretion level, as "inner space", the activity taking place "inside your head and body", and the atmosphere surrounding your body and the Earth, that gives you the perception of space between objects.
The illusion of 3-dimensional perception is created through this triad of particle pulsation speeds. The pulsation speed/rhythm of particles is created as energy substance flows between fields of particles having different angular rotations of particle spin in relation to each other.
The 3-dimensional human consciousness and the 3-dimensional body of the Earth consciousness are made of particles that pulsate at three different rhythms, and which exist at three different positions of angular rotation. These particle fields make up three levels of Merkaba Fields within and through which physically apparent manifestation occurs. There is a 90degrees shift in angular rotation of particle spin between the three Merkaba Fields, between the three levels of human consciousness, and between the three levels of Earth's particle body. The three levels of the personal body and the Earth's body represent three different time continua, or Octaves, through which frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields are pulled/accreted into the personal morphogenetic field and that of the Earth. These three particle pulsation rhythms are synchronized, and through this dance of particle spin and pulsation, personal consciousness evolves with the Earth upward through the time cycles of the 15-dimensional scale, progressively expanding and raising the level of accretion.
The level of frequencies accreted into the personal morphogenetic field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly you possess. As you pull in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, your accretion level rises, more DNA codes assemble and become operational within your DNA strands, and your consciousness and perceptual field expands.
A consciousness with a 3-3.5-accretion level has a DNA code With 3-3.5 strands assembled. The strand assembly and activation level of the DNA corresponds directly to the number of dimensional frequencies contained within the morphogenetic field of the consciousness. The number of dimensional frequencies contained within the personal morphogenetic field corresponds directly to what dimensional levels of the Earth's body, and what time continua, will be perceived as physically manifest reality, to that consciousness. If your fourth DNA strand is fully assembled, you will have an accretion level of 4, your consciousness will be stationed in lower D-5 and you will perceive thought-forms and energy patterns existing within the lower D-4 frequency bands as physically manifest, external events. These thought-forms are the energy patterns left behind by you and the masses, when your consciousness was stationed in lower D-4, when you were assembling the fourth DNA strand.
Presently, most humans do not have more than a 3.5-accretion level, a low to middle fourth-dimensional focus of consciousness. This level of consciousness corresponds to 3.5 strands of activated DNA, which only allows the consciousmess to perceive thought patterns / energy patterns of objects and events from the low to middle frequency bands of D-3 as physical reality. The frequency fields of D-1 are below the range of D-4 perception and appear as inner darkness. The lower frequency fields of D-2 appear as past memories. The middle to upper frequency fields of D-3 appear as internal mental/perceptual events and thought-forms, and as Earth's atmosphere and the space between objects, from D-4 perception. The reality fields of middle to upper D-4 and above are above the range of present human D-4 perception and appear as inner and outer light and future memories. As human DNA builds, the higher-dimensional reality fields come into manifest view, and the lower-dimensional reality fields fall out of perceptual range.
As a dimensional field begins to come into View, it first appears as inner thought patterns that become inner mental pictures made of light. The quality known as imagination is, in reality, the consciousness bringing into its mental View, higher-dimensional thought-forms. The images, perceptions and pondering of imagination represent higher-dimensional thought-forms made of energy substance, that are placed in the higher-dimensional fields by the present moment self. Imaginative perceptions may also be thought patterns of the higher-dimensional, future self aspects of identity, that "just appear" in inner perception, as the present awareness brings the higher-dimensional reality fields into its inner view. The quality known as past memory represents the consciousness bringing into its mental view thought-forms and experiential imprints from the dimensional bands below its focus of attention. These represent thought-forms of past identity aspects, presently focused in the lower time continua or within lower frequencies of the present time continuum. Dreams represent portions of thoughts and experience that is taking place in both higher/ future and lower/ past dimensional fields/time continua, entering into the present moment station of awareness.
The low to middle D-4 frequency bands, in which human consciousness is presently stationed, represent the now-moment stream of consciousness, which is always the point of personal creative power. Thoughts held in the present moment focus of conscious attention will be left as imprints of energetic substance within the frequency bands in which those thoughts were held. Once the focus of attention has moved beyond those thoughts and on to the next, the thought imprints left behind become morphogenetic fields, as the now-moment focus of attention moves forward into the next set of frequency bands.
The process of moving forward through time is the process of progressively accreting sound frequencies into your personal morphogenetic field. As you pass your consciousness through a now-moment point, it internalizes all contained within that manifest moment as a minute, digital electro-program made of frequency. The process of internalizing that moment in time expands your morphogenetic field, which creates a subtle acceleration in the pulsation rhythm of the particles of which your body and consciousness are composed. This acceleration of pulsation rhythm perceptually and energetically moves you-as consciousness forward into the next set of frequency bands. The frequency bands of the previous moment internalize and fall from your view, as the set of frequency bands directly above them become your next now-moment of conscious focus. Movement through time is frequency accretion. The manifest illusion you perceive before your eyes is, in reality, a Unified Field of frequency, composed of energy particle substance in the form of digital, electroetonal thought patterns. Every thing and person outside of yourself, including your body, and the contents of your conscious mind at that moment point, exist as energy imprints within the Unified Field of that now moment. If you can teach yourself to perceive each moment of your external reality as a dream-scape that is manifesting through your consciousness, you will get closer to consciously sensing the stream of consciousness through which your external reality manifests directly through you. Just as your internal dreams seem to take place within your consciousness while you participate within them, your external reality is also a dream-scape, manufactured by your consciousness, through which energy particles are shaped into thought-forms that will later become manifest. You are walking within the confines of a mass dream, and the sooner you can grasp that concept, the sooner you will be able to assert creative control over the form your personal part of that mass dream will take.
Every time you think a thought, you are leaving a morphogenetic imprint within the frequency bands in which your consciousness was stationed. You will run into that thought pattern, in combination with others from the collective consciousness, as a manifestation in physical reality. Morphogenetic fields are the form-holding patterns through which matter forms and events manifest. When a morphogenetic field is created, it begins to draw frequency patterns into itself, expanding, accreting, and "fleshing itself out into matter". Have you ever considered where thoughts go once your attention has left them? Part of what appears to you as manifest reality now, from your D-4 station of attention, represents your thought-forms, and those of the collective masses, that were left behind as morphogenetic fields when your conscious focus of attention was stationed in the dimension below your present focus. Part of what you see before your eyes represents the living thought-forms of your past selves (from this incarnation and those previous), and those of the masses. Your thoughts become morphogenetic fields Within the morphogenetic field of the Earth, planted within the frequency bands in which your consciousness is presently stationed, left within your present time cycle, to be rediscovered as manifest objects and events, once your consciousness has evolved beyond them.
Another part of what you perceive before your eyes represents the collective thought-forms of your future selves, whose focus of attention is stationed in space-time coordinates ahead of those in which your present consciousness is focused. Thought-forms expand, backward and forward in time, up and down the dimensional scale, from the position in which the thought-form was created. Your present manifest illusion is composed of the thought-forms of your past and future selves, and the thought-forms you presently hold. A thought-form placed in one dimension will align the energy substance of all the dimensions below it, into a version of that pattern; the thought sets a morphogenetic field in each of the dimensions below. The thought will also group with like thoughts from the future, the higher-dimensional frequency bands, and set a morphogenetic imprint of itself in all the dimensions above. Thus the thought expands backward and forward in time.
Every thought you think now combines with like thoughts of past and future selves, to give you the manifest illusion you presently perceive. Like thought and action attract and re-manifest like thought and action. Your past thoughts and deeds will show themselves in your present reality, but you have the absolute power to change them, by using your present focus of attention to create new thoughts and redesign those that are undesirable, whether they are coming from the past, present or future. Thought patterns from your past selves, which are composed of more dense and slower-pulsating particles, manifest within the cellular structure of your body. This is frequently referred to as your karmic imprint or karmic debt. These thought patterns of past selves will remain in the body, and replicate themselves in the present and future, until the slower-pulsating particles of those thought patterns are raised in speed and released from the frequency patterns of which the body is composed. You have the power, in your present moment, to change any thought pattern from your personal past, present or future, and in doing so you will change the contours of your present reality.
You can become "karma immune" once you learn to master this power, for you will train your consciousness to move backward and forward in time, to recreate undesired events and redesign more desirable outcomes. The slow way to release slower-pulsating thought patterns and their manifest discomforts from your life is to wait until the events manifest in external reality, or as conditions of disease within the body. Then you take action in the present to create a present solution, and that solution expands backward and forward in time to create some degree of resolution of the pattern in the past and future. This is the usual path of "walking through your karma," or walking through the cumulative thought patterns of your past, present and future selves. The fastest way to change your karmic imprint is to catch those slower-pulsating thought patterns before they move into manifestation. This is easier said than done, but it is not exceedingly difficult to do, once you have trained your consciousness to manipulate energy in certain ways. Thought patterns from the past and future become part of the particle make-up of your consciousness, bio-energetic field, body, DNA and external reality field. They become stored in the DNA as minute crystallizations of energy, which inhibit the natural process of DNA strand assembly.
The crystallized thought patterns stored in your DNA and cellular imprint will continue to manifest within your body and before your eyes, until you learn to find and release them while they are still within the Cellular Memory imprint of your body. This is easy to do, with practice.
To release your crystallized thought pattterns from your DNA and cellular memory imprint, please refer to Field Exercise 1, on page 473, and practice it now. Through exercises of this nature you are learning to consciously modulate the pulsation rhythm of the particles of which your consciousness is composed, training your present moment consciousness to move up and down the multidimensional scale.
You are training your consciousness to time travel, forward and backward in time, so you may begin to directly affect the collective thought patterns of portions of your identity stationed in other space-time coordinates. You are beginning to train yourself to control the manifestation of external events, by mastering the inner energetic dynamics through which those events manifest.
We have given you this exercise because it is one of the fastest and most effective ways to clear the "karmic imprint" of slower-pulsating crystallized thought patterns from the body cells and DNA. This is extremely important to do if you plan to accelerate the assembly and activation of your DNA strands. As you begin to work with UHF energies from the higher chakra centers (which we will teach you to do in subsequent books), these energies will begin to rapidly release slower-pulsating thought-form crystallizations from the body cells and DNA. As this occurs the "karmic imprint", or event manifestation program, contained within the thought-form crystallizations will begin to manifest itself in personal, external events and within the physical body form. If the human mind and body is not prepared to synthesize the frequencies of energy released from the thought-form, one can become extremely ill in physical terms, or the mental and emotional bodies can become severely unbalanced. The outer events of one's life content and relationships can also turn to chaos during rapid cellular activations, as multiple karmic dramas begin to manifest themselves at every turn. When you participate in accelerated DNA evolution you are rapidly shifting and elevating the frequency patterns of which your body and consciousness are composed. This rapid shift in frequency can appear as utter chaos in terms of external conditions and events.
Though the ultimate outcome of these cellular activations is a restructuring of your body, consciousness and life drama into a higher level of peace, harmony, health and order, the process of "getting there" rapidly can be very treacherous indeed. When using exercises such as the one provided, you are learning to take control of this process so it does not take control of you. The point at which you break up the thought-form crystallization and its energy releases, is the point that the karmic imprint would normally begin to manifest into the body and external events. DNA Activations alone will get you to this point. However, in the exercise you then take that released energy, transmute it through D-5 and D-8 frequency patterns, (the "sun" image), and project it directly into the DNA. Merging the energy of the karmic imprint with the D-8 frequencies serves to raise its energies to the highest levels of harmony and order. That ordered energy is then placed directly into the DNA, where it can blend in unobtrusively with the imprints of the operational strands. It will stimulate further assembly and activation of DNA strands, but in an orderly fashion that does not cause excessive disruption in your bio-energetic fields, and which will not throw your life into chaos.
In cellular activations, the energy will release at the frequency level in which the thought-form crystallization existed, sending a rush of photonic energy through the body at that frequency level. The energy will then indiscriminately alter the existing order of energies in that area, a condition which will manifest as chaotic energies moving through the bio-energetic field, body, and consciousness, then into manifestation. This exercise controls the release of energy and directs it into harmonious order.
Learning to direct mental energies, and those energies released from thought-form crystallization, will become a needed survival skill in the near future, whether or not one is on the path of ascension, or interested in spiritual activities.
The Earth is entering an ascension cycle acceleration period, its grid will be infused with UHF D-5 through D-9 energies via a process of Stellar Activations, The Stellar Activations will occur as Earth's Merkaba Fields align directly with the Merkaba Fields of six Stellar Spirals, as parts of Earth's natural procession through its 26,556-year Euiago time cycle. Everyone on the planet will begin to have cellular activations directly through the Earth grid, due to the coming Stellar Spiral alignments and the planetary Stellar Activations these alignments will create.
The human bio-energetic field is directly connected to that of the Earth, and when the energy infusions of the Stellar Activations begin running through Earth's grid, progressively accelerating between now and 2017, the human body will also receive these energy infusions. These energy infusions will cause a rapid release of the crystallized thought patterns stored in the cells and will trigger rapid DNA activation, assembly and expansion of consciousness.
The thought-form crystallizations held within the body, unbeknownst to the conscious personality, will begin to release their energies as the pulsation rhythm of the particles of Earth's body progressively increase between now and 2017. Your DNA and Cellular Memory will activate whether or not you are ready, and regardless of whether your body and mind have been prepared to synthesize these new frequencies of energy. The least prepared may find their entire life drama falling into shambles, the health of their physical and mental bodies rapidly deteriorating and their emotions exploding into chaos. We are not joking, nor exaggerating.
Be Prepared -- Learn to direct these energies now, before they overwhelm you. Your survival and ability to remain centered and effective in handling external events will depend upon your development of these subtle energy-directing skills. The exercise provided is a good place to begin. In 2012, very intense Stellar Activation energy infusions will begin, so we suggest that you begin preparing now, as these skills take a bit of time and practice to develop. We recommend that you clear as many of these hidden karmic imprints as possible before 2012, when they will begin to rapidly burst into physical manifestation.
DNA Initiations, Consummation, and Activations
Before we resume our discussion on the mechanics of the Bridge Zone, we would like to share with you a little secret about human DNA. Presently your conscious awareness is stationed within the low to middle-frequency bands of D-4, and the reality fields you perceive as solid matter and external events are those of the low to middle frequency bands of D-3. When you think a thought from your present station of focus in D-4 (such as "this is so and so now", or "I see such and such now"), that thought, being a quantity of particle substance made of units of electromagnetic energy, automatically becomes part of the D-4 Unified Field of energy. That thought also becomes coded as an energy imprint within the fourth DNA strand. When you are assembling DNA strands, you are pulling frequency patterns from the Unified Field into your personal morphogenetic field, one set of dimensional sub-frequency bands at a time. These dimensional frequency patterns that are pulled into the morphogenetic field progressively manifest as new electromagnetic codes within the DNA strands, which means the DNA progressively expands or accretes, as the morphogenetic field expands by pulling in more frequency patterns from the dimensional Unified Field.
When you are assembling your fourth DNA strand your consciousness will be stationed within the fourth dimension and you will perceive the Unified Field of the dimension below in terms of matter solidity. It is the present focus of your consciousness that magnetically draws frequency patterns from the dimensional Unified Field into your personal morphogenetic field. Once your consciousness has moved into one sub-frequency band, it pulls that frequency pattern into the morphogenetic field, the morphogenetic field manifests that frequency pattern into the corresponding DNA strand and shifts the consciousness to the next sub-frequency band up. Whatever thoughts you held at one station of consciousness become programmed into the DNA strand that corresponds to the dimension in which that thought was held. A thought-form created while the consciousness is focused in D-4 becomes a manifest part of the fourth DNA strand and is entered into the Cellular Memory stored Within the sub-atomic particles of which the body cells are composed.
Once the personal morphogenetic field has pulled in all of the 12 sub-frequency bands in one dimension, the full DNA strand corresponding to that dimension is fully assembled and the consciousness is transferred into the first subfrequency bands of the next dimension up. We call the point of evolution when the full DNA strand is assembled the Consummation and the point when the consciousness transfers into the first sub-frequency band of the next dimension up the Initiation.
With the Consummation of one DNA strand, and the Initiation of the next strand, the contents of the consummated strand begin to progressively appear in physical manifestation for the consciousness. now focused in the dimension above, We call the point where the contents of a DNA strand begin to physically appear Within the perceptual range of the conscious personality the Activation of the Strand.
For example, when the consciousness has moved through the entire 12 sub-frequency bands of D-3 and thus assembled the third DNA strand, the identity is considered to be at its third Consummation, (the morphogenetic field and consciousness have "consumed", or drawn into themselves, the frequency patterns of the third dimension). At the third Consummation, the fourth Initiation begins, as the station of consciousness transfers to the first D-4 sub-frequency bands and the D-4 frequencies begin to enter the morphogenetic field and the DNA. As the first subefrequency band of D-4 initiates into the morphogenetic field, the first sub-frequency band in the D-3 third DNA strand begins to Activate, or holographically project its contents into the range of physical perception. Thus the Consummations, Initiations and Activations of DNA go together, and represent the points at which the focus of consciousness transfers from one dimension to another, and the collective thought-forms from the dimension below begin to come into conscious perception as physically manifest form.
As we have mentioned, consciousness will perceive as physical reality the energy patterns of the frequency bands that exist one full dimension below the station of awareness. The progressive DNA Initiations of one dimensional band create the progressive Activations of, or manifestation of the collective thought patterns contained within, the DNA strand that corresponds to the dimension below. This process of progressive frequency infusion into the DNA, and the DNA-strand assembly it creates, gives you the perceived illusion of passage through linear time.
The new frequencies progressively increase the pulsation rhythm of the particles that compose your body and consciousness, moving your consciousness into the next set of dimensional sub-frequency bands, while propelling the contents of one sub-frequency band below into manifest perception. The manifest illusion of moments passing forward in time within a physical reality represents your consciousness perceiving the progressive Activations of the last DNA strand you assembled. These progressive Activations of the last DNA strand occur as your consciousness progressively Initiates new sub-frequency patterns from its present dimensional focus, into the morphogenetic field. Time does not move forward, in fact, time does not move at all. The experience of progression through time is created as consciousness progressively draws into itself frequency patterns from the dimensional Unified Fields, which progressively expands the consciousness, morphogenetic field and physical body. The particles of which the body and consciousness are composed pulsate progressively faster as higher frequencies are embodied in the morphogenetic field, DNA and consciousness, the body matter grows progressively less dense and the consciousness expands upward through the multidimensional Unified Field.
We wanted you to know this little secret about the true nature of human DNA, and how the DNA is the literal vessel through which the illusionary experience of physical, external reality is manufactured. Knowing this, you may then realize that when you are shifting your consciousness and using the imagination to program desired thought-forms into the past, present or future, you are literally reprogramming the frequency patterns of your cellular content and the operational holographic program that will manifest into physical reality through the DNA.
The holographic, thought-form program through which your external reality will manifest is literally stored, as a multidimensional electromagnetic program, within the sub-atomic particle structure of your cells, much as a computer stores data within its memory. The DNA serves as the literal conduit through which that holographic program will project data from cellular memory into physical manifestation, much as a computer's circuitry allows the electronic data stored in memory to be projected onto the screen, into forms recognizable to human perception. Your external reality field is the screen upon which the thought-forms that are stored within your cellular memory program will be displayed, and the DNA operates as the electromagnetic circuitry through which that memory comes into perceptual manifestation.
To gain creative control over your manifest events, you must edit the cellular memory files (clear and transmute the lower pulsating particles from the body and auric field), upgrade the holographic thought-form program (create new visualizations of desired past, present and future events, living them in imagination "as if they are happening now" within the desired time period) and expand the DNA circuitry (consciously use the chakra system to accelerate DNA strand assembly) in order to allow new, desired reality pictures to project into your world of manifest events. In the practice of conscious evolution, cellular clearing and DNA transmutation, this is precisely what is taking place.
When you create "future memory" visualizations, you are putting specific manifestation instructions into the morphogenetic field of the DNA strands you have not yet assembled. You will encounter those reality pictures in manifest form once those DNA strands come into activation, through the initiation of your consciousness into the frequencies of the next dimension up. When you recreate "past memories" from your present focus, you are literally putting new reality pictures, in the form of electromagnetic impulses, into the DNA strands you have already built and activated. You can literally shift things in your present manifest experience by reprogramming the past memory impulses stored in your DNA; add new past memories and new events will manifest in your present. Create future memories now, and you can direct the path of your evolution from your present moment in time.
When you release crystallized thought-forms composed of slower-pulsating particles from your present cellular structure, you are stopping those lower thought-form patterns from activating into your DNA, through which they would otherwise project into physical manifestation. Your moment of power is always in the present, when you realize that your present focus of attention can alter and direct events in both past and future, and within the present. It takes practice to develop skill in conscious manifestation and you must become familiar with the "feel" of your own inner focus of consciousness in the present, in order to direct your power of manifestation.
Prior to learning manifestation skills, you must learn de-manifestation skills. Learning how to remove undesirable morphogenetic thought-form patterns from your active holographic program, which is stored within the cells and made operational through the DNA, is the first step in gaining mastery over the contents of your external reality field. By removing slower-pulsating particles from your body systems, you make room for the addition of new morphogenetic thought-form patterns composed of faster pulsating particles, which contain the electromagnetic imprint for more harmoniously ordered events.
We are telling you of these things because the Guardian Alliance needs your help to ensure the success of the Bridge Zone Project. We need you to take responsibility for consciously building your personal DNA, expanding your consciousness, clearing your cellular memory and directing your thought-forms to the Bridge Zone.
![[Agartha Map]](/imgs/portrait/agarthamap.jpg)
Time Shift
Ascending and Descending Planets, The Bridge Zone, Shift to Agartha
Ascending and Descending Planets
The speed of evolution of a planet is directly connected to the rate of evolution of the life-forms upon the planet. In the Bridge Zone Project we are going to shift Earth entirely out of its present D-3 time cycle, which constitutes accelerating the pulsation rate of particles and shifting the angular rotation of particle spin by 22.5degrees. In order to make this shift successfully, 8 percent of Earth's populations have to fully assemble the fifth DNA strand, 144,000 individuals must assemble the sixth DNA strand and the remaining populations must rapidly reach an accretion level of 4.5, which is the assembly of all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth strand.
Remember that consciousness will perceive as solid the dimensional frequency bands one dimension below its present station of focus. For the consciousness of humanity to experience the physicality of Earth at the 3.5-accretion level of the Bridge Zone, that consciousness must have a minimum of 4.5-accretion, which comes with assembly of all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth strand. The human collective represents part of the Earth's matter body, and if the collective accretion level of human beings remains at its present 3-3.5 average, the accretion level and vibration rate of the Earth's grid will be held down. In the Bridge Zone time continuum, the Earth's accretion level will be raised from its current 2.5 to a 3.5-level of accretion. In order for the Earth's grid to reach this accelerated level of accretion in time to begin entering the Bridge Zone by 2012, most of the human populations must be able to reach no less than a 4.5-accretion level. If the majority of the populations cannot reach the 4.5-accretion level, the vibration rate of Earth will not reach 3.5 and the planet will not shift into the Bridge Zone Time continuum.
In terms of a planet shifting into another time continuum, what is really taking place is that the pulsation rate of particles, within the three levels of the planet's body, is being increased and the angular rotation of particle spin is being Shifted. These adjustments constitute a shift of the planetary bodies into faster moving time cycles. The consciousness of those upon the planet must also track such a shift, and the particles of which the body and consciousness are composed will undergo the same acceleration of pulsation speed and change in angular rotation of particle spin.
Normally, when a planet reached its half-point in its second ascension cycle, which constitutes the 2.5-accretion level, the electrical overtone particles of its D-3 Merkaba Fields would merge with their anti-particles, form a morphogenetic wave and transfer into the next Harmonic Universe into the sixth-dimensional frequency bands. Also included in this morphogenetic wave are the electrical overtone particles of the D-1 and D-2 Merkaba Fields. The D-2 overtone electrical particles transfer to D-5 and the D-1 electrical overtone particles transfer into D-4. So normally, during the half-point morphogenetic wave the clockwise rotating electrical Merkaba Fields of D-1, D-2 and D-3 open up and merge with the counterclockwise rotating magnetic Merkaba Fields of D-4, D-5 and D-6. During the 10 year period surrounding the half-point, all of the electrical overtone particles that Earth had pulled in from dimensions 1, 2 and 3 and stored in the morphogenetic field, are transmuted through their anti-particles and transferred into the morphogenetic field of Tara in HU-2.
At the completion of the ascension cycle,
2213 years later,
the same process occurs with the magnetic base tone particles within
Earth's morphogenetic field.
The particles of Earth's counterclockwise-rotating,
magnetic Merkaba Fields, of D-1, D-2 and D-3,
open and merge with the particles of Tara's
electrical clockwise-rotating Merkaba Fields of D-4, D-5 and D-6.
Earth's morphogenetic field fully merges with that of Tara and Earth
leaves the time continua of HU-1 and shifts into the time continua of HU-2.
Earth becomes Tara. During this process,
the consciousness stationed within the three levels of Earth's body,
the six time continua of Earth's HU-1 Euiago cycle,
also transmutes and transfers into the time cycles of HU-2.
A planet's shift from the time cycles of one Harmonic Universe into
the time cycles of the next Harmonic Universe usually takes place in two phases.
The overtone particle base transfers at the half-ascension cycle point
and the magnetic particle base shifts 2213 years later,
at the end of the ascension cycle.
The Bridge Zone Project will accelerate this process; the two phases of
Earth's particle conversion from HU-1 to HU-2 will take place at once,
between 2012 and 2017.
The artificial time continuum into which Earth will shift exists
between the natural time cycles of the third and fourth dimensions.
In the natural procession of merging the grids of Earth and Tara,
the Earth's grid progressively raises in speed,
beginning 15-20 years before the half-cycle point.
[It is due to this
inter-dimensional artificial status of Ea-rth,
which per our sensing completed as of 2012-10 through 2012-12-21, and a
Negative Alien Agenda /
Alien Invader Force
"holodeck" simulation of ascension intended to trap souls,
that we switched our references from "3D" as "unascended Ea-Rth"
and "4D" as "ascended New-Gaia", to referring to
"4D-" as "unascended Ea-Rth" and
"5D+" as "ascending
New-Gaia". -- celeste]
The pulsation rate of Earth's D-1 particles raises to the rhythm of D-4, Earth's D-2 pulsation rate accelerates to the rhythm of D-5 and Earth's D-3 particles enter the D-6 rhythm. For a period of five years before the half-point, Earth's grid begins to intersect with that of Tara, as Earth's D-1 particles shift into the pulsation rhythm of the D-4 time continuum. Following the half'point, scheduled for 2017 AD, Earth would naturally begin returning to the D-3 - D-1 pulsation rhythms of the HU-1 time cycle. The Dracos-Zeta Resistance plans to broadcast the EM pulses of their Frequency Fence through the pulsation rhythms of HU-1 dimensional frequency bands.
The Bridge Zone Project will allow the primary particle base of Earth to remain at a higher level of pulsation within the Bridge Zone time continuum, at the point Earth would normally begin to slow in pulsation rhythm and revert back into the HU-1 time cycles. The Earth must begin its ascent into the HU-2 particle pulsation rate now, its D-1 particle base accelerating to the D-4 rhythm, in order for the entire grid (both electrical overtone and magnetic base tone particles) to shift into the D-4 time cycle. Earth's morphogenetic field will temporarily reach a stable 4-accretion level, the accretion level of the D-4 time cycle, by 2012. Acceleration of the particle pulsation rhythm of Earth's grid into the D-4 rhythm is a normal part of the ascension cycle process. For the Bridge Zone project to succeed, this acceleration must be intense enough to raise both overtone and base tone particles into HU-2 rhythms, and must also be able to counter balance the ULF EM pulses of the Frequency Fence the Dracos-Zetas plan to use in 2004.
If Earth does not make it into the pulsation rhythm of the D-4 time cycles by 2012, full merger between the grids of Earth and Tara will not take place, the Halls of Amenti will not open and Earth will not be able to shift into the Bridge Zone Cycle. In this case the Frequency Fence transmissions of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance (should they be successful in orchestrating their 2003 experiment) will begin chain reaction Earth changes between 2012-2017, as the natural fusion process of particle and anti-particle within the Earth's grid are disrupted.
The Frequency Fence would cause the particle pulsation rhythms in certain portions of Earth grid to drop rapidly in speed, while other portions of the particle base attempted to rise in speed. The fabric of Earth's particle base would begin to tear open and fragment. In areas of Earth's grid where this fragmentation occurred, landmasses would begin to break apart, new fissures within the Earth's tectonic plates would emerge and plate shifting would result. This does not have to occur. The populations are fully capable of accelerating their genetic evolution by consciously building DNA through working with the higher chakra centers. If humanity successfully raises the pulsation rhythm of the particles that compose the physical, emotional and mental bodies, the Earth's grid will proceed to accelerate its own pulsation rhythm into the D-4 time cycle. Earth will reach a high enough pulsation rhythm by 2004 to shift out of range of the Frequency Fence transmissions and the Halls of Amenti plan will proceed on schedule. The Guardians are confident that humanity will be able to do its part now, in order to ensure its own survival.
Earlier in our discussions we have mentioned the existence of the Inner Earth, Agartha, which is located in a frequency modulation zone between Earth and Earth's double in the parallel universe. Agartha represents part of Earth, and like Earth, Agartha has three levels of the planetary body. The Earth's three primary body levels exist within dimensions 1, 2 and 3. There is a relationship of particle pulsation speed between Earth and her parallel double:
The particle pulsation speed of Earth's D-2 = anti-particle pulsation speed of parallel Earth D-1.
Earth's D-3 particle pulsation speed = that of parallel D-2, etc.
The speed of particle pulsation within each dimensional band in the anti-particle universe is faster than that of the corresponding dimension in the particle universe. The particle pulsation speeds of the dimensional bands in the particle universe run one dimension behind those of the dimensional bands in the anti-particle universe. The speed of particle pulsation in the particle universe D-2 would be the speed at which anti-particles pulsate in D-1 of the parallel universe. Earth's D-2 particles are stationed within the same dimensional Unified Field as the D-1 anti-particles of parallel Earth:
Particle D-2 = Anti-particle D-1.
Particle D-3 = Anti-particle D-2.
Particle D-4 = Anti-particle D-3, etc.
The frequency bands that make up the D-2 particles of Earth are the same frequency bands that make up the D-1 anti-particles of Parallel Earth.
Earth's D-3 particles co-exist with parallel Earth's D-2 anti-particles.
Parallel Earth's D-2 anti-particles co-exist with Earth's D-3 particles, etc.
When observing Earth's D-3 landscape (which are the dimensional frequency bands that appear solid to a consciousness stationed in D-4 of the particle universe) one perceives the contours of D-3 particle and D-2 anti-particle Earth.
It is important to realize this intimate relationship between the particle content of Earth and anti-particle Earth, if one is to understand the reality fields in which Agartha, the Inner Earth, takes place. In view of the above dimensional particle and anti-particle relationships, the three levels of Earth's planetary body and those of the parallel Earth can be understood as follows:
Earth's D-2 elemental body = anti-particle Earth's D-1 iron core crystal.
Earth's D-3 mental body/atmosphere = anti-particle Earth's D-2 elemental body.
Anti-particle Earth's D-3 mental body/atmosphere = Earth's D-4 astral body, which is the D-4 gold core crystal Merkaba Field of Tara, stationed within the center of Earth's Sun.
Agartha represents an Earth reality field that exists between the Earth and her parallel double. Earth's D-1 iron core crystal is stationed within the first dimensional frequency bands of the particle universe, at O-accretion level. Antiparticle Earth's D-1 iron core crystal is stationed within the D-2 frequency bands of the particle universe, Earth's elemental kingdom, at accretion level 1. Agartha's iron core crystal can be viewed as being stationed halfway between Earth's D-1 core crystal and the core crystal of parallel Earth at particle universe D-2, which would represent a 0.5-accretion level in the D-1 frequency bands. For Earth, parallel Earth and Agartha, the elemental body is one dimensional band above the placement of the iron core crystal, and the mental body/atmosphere is one dimensional band above the elemental body, or two dimensional bands above the iron core crystal.
Earlier in our discussions we have mentioned the existence of the Inner Earth, Agartha, which is located in a frequency modulation zone between Earth and Earth's double in the parallel universe. Agartha represents part of Earth, and like Earth, Agartha has three levels of the planetary body. The Earth's three primary body levels exist within dimensions 1, 2 and 3. There is a relationship of particle pulsation speed between Earth and her parallel double:
The particle pulsation speed of Earth's D-2 = anti-particle pulsation speed of parallel Earth D-1.
Earth's D-3 particle pulsation speed = that of parallel D-2, etc.
The speed of particle pulsation within each dimensional band in the anti-particle universe is faster than that of the corresponding dimension in the particle universe. The particle pulsation speeds of the dimensional bands in the particle universe run one dimension behind those of the dimensional bands in the anti-particle universe. The speed of particle pulsation in the particle universe D-2 would be the speed at which anti-particles pulsate in D-1 of the parallel universe. Earth's D-2 particles are stationed within the same dimensional Unified Field as the D-1 anti-particles of parallel Earth:
- The particle base of Earth is in D-1 of the particle universe at accretion level 0 to 1.
- The particle base of parallel Earth is in D-2 of the particle universe at accretion level 1 to 2.
- The particle base of Agartha is half in D-1 and half in D-2 of the particle universe, at an accretion level of 0.5 to 1.5.
- The elemental body of Earth is at particle universe D-2, accretion level 1 to 2.
- The elemental body of parallel Earth is at particle universe D-3, accretion level 2 to 3.
- The elemental body of Agartha is at particle universe half D-2-half D-3, accretion level 1.5 to 2.5.
- The mental body/ atmosphere of Earth is at particle universe D-3, accretion level 2 to 3.
- The atmosphere of anti-particle Earth is at particle universe D-4, accretion level 3 to 4.
- The atmosphere of Agartha is at particle universe half D-3-half D-4, accretion level 2.5 to 3.5.
From the perspective of the fourth dimension (where human consciousness is presently stationed) the D-1 iron core crystal of anti-particle Earth, (that is stationed within the overtone D-2 frequency bands of the particle universe) and the D-1 iron core crystal of particle Earth, (that is stationed within the D-1 frequency bands of the particle universe), perceptually merge and appear as the Sun. The Sun appears to be separated by many miles from Earth. From this perspective, what appears to be the physical body of Earth is actually the low to middle D-3 frequency fields, the slower-moving particles of Earth's "mental body."
The atmosphere on and surrounding Earth is the middle to upper D-6 frequency fields. The "outer space" existing beyond Earth's atmosphere represents a Repulsion Zone and the frequency fields of D-4 through 15 that exist beyond this Repulsion Zone. From the fourth-dimensional perspective, there appears to be a separation of many miles between Earth and the Sun because the natural Repulsion Zone between D-3 and D-4 creates the illusion of absence of light and expansion of space. This Repulsion Zone is created by the 45degrees shift of angular rotation of particle spin that occurs between one Harmonic Universe and the Harmonic Universe above. There are five primary Repulsion Zones within the 15-dimensional universe, which create the illusion of vast distances between star systems existing within the 15 dimensions.
Though Earth, the planets and the galaxies appear to be separated in space by great distances, that distance is only a natural holographic illusion created by the refraction of energy waves through varying angular relationships between spinning particles. All that you perceive outside of yourselves, including Earth and what appears to lie beyond, in Earth's immediate solar system, actually exists at the center of Earth's Sun, at varying rates of particle pulsation and angular relationship of particle spin. Earth's Sun is likewise contained within a larger solar structure with other planetary bodies, which would appear to exist outside of that Sun from various stations of perception. The reality of the mechanics of energy is that dimensions 1-3, and all things contained within them, exist within the D-4 Merkaba Fields of Tara's gold core crystal and that core crystal is stationed at the center of the Sun. The gold core crystal at the center of Earth's Sun serves as an electromagnetic portal structure between HU-1 and HU-2. Though the Universe appears spread out over great distances, in reality it all exists Within the same space, at various dimensional frequency levels and particle spin relationships.
We are telling you of these hidden reality mechanics so you may begin to comprehend what will be taking place on Earth as your half-cycle period approaches and the Bridge Zone Project goes into operation. We have said that Earth's accretion level will be shifted from its present 2.5 level to that of 3.5 accretion. The present 2.5-accretion level is the measurement of the frequencies contained within Earth's morphogenetic field. Accretion level 2.5 is also the measurement of the beginning of Earth's atmospheric body, the part which is closest to Earth's surface.
Earth's atmospheric body represents the portions of the D-3 Unified Field that have not yet been pulled into Earth's morphogenetic field, the particle fields of D-3 that exist outside of Earth's morphogenetic field and thus outside of Earth's physical body structure. Earth's atmosphere is composed of the upper frequency bands of D-3, which represent the 2.5 - 3-accretion levels. Earth's atmosphere is thus said to be at 2.5 accretion.
At present, Earth's D-2 elemental body is at 1.5 accretion and its D-1 particle base is at 0.5 accretion. Agartha's atmosphere is at 3.5 accretion, its elemental body at 2.5, thus Agartha's elemental body is located within Earth's atmosphere at a different angular rotation of particle spin than that of Earth's particles, and so appears invisible. Agartha's particle base is at 1.5 accretion, thus Agartha's particle base is located within Earth's elemental body.
During the Bridge Zone transition, when Earth's atmosphere is shifted from 2.5 accretion to 3.5 accretion, it will be merged with the atmosphere of Agartha. Earth's elemental body will shift from 1.5 accretion to 2.5 accretion, Earth's elemental kingdom will merge with that of Agartha. Earth's particle base will shift from 0.5 accretion to 1.5 accretion, Earth's particle base will merge with Agartha's particle base. When Earth merges with Tara's grid in the D-4 time cycle between 2012 and 2017, the Earth's morphogenetic field temporarily reaches a height of accretion level 4, then returns to its natural 2.5-accretion level following 2017.
In the Bridge Zone Project, Earth's morphogenetic content will peak at accretion level 4 when merging with Tara's grid between 2012-2017, then instead of returning to its natural 2.5-accretion level/D-3 time cycle after 2017, Earth will return to the 3.5-accretion level. The 3.5-accretion level represents the time cycle between D-3 and D-4, in which Agartha's reality takes place.
In the usual process, Earth's particles would undergo a 45degrees shift in angular rotation of particle spin to enter the D-4 cycle, then shift back 45degrees to return to the D-3 time cycle. In the Bridge Zone, Earth will undergo the 45degrees shift of angular rotation of particle spin to merge with Tara. Instead of shifting back 45degrees to return to the D-3 time cycle, Earth's particles will shift back only 22.5degrees, placing Earth within the 3.5-accretion level, the time cycle between D-3 and D-4, merging Earth and Agartha. Earth will become the Inner Earth, Agartha, through the 2012-2017 transition.
Humans who have assembled all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth will perceive this transition as the emergence of new lands and structures on Earth, and the literal disappearance of some of the existing Earth structures. Humans who do not assemble these strands will perceive a different reality entirely. During this transition, the particles of Earth that are unable to fully shift into the faster pulsation rate, those that cannot reach an accretion level of 3.5, will not make this shift into the Bridge Zone. The particles that do not shift will create a Phantom Earth that will return to the D-3 time cycle. The Phantom Earth will no longer remain attached to the morphogenetic field of Earth and Tara. This condition is referred to as a planet being "cut out of the grid." The planet is no longer attached to the evolutionary imprint contained within its morphogenetic field. A phantom planet is no longer capable of evolving out of the Harmonic Time cycle in which it is placed, it is no longer considered an Ascension Planet, it is called a Descending Planet. Such a planet will continue to evolve within its Harmonic Universe time cycles, slowly expending the energies held within its core, until its particle pulsation rhythms slow, its temperatures cool and eventually it implodes to become a black hole. It can take billions of years for a Descending Planet to meet this destination, this does not occur quickly, and life can continue to evolve upon its surface for many years. In the case of Earth's coming changes, when the planet is shifted to the Bridge Zone, the portions of Earth's particles that do not make the shift will become a Phantom Earth -- a Descending Earth.
The phantom version of Earth will be cut off from the interdimensional Time Matrix grid, and the Phantom Earth will return to the D-3 time cycle following 2017. The entire Bridge Zone Project was designed to keep Earth's primary particle base out of that D-3 time cycle, because in that time continuum the Dracos-Zeta Resistance successfully employs the Frequency Fence and creates Earth's destruction in 2976 AD. (This probable future for the D-3 time cycle can be averted if the Resistance-inspired 2003 experiment does not take place). In the Phantom Earth D-3 time cycle Earth changes occur, which debilitate a portion of human civilization, and the Zeta-Dracos hybrids come to "help put things back together", while placing the remaining populations under covert mind control through the use of Frequency Fence and Holographic Insert technology.
Humans who do not assemble DNA strand 4 and half of strand 5 will find themselves within this probability on the D-3 Phantom Earth. They will not know they are being controlled, and they will not realize the Dracos-Zeta Resistance manipulates and covertly directs world culture. They will not realize they are not free. And the souls of D-5 phantom Earth will consciously have no idea of the ultimate destiny of soul fragmentation toward which they will be headed. Most souls caught in this D-3 incarnational cycle in 2017 will have to continue reincarnating within the D-3 continuum, until they slowly assemble the fourth and half of the fifth DNA strand, which will be exceedingly difficult to do while under Frequency Fence control. Your future incarnational selves will be those humans faced with the 2976 cataclysm. Through the Bridge Zone Project the severity of this nature can be lessened.
If the Bridge Zone Project is successful, the D-4 time continuum, in which the Zetas now have their strong hold, will become free from Dracos-Zeta control, so the 2976 AD explosion of Earth will be avoided for the D-3 Earth. The Resistance will still attempt to infiltrate and control D-3 Earth, but their chances of success will be greatly reduced after losing control of the D-4 continuum.
Humans remaining in the D-3 time cycle will not benefit from the genetic acceleration opportunity that is open to Bridge Zone humans, as they will be cut off from the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, which will remain in Earth's core in the Bridge Zone. They will follow a different course of evolution on Descending Earth. It is much more difficult for individual souls to ascend from such a planet, as their personal connection to the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, which allows them direct access to their higher-dimensional identity, also becomes severed.
The Bridge Zone Project is an absolute necessity to ensure the survival of Earth, and it also allows humans the opportunity to evolve beyond the reaches of Dracos-Zeta manipulation. If events unfold perfectly, all humans will shift to the Bridge Zone in 2017, and thus no one will fall under Dracos-Zeta dominion, but the chances of such high success are slim. It is presently essential that a critical mass of humans reach a 4.5-accretion level before 2012.
If this does not occur, no one will make it to the Bridge Zone continuum, the Halls of Amenti will not fully open and some degree of Earth changes will take place between 2012-2017. Humans who are able to assemble the fifth DNA strand can be rescued by guardian transports, but there will be little time for such an evacuation, and the majority of the population could not withstand transport travel to Agartha or Tara. If the Bridge Zone Project is not successful, most of the human populations will be unable to escape Earth changes, covert Dracos-Zeta rule and separation from their personal soul matrix. If the Bridge Zone Project fails, Earth will meet its untimely demise in 2946 AD. Guardian Host Matrix transplants would have to be used to shift Descending Planet souls into Agartha before 2976 destruction. This would constitute another massive Guardian rescue mission in the future, the prospects of which are not promising, if humanity were under Resistance Frequency Fence control. The need for this rescue will be removed if present day humans can accept responsibility for their personal evolution now, and assist the Guardians in making the Bridge Zone Project a success.
Your future is in your hands, and your races will live the consequences of your collective choices. Each individual has the power and the responsibility for choosing the path of personal destiny that will unfold. In choosing to ignore the reality of Earth's present multidimensional affairs, you will be subjugating your personal power to those hidden forces that would be delighted to control your destiny for you. If you are wise, you will not surrender your evolutionary survival so easily. You have all the help you need to succeed, but humanity must also do its part and become responsible for personal evolution.
Three Tracks of Time; Humanity Facing Three Probable Futures and Three Tracks of Time
The technical information we have provided on the mechanics of the Bridge Zone Project serves to illustrate some of the operations of multidimensional physics. We are quite aware that it will be centuries before earthly scientific communities can comprehend some of the dynamics of which we speak. We provided the information so those of scientific persuasion might begin to realize the sophistication of true spiritual science, so they might be less prone to dismiss the importance of the information we have given. We suggest that one use the intuitive senses when trying to understand some of the more complicated concepts we have presented, as the intuitions are better equipped to translate this data into cognition, than are the facilities of the logical-analytical mind alone. To simplify the meaning of the Bridge Zone Project, it can be viewed as the vessel through which three probable future paths of development open to the human population. Between the years 2012-2017, there will be three distinct time continua into which the human consciousness can pass to continue its evolutionary journey. These time continua represent three different tracks of time that different portions of humanity will follow.
- Time Track One-Voyagers Ascension-D-4 Time Cycle 553257661! Leap into the Future
The first track of time opening to the human population in 2012, and the most desirable for those who can achieve it, constitutes catching the crest of the morphogenetic wave between 2012-2017 and ascending into the D-5 time cycle of Tara (or into the higher-dimensional fields of Gaia and the Meta-galactic Core.) We refer to the individuals who will complete bodily ascension as the Voyagers. To become a Voyager one must fully assemble the fifth DNA strand no later than 2022. After 2022, this first time track is no longer an option. In this future one would expect to experience subtle communications with a guardian group of either ET or metaterrestrial nature, prior to the ascension period.
Through this communication one will be taught how to prepare for their personal ascension, and will be given times and locations as to when and where the physical event will take place. For individuals who are ascending but cannot fully transmute the body to do so, preparation for achieving ascension following natural death will be provided through subtle communications and spiritual work. Most ascending individuals will be required to engage in conscious Cellular transmutation work, and will be guided through personal spiritual work, to the appropriate methodology for their personal development.
Individuals who will bodily ascend will at some point in their development experience direct physical or conscious etheric contact with a Guardian group. At the designated time, they will be secretly brought to the location from which they will ascend. Some will be taken, via various portal routes, into the Halls of Amenti. They will be led into the Halls and assisted in transmuting their bodies into light (which constitutes raising the pulsation rhythm of particles in the body and consciousness). As light, they will pass their consciousness into the Sphere of Amenti and through the portals of the Halls of Amenti, they will embody the frequencies of the Blue Flame Stall of Amenti within their consciousness and morphogenetic field, and pass into Tara. Once transferred to Tara, such individuals will then have the pulsation rate of their consciousness slowed to D-5 frequency, and they will find themselves re-manifest in a less dense, more perfected version of their body. They will appear in one of several receiving stations on Tara, set up for this purpose, and will be met by greeters appointed by the Priests of Ur and Mu on Tara. The greeters will escort them to one of several residential learning centers, appropriate to the personal level of development, and they will be provided with all necessities.
Couples or groups who ascend together will be able to remain together if they so choose. For a time the Voyagers will be offered classes through which they can acclimate to their new reality, and will then be offered communal residence or will be hosted by private Taran families who will provide lodging, sustenance and love. Memory of multidimensional experience will be fully returned, and the Voyager's will have the opportunity to commune with soul friends and family whom they had forgotten in earthly life. Voyagers will learn to integrate themselves as time travelers, into a culture that exists about 5532.5 years in the future of present day Earth. This culture is built upon the principles of the Law of One, and love, brorherhood, freedom, health, spiritual at-one-ment and joy are the foundations upon which this society is built. It is well worth the Voyage for those who can achieve ascension.
Some who are on the ascension time track will not have the full fifth strand of DNA assembled but will be close to this 5-accretion level. They will be unable to pass directly through the Halls of Amenti portals, so will instead be guided to Transport locations on Earth where they will be brought upon interdimensional transit craft and prepared for a journey into space.
Some of those on the transports will have their consciousness transferred into a clone body of their original body form (these clones were prepared in advance through guardian abduction/visitation encounters). The Guardians use cloning only in cases of individuals who possess most of the necessary fifth strand DNA assembly. Guardian cloning is used for individuals who would have been able to ascend if they had not encountered genetic damage while on Earth. Cloning is used for near-ascension-level individuals who experienced irreparable genetic damage due to intruder ET manipulation, birth defects, accidents or illness suffered on Earth.
Not all individuals taking the Transport ascension route will have their consciousness transferred into a clone body. Most will simply have their bio-energetic fields adjusted to facilitate rapid fifth DNA strand building.
(Note: clones created by the Guardian ET groups are expressly for the purpose of facilitating human ascensions. These are not to be confused with cloning tactics used by intruder Dracos-Zeta forces for infiltration into human culture). Voyagers on the Transports will be taken into outer space, then through the D-4 Merkaba Field at the center of the Sun and into the Halls of Amenti at the D-4 level (this is the same ascension path used by souls who die/drop their bodies and ascend to Tara as soul essence. However, individuals on the Transports will not be leaving a body behind).
The Transport craft will emerge through the core of Tara's Sun in D-5, then proceed to landing facilities on Tara. lnterdimensional Transport vessels are designed for such solar passage, as they are able to modulate frequency bands and alter the composition of their structure. Most human Voyagers will experience a period of deep sleep then a bit of temporary time disorientation as the Transports encounter the solar passages. Once they land on Tara, the Transport Voyagers will experience the same orientation events as those who ascended directly through the Halls of Amenti. All Voyagers will have a companion assigned to them following their arrival on Tara. The companion will assist them in adjusting to the new reality, and will remain with them until the Voyager has comfortably integrated into Taran culture.Some Voyagers, who have fully assembled the sixth DNA strand and have reached an accretion level of 6, will have the opportunity to ascend beyond Tara in HU-2, to Gaia in HU-3 or into the Meta-galactic Core at D-8 and completely leave matter form, the dimensional system and Time Matrix. This is the path of full mastery. Normally it is available to only the few who are born into the highest resonating genetic codes. Due to Earth's upcoming infusion of fifth-dimensional frequency, in the Bridge Zone time track, the fifth DNA strand assembly will be made available to everyone who works consciously to assimilate the D-5 frequency into the body. Once the fifth DNA strand is assembled, assembly of the sixth strand begins, and some individuals will be able to fully assemble the sixth strand between 2012-2017, while the Halls of Amenti and portals to Tara and Gaia are opened (Gaia's portals open for only three days in 2017). Guardians will be available to assist in all ascension procedures, those leading to Tara and beyond.
The Voyagers' ascension to Tara will be done solely through private, personal contact. There will be no mass landings of Guardian ships to pick up intended Voyagers, there will be no public knowledge of the logistic orchestration of these events. Individuals who are able to participate in this activity will be contacted privately and secretly guided to the appropriate location, just prior to leaving. Publicly conducting such activities would serve only to cause major chaos within your social orders, not to mention military interference, so ascensions will remain a closely guarded covert guardian activity.
We present this material now to assist potential Voyagers in remembering their soul agreements to participate in these activities. Those who are intended to ascend can find this information through working directly with their own spiritual identities. Even if you do not consciously remember such soul agreements, you will feel a certain way about the ascension option when confronted with this material. If the path of ascension is the right one for you, you will sense this, and find your soul-self awareness guiding you to the appropriate preparatory procedures. The ascension path is not something the Guardians have made happen for you, it is the natural path of your personal soul evolution. The Guardians do not control the ascension process -- they simply facilitate humans and the souls and over-souls of humans who are ready for this natural evolutionary step.
- Time Track Two -- Phantom Earth Descending Planet -- D-6 Time Cycle Returning to the Present
The second track of time opening to the human population in 2017 is that of the natural procession through the half-point, in which Earth returns to the D-3 time cycle following 2017. If the Bridge Zone Project is successful, the Earth that will return to the D-3 time cycle will be the "phantom Earth," the remaining particles of Earth's body that were unable to transmute to higher accretion levels. This is the least-favorable option available to humanity, as this is the future in which humanity falls under the covert control of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. Humans who will see this future after 2012 will be those who have not assembled their DNA to at least the fourth strand by 2012. On August 12th, 2003 the Dracos-Zeta Resistance plan to motivate certain factions of the Interior Government to orchestrate another experiment similar to those of the Montauk Project of 1983 and the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. The Interior government will be led to believe this project is for the benefit of humankind, that it will stop Earth changes from occurring in 2012.
To those of the Interior Government who may be reading this material, please heed this warning: You are being tricked and used as pawns by the Draco:Zeta Resistance. They are planning to use you to orchestrate a covert takeover, through which you, the populations and the Earth will be placed under subliminal, bio-neurological Resistance control. If you allow this experiment to take place, you will ensure that the populations remaining in the D-3 time track will fall under Dracos-Zeta Resistance Frequency Fence and Holographic Insert control. You can stop them from putting the Frequency Fence in place if you refuse to participate in this experiment. Stop "buying into the lies" and false promises of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. If not for the sake of your planet or your people, then at least for the sake of your own personal safety. Rethink your positions in relation to the Resistance and redirect your course of action. There is still time left to shift the fate of the D-3 time continuum. If the Dracos-Zeta plan is not stopped in 2003, they will begin broadcasting the EM pulses of the Frequency Fence in 2004 and beam in Holographic Inserts by 2006. People who do not have a minimum of 3.75-accretion level, (3.75-accretion level constitutes full assembly of the third DNA strand and 75 percent of the fourth strand), will fall under the bio-neurological block of the Frequency Fence and will become subliminally controlled and directed by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. This includes those of you in the Interior Government who are foolish enough to believe these EBEs are your allies. No one will know they are being controlled. Those under the new Frequency Fence will become cut off from their personal intuitive senses and organic connection to their soul matrix. They will be unable to further assemble the DNA strands, and thus will not be able to participate in accelerated evolution and the coming ascension opportunity. The EBEs will offer a new belief system of a religious nature that will teach subservience to a higher order of spiritual hierarchy, which will become the belief catalyst for the "New World Order" of covert control and dominion foretold in your Biblical stories.
When the phantom Earth enters the 2012-2017 period, there will be geographical and climatic changes on Earth, the degree of which we cannot fully foresee. The severity of such changes will depend completely upon how the Earth's grid reacts to the frequency disruptions of the Frequency Fence. It is the Frequency Fence that will be primarily responsible for causing severe Earth changes, so if the 2003 infiltration is stopped, the severity of potential Earth changes between 2012-2017 can be significantly reduced.
What do you think might happen to your nuclear weapons and reactors if such Earth changes take place? It is time your governments began considering these issues. If these events go unchecked, and the Frequency Fence plan is not diverted, it is presently estimated that about 40 percent of Earth's surface will be heavily affected by these changes, 15 percent of this 40 percent taking place within the territories belonging to the USA. These estimates may change, depending up how this Earth drama unfolds between now and 2012. Needless to say, the cultures of Earth‘s D-3 time cycle would be adversely affected. The populations surviving such events would remain under covert Dracos-Zeta Resistance control, unaware of the truth that had caused them such suffering. We reiterate: These events can Still be changed, before 2003, if the Interior Government changes its agreements with the Resistance forces.
There is a tentative plan by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance to stage a public landing in 2001, after allowing bits of information concerning their presence to reach the general public. They intend to send their Rutilia operatives (Zeta-Dracos hybrids that resemble Zeta Greys, called EBEs by the covert government) to members of the Interior Government, posing as emissarics. They will offer technology and friendship.
Do not trust them. We implore the Interior Government on Earth to refuse any and all dealings with these beings, for they are not your allies nor friends, They are attempting to pull a covert "Trojan Horse" stunt on you. This can succeed only if you "open the gates," enter agreements with them and allow them to convince you to orchestrate experiments, the consequences of which you do not understand. The Bridge Zone Project will remain operable regardless of the choices of the Interior Government. Humans are advised to begin working with the higher-chakra centers to accelerate the assembly and alignment of the third and fourth DNA strands before 2004. If the Resistance is successful in orchestrating the Frequency Fence in 2004, humans whose DNA has not reached the 3.75-accretion level will be susceptible to the perceptual distortions caused by the Frequency Fence. You can all learn to protect yourselves from this manipulation if you take responsibility for working with your bio-energetic system to accelerate DNA assembly.
Reach for spiritual integration with your soul identity while it is easy to do so, for if you begin this integration process now (by assembling DNA strands 3 and 4), it will completely protect you from the Frequency Fence.
If you fall under Dracos-Zeta control, you will continue to evolve as souls upon a Descending Planet. You will not consciously realize that you are being controlled and subliminally manipulated. Experientially those who are under Frequency Fence control will be unable to perceive the effects of the multidimensional changes taking place between 2012-2017.
If the Earth changes meet or exceed the damage we have estimated, human culture will be dealt a severe blow and your social, political and economic structures will be unable to easily recuperate from these events. If we are successful in convincing the Interior Government to stop negotiations with the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and the experiment of 2003 does not take place, a different reality picure will be perceived by those remaining in the D-3 time cycle. Localized grid imbalances will most likely still occur, and climatic deviations will continue to acelerate until 2017. Your primary social structures will remain intact, but national disaster relief funds and insurance organizations may collapse due to an overabundance of claims and needed expenditure. If the Resistance is unable to employ the Frequency Fence by 2004, which they cannot do if the 2003 experiment does not take place, they will have little recourse. As long as the Interior Government refuses dealings with the Resistance, the Resistance will be unable to orchestrate a full infiltration into human society.
Once the Earth grid passes through 2017 without the complications of the Frequency Fence, and the primary vulnerability of the portal structure ebbs, Guardian Visitors will be able to enforce a ban on Dracos-Zeta presence and these intruders will leave. Your government systems will still evolve under the influence of the human Interior Government. Guardian Visitors will again attempt to make contact with this covert organization, in order to establish public contact procedures through which human social conscience and order can be redirected toward peaceful evolution. Humans remaining in the D-3 time track will still find themselves evolving on a Descending Planet and the opportunity to rapidly evolve the fifth DNA strand will have passed, as the phantom Earth will not receive the full infusion of D-5 frequency.
You will reincarnate on this Descending Planet until you can assemble the third through fifth DNA strands, which is a slow process that takes numerous lifetimes, except during the acceleration opportunity presented in the ascension cycle. If you die after 2022 without the D-4 and D-5 frequency patterns assembled in your personal morphogenetic field, reincarnation in HU-1 will be mandatory. This is simply the nature of the energy dynamics involved in soul evolution. While evolving on a Descending Planet it is very important for individuals to have conscious knowledge of ascension mechanics, for the opportunity of spontaneous mass ascension is no longer an option. Guardian Visitors Will assist in keeping this knowledge alive and available to humans remaining on phantom Earth in the D-3 time cycle. We pray that each individual can be reached with this message, so the opportunity of ascension and freedom is not lost to your present identity. If the 2003 experiment and the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence can be averted, those in the D-3 time cycle will follow a different path of evolution than humans in the Bridge Zone and ascension time cycles. They will have the opportunity to evolve more slowly, yet still have the option of free will and more open contact with guardian races. The severity of Earth changes during the 2012-2017 transitions will be greatly reduced.
If the Dracos-Zeta Resistance is successful in 2003, life in D-3 will continue under their covert dominion and Earth changes Will take place between 2012-2017. Once D-3 Earth is under Resistance Frequency Fence control, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance will be motivated to protect their "vested interests" on Earth from guardian tampering. If the Resistance gains leverage and confidence through successfully orchestrating the Frequency Fence, it will be very difficult for the Guardians to enforce a ban on them without direct military confrontation. Such a "Star Wars" confrontation between Resistance and guardian forces would have further catastrophic consequences for D-3 Earth, and it has not been decided by the guardian legions whether such intervention would be conducted.
The Guardians are taking a "let's wait and see what happens" approach to this subject. The Guardians can only protect humanity from the consequences of its choices for so long, after which point full responsibility for personal evolution must be returned to the human race. The opportunity to create self-protection is now being offered through the Guardians' attempts to educate humanity. If this opportunity is ignored, the humans remaining in the D-3 time cycle will have to accept responsibility for their selected ignorance and face the consequences of covert Dracos-Zeta rule. Further guardian intervention would only be considered if the D-3 populations made a show of effort to take responsibility and make the needed changes prior to 2017. The Guardians are willing to help those who are willing to help themselves, but have little patience left for those who refuse to learn, grow and become responsible for their choices. If the Bridge Zone Project is not successful, Earth will remain in HU-1 under Dracos-Zeta rule, and your incarnational destiny on HU-1 Earth will meet a premature end in 2976 AD. The majority of the human population can avoid these less favorable futures by seizing the opportunity of accelerated evolution represented by the Bridge Zone Project.
- Time Track Three -- the Bridge Zone-D65 Time Cycle 2213 -- year Leap into the Future
The third time track available to humanity in 2017 is that leading into the Bridge Zone. Individuals having a 4.5-accretion level/assembly of the full fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth will enter the Bridge Zone time continuum. We need a critical mass of people to reach 4.5 accretion before 2012 in order for the Earth's grid to raise high enough in speed to enter the Bridge Zone in 2012. The accretion level of Earth is being continually measured and monitored, and as of this writing (August 1998) things look quite promising. Recent events involving the Sphere of Amenti have given us much encouragement for the success of the Bridge Zone Project, and we are still on schedule for the opening of the Halls of Amenti in 2012. The transition of Earth moving into the Bridge Zone began in 1997 as we infused Earth's grid with UHF energy to assist in raising the particle pulsation rate of Earth's core. The speed of Earth's core particles will be progressively raised between now and 2012.
As Earth progressively moves closer to 2012, a subtle division will begin to appear within the populations of Earth. Those with higher accretion rates will progressively find themselves surrounded by others of similar accretion levels, and those with low accretion rates will likewise group. You will see a more [
apparentobvious] division between what you consider the "light and dark forces" moving within your populations. You may see extremes of this condition, especially in geological areas in proximity to the seven major Earth vortices/chakras (we will discuss the Vortices in following pages).Small-scale wars may break out in some areas, motivated covertly by visiting members of the Ancient Anunnaki Resistance, who entered orbit around Earth in D-4 in 1997, with the intention of amplifying the potentials of Earth changes to see the downfall of human culture. The Anunnaki Resistance will not directly intervene, nor do they work with the Dracos-Zeta Resistance, they are simply here to see Earth purged of what they consider the "cosmic virus" of the human race. They will motivate conflict and personal and collective strife by attempting to manipulate people from the D-4 astral plane. Their purpose is to increase grid instability, as they know this will amplify any Earth changes that may occur. They are not as highly motivated as the Dracos-Zeta Resistance, and will not attempt direct interference in Earth affairs, so as to avoid direct conflict with the Sirian Council, their Council Loyalist Anunnaki Brothers and the other Guardian groups from HU-2 and HU-3. They are simply game players who will try to tip the balances of the unfolding Earth drama in the favor of human extinction.
The only people who will be susceptible to Anunnaki Resistance manipulation will be those who have low accretion levels and who have not learned to put protective energetic barriers around the astral identity. Anyone working consciously and sincerely to integrate the soul identity will have protection from Anunnaki Resistance manipulation. Humans with high accretion levels will be called upon to assist the guardian races in building a frequency block in D-4 to protect Earth's major portals/vortices from Anunnaki Resistance energy transmissions. Guardians from the Andromeda galaxy presently have Earth's vortices sealed under a protective D-4 frequency seal, but in the event that the Anunnaki Resistance manage to decode the frequency seal co-ordinates (which they occasionally do, requiring repeated guardian rescaling of the vortices), the Andromies will need human help to ground a more sophisticated vortex frequency seal. Human Light-workers involved with the "Portal Project" are presently on standby, waiting for the time when they will be called into service. Human Light workers will also assist in keeping the portal regions balanced on Earth between 2012-2022.
E T Influences
Presently the human collective moves together toward the three divergent tracks of time. By 2012 the divisions within the populations will be set, as the three groups, with three different accretion levels, begin to move into their appropriate track of time. Those on the ascension track will have already made preparations in their DNA and have a more conscious understanding of the process with which they are involved. Those on the Descending Planet time track will proceed with "business as usual", unaware of the changes taking place around them. If the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence is successful, the "peripheral blindness" of those on the Descending Planet track will be amplified.
There may be exaggerated movements from within the Interior Government to ban, discredit, confuse and black out from public view, information pertaining to ascension mechanics, advanced multidimensional technologies and the truth of Visitor agendas. These tactics are already being used to keep the general populations unaware of what is taking place regarding ET and metaterrestrial contact. You will see counter-movements emerging through which genuine information is made available to those who will listen. Many of the traditional religious organizations will be used as dis-information vehicles, through which the public is taught to view the new information as "evil." This tactic is orchestrated through Zeta-human infiltrates presently working within various organizations. You will see many distraction tactics emerging, through which public attention is purposely and covertly directed away from the issues of spiritual development and into fear-based, conflict-laden agendas. The threats of economic disaster, war and famine, as well as menial issues will all be used, through covertly manipulated media propaganda, to divert public attention away from the real issues taking place. The Zetas are expert propagandists, and subliminal manipulators, and are quite accustomed to subliminally influencing the unsuspecting minds of humans in key positions to carry out their bidding.
The propaganda program, which has convinced the majorities that ET presence is not real, has been in effect since the 1940s, and you will see a continuation and acceleration of this propaganda until about 2001, when the program will be changed to begin preparing the public for intended EBE contact. When information about the possible validity of ET presence begins to make it into public View, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance will present themselves as Guardians and attempt to make guardian groups appear as intruders. The Resistance may orchestrate a mass landing in 2001, but only if they are confident that they will succeed in motivating human Interior Government to conduct the 2003 experiment. If by 2001, the Resistance fears their Frequency Fence plan will not succeed, they will not stage a landing. They will still work to instigate the 2003 experiment, and may increase their abductions within the general populace, making it appear as though guardian groups are responsible, in order to trick the Interior Government to continue with the 2003 experiment. The shift in the perspective of the propaganda program will take place between 2001-2003, if it takes place at all.
If news validating the reality of visiting ET presence reaches public distribution networks by 2001 you can be sure the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence plan is still in operation and that the Interior Government continues to work with the Resistance. If a mass level, public landing takes place any time between 2001-2003, realize these are not friendly Visitors regardless of what they may claim.
In the event that the Frequency Fence plan remains operational and the Resistance schedules its mass landing, several guardian ET groups may create mass sightings, to increase public awareness of the reality of ET presence. They will not conduct a mass landing or initiate physical contact on a public or governmental level. If Guardians deem such "fly-by" tactics necessary, these events may take place anywhere between 2000-4003. The purpose of such an event will be to warn humans who are aware of these hidden agendas that the Resistance still plans infiltration. If the guardian "fly-by's" occur, this is intended as a sign for the populations to begin preparation for Earth changes, because if the Frequency Fence is employed, some degree of tectonic shifting will result.
Be aware!
If you begin to experience mass "fly-by's" between 2000-2003, you need to make provisions for coming climatic and Earth changes. In this event the Guardians will provide information on "safe space" locations through their private human contacts.
If the Resistance believes its infiltration plan will not succeed, they will not land between 2001-2003, and the Guardians will not conduct mass "fly by's." The old propaganda program of blocking public awareness of ET presence will resume and the Interior Government will continue to distract public attention from this issue so as to retain control of the populations. If the 2003 experiment is stopped (the Resistance needs the cooperation of the Interior Government for this experiment to be successful) there will still be three tracks of time facing the human populace.
In the D-3 time cycle Descending Planet track, the Dracos-Resistance will leave of their own accord, knowing they cannot claim dominion over human populations and that after 2017 Guardians can enforce a ban on Dracos-Zeta presence. If the Earth's grid is balanced in 2012, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and the Anunnaki Resistance will leave. Earth's populations can then focus upon the primary issues at hand, assisting the Guardians to keep Earth's grid balanced and accelerating personal evolution in preparation for the opening of the Halls of Amenti between 2012-2022.
If 92 percent of Earth's populations could reach a 4.5-accretion level by 2012, no one would take the second track of time back into the D-3 time cycle of the Descending Earth. This is not likely, however, so as it stands some of the Earth's populations will indeed return to the D-3 continuum. These are the only individuals susceptible to the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence, and we hope that the Interior Government will stop the 2003 experiment so these individuals do not have to contend with the Frequency Fence and resulting changes of the D-3 Earth. If humans begin working now to consciously assemble DNA and increase accretion level, there is still time to become immune to that intended Frequency Fence and prepare to leave the D-3 continuum. If you can achieve a 4.5-accretion level by 2012 you will automatically end up in the Bridge Zone continuum in 2017. As long as 8 percent of Earth's populations reach a S-accretion level, 144,000 people reach a 6-accretion level, and about 40 percent reach a 4.5 level, the Bridge Zone Project will be successful.
In approaching the Bridge Zone time track, humans will perceive a growing gap between the populations following old, fear-based agendas and those following the path of personal enlightenment between 1998-2012. These on the Bridge Zone path will begin to bond together in a global network of enlightenment, doing personal and planetary energy healing work and preparation for Stellar Activations. The schedule of events leading up to the opening of the Halls of Amenti will continue to unfold up to 2012, when Earth's grid begins to merge with Tara's and the Halls of Amenti begin to open.
As this schedule of events proceeds, the population divisions will begin to fall out of range of each other's perceptions. Those headed to the Bridge Zone will experience progressively more awareness of multidimensional reality, personal purpose and incarnational memory, as the Sphere of Amenti progressively releases more of the race memory back into the Earth's grid. That multidimensional memory will be available to everyone, those who will access this memory will be people who have the genetic ability to pull higher frequency into their operational genetic codes. The more DNA you assemble, the higher your accretion level, the more information and memory you will be able to draw from the Earth's grid. The consciousness of the accelerating individuals will rapidly expand, while the awareness of the people entering the Descending Planet will remain about the same.
Between 1998 and 2012, these two groups of people will progressively become more "invisible" to each other, as the procession of their lives moves in opposite directions. There will appear to be natural sequences of events that occur as individuals of lower accretion begin to move out of the lives of those of higher accretion levels, to be replaced by new individuals who have a higher accretion level. Those of lower accretion levels will find themselves more and more in like company.
The progressive separation of populations will take place as the particles which compose the bodies and consciousness of people with higher accretion/ DNA strand assembly levels begin to pulsate at progressively faster rhythms, moving people of higher and lower accretion levels farther and farther out of each others perceptual range. During the coming transitions, particle fields are separating. The bodies and consciousness of people are made of particles, thus humanity will also experience separation of its peoples into those with faster and slower-particle pulsation rhythms.
All humans will experience Earth's temporary shift into the D-4 time cycle and the Stellar Activations that create this shift. Humans with lower accretion levels will have difficulty assimilating the frequencies of the Stellar Activations. The Stellar Activations will create time acceleration for the people of Earth. This acceleration can be used to advance the evolutionary blueprint through cone sciously assimilating these energies into the body, in order to create greater health, vitality, harmony and awareness. If the new frequencies are not assimilated into the body, the time acceleration will apply to the degeneration of the body and consciousness and the manifestation of disharmony and disease.
The Bridge Zone populations will accelerate their ability to access Guardian information, and some will become involved in subtle communication with Guardian groups. In 2012, when the more intensive changes begin, localized climatic deviations and smaller Earth changes may arise, and the Bridge Zone people will pull together to help each other through these changes. Between 2009-2017 those in the Bridge Zone will begin to see certain public organizations, businesses and institutions either reach their natural ends or begin to take their operations in a more enlightened direction. Those on the Descending Planet will not perceive these changes. Some of the Bridge Zone people will become aware that the Inner Earth portals have opened and will have invitation to explore those realms. Some of the structures of the Inner Earth geography will begin to emerge on the Bridge Zone Earth, new islands will be discovered on Earth during this transition period, and new organizations of spiritual and social order will begin to emerge. Some groups of individuals will have open contact with various guardian ET and metaterrestrial Visitors. The particle base of both the Descending Earth and the Bridge Zone Earth will enter the D-4 time cycle between 2012-2017. The infusions of D-5 through D-9 energy will enter the grid of Bridge Zone Earth, and the spontaneous assembly of the fifth DNA strand imprint will begin within the populations whose accretion level at 2012 placed them in the pulsation rhythms of the Bridge Zone time track. The two Earth's will co-exist simultaneously within the D-4 time cycle between 2012 and 2017 and each of the two groups of people will simultaneously perceive two different sets of events.
In order to comprehend the nature of these changes, one must realize that the energy dynamics taking place involve Earth's particle base being separated into two different rhythms of particle pulsation, and the particle substance out of which human bodies and consciousness are composed will also experience such a separatron.
In 2017 human populations will completely separate into two groups, each perceiving a different set of events. These events will take place in two separate fields of particle pulsation rhythm. It will be as if part of the population "switched the channel on the television set of manifest events," one group remains watching the old channel, and the other group switches the channel of perception to a new station.
The particle pulsation rhythm of the entire Earth will temporarily be raised to the rhythm of D-4 frequencies between 5/5/2000 and 1/2012. The Guardians will infuse Earth's particle base with UHF D-4 energy transmissions until 5/5/2000. The portion of Earth's particle base that can hold this frequency pattern will increase to a higher D-4 pulsation rate and begin the Stellar Activation cycle, while the portions of Earth's particle base that cannot hold this frequency will remain at the lower D-4 rate of pulsation.
In the Bridge Zone particle base, the angular rotation of particle spin will be altered by the Guardians, in order for it to be transferred into the pulsation rhythms of the Bridge Zone-Agartha time continuum in 2017. The angular rotation of particle spin of Earth's higher vibrating particle base will be shifted 22.5degrees in reverse from the angle of particle rotation of Earth's lower vibrating particle base. This separation of particle pulsation rhythms will reach completion in 2017, just when Earth's grid is in full alignment with that of Tara and the Holographic Beam passes through the Photon Belt into direct alignment with Earth's seventh vortex/chakra. As the energies of the Holographic Beam pass into the Earth's bio-energetic field in 2017, the higher and lower vibrating particle bases of Earth will completely separate. The lower vibrating particle base will rapidly drop in vibration and return to the pulsation rhythm of the D-3 time continuum. The higher vibrating particle base will complete its 22.5degrees reverse shift in angular rotation of particle spin and fix its pulsation rhythm at the 3.5-accretion level of the Bridge Zone-Agartha time continuum.
When this separation transition completes in 2017, the populations will find themselves permanently divided into two separate groups.
Perceptual Stations
- Group One Descending Planet Perceptual Station
Humans with lower accretion levels will perceive none of the multidimensional activity that is taking place. As long as the Frequency Fence is not operational, they will not experience massive Earth changes, but some localized shifting may occur. They will experience a three-day period of tension, fatigue and accelerated atmospheric pressure and a temporary disruption of the function of electrical apparatus at the height of the separation from Earth's higher vibrating grid in 2017. Scientists may detect odd variations in Earth's magnetic fields and a sudden, unexplainable increase in gamma ray activity. Solar storms and flare activity will appear to increase for several months, then rapidly return to normal appearance. At the height of the separation, a phenomenon that resembles a prolonged, spontaneous solar eclipse may occur, depending upon the stability of Earth's bio-energetic grid.
The most notable occurrence will be that numerous groups of people will seem to have vanished from the Earth without a trace. There will be no explanation for these vanishings in conventional terms. For Earth in the D-3 continuum, little will have appeared to change, and populations will move forth into their D-3 evolution. The Halls of Amenti will be closed to them, as will the portals to the Inner Earth. They will experience massive Earth changes only in the event that the Frequency Fence is operational.
In either case, Guardians will assist in realigning the planetary grids and returning Earth to stability. In the event that the Frequency Fence is operational, the D-3 populations will be totally unaware of the changes taking place, including the vanishings, as Holographic Inserts will be used to block perception of these events. Only the Earth changes would be apparent to the D-3 populations. Descending Planet populations will remain in the D-3 time continuum and the opportunity for mass ascension will no longer be possible in the future. Ascension of individuals will have to be orchestrated through Host Matrix Transplants. If the Frequency Fence becomes operational in 2004, they will see Earth changes and will be under covert Dracos-Zeta Resistance mind control. If not, they will slowly evolve and reincarnate toward building the fourth and fifth DNA strands through Host Matrix assistance.
- Group Two Bridge Zone Perceptual Station
The populations who shift into the Bridge Zone will experience more obvious phenomena of change as the two particle bases of Earth complete their 2017 separation. Many structures of inorganic substance, composed of lower-vibrating particles, will simply appear to vanish, as well as populations having lower accretion levels. New island land masses will have appeared to emerge out of the oceans, seemingly over night. New passageways into the Earth will be found that lead into the Inner Earth territories. The most amazing phenomenon to manifest in the Bridge Zone will be the sudden appearance of buildings, roads and other structures of civilization that one did not remember having existed prior to this shift.
Earth's Bridge Zone populations will find themselves in old familiar territories having the new twist of people, organizations, landscapes and social structures that resemble what was, but which are operating at a higher level of vibration/ pulsation and enlightenment. In 2017, portions of the Inner Earth, Agartha civilizations will suddenly be visible, and it will seem as if they had always been there. This may create a bit of temporary time-space and memory disorientation to the populations of the Bridge Zone. During the height of the separation in 2017, the Bridge Zone populations will also experience a three-day period of tension and sensation of atmospheric pressure, and they may perceive [
the appearance of] very bright moon halos or two moons in the sky during this three-day period. For this reason we refer to the Bridge Zone time continuum as The Path of the Night of the Two Moons. If you perceive these lunar effects in 2017, you will know you have entered the Bridge Zone time continuum.In the Bridge Zone, more open relations with Guardian Visitors will begin, and humanity will continue to evolve along a more enlightened, accelerated path. New fuel sources, such as photonic energy containment, will be discovered as Well as many new technologies based upon light, sound and Keylontic science. As the Bridge Zone Earth will receive the infusion of D-5 through D-9 energy during the 2012-2017 period, the populations will have the opportunity to assemble the fifth DNA strand to become Voyagers and enter the path of time travel/ ascension to Tara. Some will also have the opportunity to assemble DNA beyond the fifth strand and enter the accelerated path of mastery to ascend to Gaia or the Meta-Galactic Core. Bridge Zone populations will be completely free from intruding ET Visitor manipulation. Perceptually the sensation of lightness, or less weight, will be felt in the atmosphere and within the body and a greater feeling of peace, optimism and personal vibrancy will be experienced. Higher chakra centers in the human bio-energetic system will come into activation and the conscious integration of soul awareness will accelerate.
We have undertaken great labors to provide you with this detailed and often complex information concerning the changes your race will soon encounter. We wanted you to be prepared. We wanted you to know what is going on so you can begin to make good, conscious choices now, to ensure your highest evolutionary potential.
Knowledge is power; thus we have given the gift of power to those who care enough to use this gift wisely.
Now that we have provided you with the basic foundations of knowledge concerning the coming changes Earth and the human populations will face, our primary interest is to prepare you for the opportunity of the opening of the Halls of Amenti. We will give you an idea of what to expect and when, and how each of you can best prepare for the future you prefer to experience. As previously mentioned, there is a schedule of events that the Guardians have to follow to ensure the opening of the Halls of Amenti. Timing of these events is crucial to the success of Amenti opening and so far everything is right on schedule.
[...] Release of the Seal of Palaidor and assembly of the full fourth and fifth DNA strands is necessary to reclaim the Immortal Body. Release of the Seal of Amenti allows the process of fifth strand DNA assembly and Pleiadian-Soul Seat Activation to continue.
The Zeta Seal is a genetic mutation created in 1748 AD by the Zetas' Frequency Fence in the D-4 time cycle. Zeta Seal was removed by Guardians through astral realignment, between 1902-1986, but traces of this fourth DNA strand mutation still appear in some humans. Zeta Seal blocked D-4 frequency, and thus multidimensional perception, from the D-3 perceptual awareness, creating an artificial barrier between the D-3 conscious self and the astral identity. The seal operated as an etheric implant within the nadial capsule, between the third and fourth layers of the auric field. This caused repression of dream recall and memory of multidimensional experience, and hampering of multidimensional communication, astral projection and the soul integration processes. It allowed Zetas to electrically impulse human biochemical response patterns and behavior, through subliminal manipulation of the bio-neurological structure. Zeta Seal releases with assembly of realigned fourth DNA strand.
The Hall of Records
September 17, 2001: Guardians Complete Alignment of Giza Pyramid with Alcyone Spiral. Hall of Records Begins to Open. The Guardians will complete their Earth grid realignment, bringing the Great Pyramid of Giza/vortex 4 into alignment with the Alcyone spiral in preparation for the Holographic Beam of 2017. This will begin the opening of the Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx.
The Hall of Records is a fourth-dimensional portal passage storage area that connects to the higher-dimensional morphogenetic fields of Earth, Tara and Gaia, where the complete planetary memory banks are stored in the inner crystalline energy substance. These crystalline morphogenetic imprints are collectively called the Ancient Dora-Teura Matrix, and they contain the entire living memory of the five Harmonic Universes in one 15-dimensional system. The Akashic Record planetary memory bank of D-8 is part of the larger Ancient Dora-Teura Matrix memory complex. The Hall of Records represents a D-4 conduit through which data from the Akashic Record and Ancient DoraTeura can be downloaded through the Earth's seven-primary vortices and into the Sphere of Amenti and Earth's morphogenetic field. The data is transferred electronically through the Hall of Records, into Amenti and Earth's core, then into Earth's grid. The history of the universe then becomes available to anyone on Earth that has a high enough accretion level to translate the data through their genetic code and consciousness. The Hall of Records opens only when the Alcyone spiral is aligned with the primary fourth vortex beneath the Sphinx and Great Pyramid.
Within the structure of the Sphinx there are several dormant portal passages that lead from the Sphinx, to the Great Pyramid then into the D-2 portal passage of Earth's core, where the Sphere of Amenti is stored. Once the Alcyone spiral is activated, these portals are accessible, but only to individuals who carry very precise frequency tone combinations Within their bio-energetic fields. In order for the Hall of Records to release its data through the portals of the Sphinx and into the Sphere of Amenti, the three individuals who represent the Flame Holders of the D-2 Orange-Gold Flame (a male), the D-5 Blue Flame (female) and the D-7 Violet Flame (female) must enter the Sphinx through the D-4 astral plane, and find their way to the inner chamber and the portal activation site, which is a very small crawl space, boxed-in on three sides, just large enough to hold three bodies (astral) lined up side by side. The activation site is underground and is presently sealed by several layers of stone, its access crawl space, through which it was constructed, is packed with earth. There are several hidden passages within and beneath the Sphinx, that are marked with a series of instructional symbol codes, the final four of which can only be decoded by the Flame Holders. The symbols are multidimensional Keylontie Access Codes that, once translated and pulled into the body, serve as the electronic flame release for the Hall of Records.
The Flame Holders will be guided to Egypt with a small support team to help them hold the energy, at the appropriate time. The Flame Holders must enter the activation site using the astral body. Ideally, they must project from the physical body stationed within the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. When the Alcyone spiral is activated, the Flame Holders within the Kings Chamber will receive a "Blue Flame Infusion" (a bodily infusion of UHF D-5 energy from the Alcyone spiral), through an energy rite known only to the Flame Holders and beings with D-15 "clearance" (beings whom have undergone 15-dimensional initiations and carry the imprint for D-13 through D15 within their morphogenetic field). After the infusions, the Flame Holders will link their bio-energetic fields, and enter the astral plane and access site together. Once in the activation site the three will blend the energies of their astral bodies in one unit of ultra-conscious energy identity. The physical and astral bodies of the Flame holders serve as a conduit through which the electronically stored data from the Hall of Records can download, activate the portals and pass into the Sphere ofAmenti. The Flame Holders allow the Hall of Records to be put "on line" with the Sphere of Amenti, after which time this data transmits through Earth's grid and becomes available to anyone on Earth who can translate the information. The Hall of Records begins opening with the activation of the Alcyone spiral, but cannot be accessed until the Blue Flame of Amenti embodies on Earth, with the birth of the sixth avatar. The birth of the sixth avatar creates an energetic connection between 12 dimensions of the Hall of Records and the Earth's core, which allows data to flow through the Flame Holders and into the Sphere of Arnenti. If the Halls of Amenti cannot open, the Hall of Records also remains closed. Prior to the opening of the Hall of Records, the chambers leading to the dead-end in front of the activation site in the Sphinx will be discovered. The Halls of Amenti will begin to open on 5/5/2012. The Hall of Records will begin opening on 9/17/2001, but will not activate and begin transmitting data until after the birth of the sixth avatar, which is scheduled for 12:01 am on 5/5/2012. At this time the Flame Holders will be called to activate the Hall of Records for the races.
2001: Dracos-Zeta Resistance Tentative Plan to Stage Public Landing and
Introduction to Begin Frequency Fence Project.
Guardians Plan "Fly-by's" if Warning of Earth Changes Is Needed.
The Dracos-Zeta Resistance tentatively plans to stage a public landing in order to deceptively introduce themselves as Guardians and begin covert infiltration of Earth's electrical power supply and water systems in preparation for implementing their Frequency Fence. The Resistanceforce: will not land if they believe their Frequency Fence plan is in jeopardy. If Earth's grid reaches a 3.75-accretion level by 2001, (which will only occur if 800 of the population assembles the fifth DNA strand by 2001; this is not expected until just before 2012) the Resistance Frequency Fence will not work on the masses. If the Frequency Fence plan can be averted, the Resistance will abandon their direct take-over plans, and resort to instigating Earth changes. If they cannot gain control over human populations, they still hope to stop the Halls of Amenti from opening, so the acceleration of the human genetic blueprint does not take place. The Resistance will lose control over their future D-4 stronghold if present human populations can assemble the fourth and fifth DNA strands. For this reason the Resistance has a vested interest in keeping the Halls of Amenti closed. Without the Frequency Fence it will be difficult for them to stop the Bridge Zone project, the opening of Amenti and the accelerated genetic evolution it will bring. If they cannot stop these events they will attempt to gain dominion over the D-3 "phantom Earth", to begin rebuilding their strong hold from D-3 after 2017, a plan that is likely to fail if Guardians decide to enforce a ban on Resistance presence. If the Frequency Fence plan is stopped there is a strong likelihood that Resistance forces will leave of their own accord. If the Frequency Fence plan is not stopped, humans remaining on D-3 phantom Earth will still remain vulnerable to [...]
Following the three-day particle conversion period which will occur sometime between 5/5/2017 and 6/30/2017; as the Bridge Zone Earth takes its position 2213 years in the future at accretion level 3.5, the phantom Earth becomes a Descending Planet and re-enters the D-3 time continuum, returning to its original level. People who have assembled a minimum of all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth, (giving them an accretion level of 4.5, which allows them to perceive the 3.5-dimensional frequencies as physical matter) will shift their body and consciousness to the Bridge Zone Earth. People with less DNA strand assembly, and an accretion level of less than 4.5 will shift back to the D-3 time continuum when Earth leaves the D-4 continuum following the three day period. In previous sections, we have discussed the experiential perceptions one will encounter within each of the three tracks of time, and what one might expect to experience through this transition period, so we will not restate that information here. During this 3-day period when the Meta-galactic portals open, people who have just assembled and activated the sixth DNA strand can ascend directly out of matter into etheric matter on Gaia, and those who have activated the eighth strand can ascend directly through the Meta-galactic Core into pure morphogenetic consciousness in dimensions 9,1 2. During the three-day period of final alignment with the Holographic Beam, a burst of accelerating energy runs through Earth grid, allowing many others to almost instantaneously assemble the fifth or sixth strands, giving them a final opportunity to ascend to Tara or Gaia. Orion, Arcturian and Andromeda Stellar Activations take place in this 3-day period.
38. July 2017: Planetary Cores of Earth, Tara, Gaia, Meta-galactic Core and Galactic Core Pass out of Alignment, Earth Passes out of Alignment with the Holographic Beam and the Ascension Portals to Gaia and Meta-galactic Core Close. The Merkaba Fields of Earth, Phantom Earth and Tara Separate and the Collapsed Planetary Magnetic Fields Regenerate, Sealing The Planets Into Their Respective Time Continuum Cycles. The Grids Of Earth And Tara Begin To Separate As Populations Adjust to their New Reality Fields. The Halls of Amenti Remain Open to Bridge Zone Populations and Ascensions to Tara Continue. The Transmitting Rhythm of the Hall of Records Slows, and the Seven Primary Vortices on Earth and Phantom Earth Begin their Closing Cycle.
After a 3-day period within the Holographic Beam, Earth moves out of alignment with the Holographic Beam and the planetary cores of Earth, Tara, Gaia, the Meta-galactic Core and Galactic Core pass out of alignment with [...]
Note: We provided this technical data so you might develop some idea of the mathematical structure of multidimensional space-time. It is not necessary for you to understand these time mechanics in order to comprehend the significance of what is taking place as Earth shifts into the Bridge Zone.
[...] The Merkaba Fields of Earth, Phantom Earth, Tara and Gaia, which merged through Earth's six Stellar Activations, separate and the planetary magnetic fields, that had collapsed during the 3-day period, regenerate, sealing Earth, Phantom Earth, Tara and Gaia into their respective dimensional time continuum cycles. The grids of Earth, Phantom Earth and Tara begin to separate, as the particle pulsation rhythms of each planet adjust to their respective time cycle rhythms and human populations adjust to their new reality fields on Tara, Bridge Zone Earth and Phantom Earth. Ascensions to Tara, through the Halls of Amenti, continue for populations stationed within the Bridge Zone and the Halls of Amenti close to populations stationed on Phantom Earth in the D-3 time continuum cycle. The rate of data transmission through the Hall of Records slows on Bridge Zone Earth and the Hall of Records closes to Phantom Earth. As Earth passes out of alignment with the Holographic Beam, the Seven primary vortices on Earth and Phantom Earth enter their closing and deactivation cycle.
39. January 1, 2022: Earth's Seventh Vortex Andes Mountains-Closes. Infusions of D-5-D-7 Frequency through Earth's Grid Cease and Accelerated Assembly of DNA Strands 5 and 6 Ends. The Mass Ascension Cycle Comes to a Close as the Halls of Amenti Close to the Masses. The Grids of Earth and Tara Completely Separate.
The natural seal within Earth's seventh vortex re-seals, closing and deactivating the seventh vortex in the Andes Mountains. Following this re-sealing, the Earth's grid begins to slow in particle pulsation speed to the Bridge Zone Agartha time continuum rhythm and the infusions of D-5-D-7 energy, that had been running through Earth's grid, cease. In the absence of these UHF energy infusions, the acceleration of assembling and activating DNA strands 5-7 ends. Humans who do not organically carry the imprint for the fifth and sixth DNA strands will find that the portions of these strands that had begun assembly and activation during the infusion acceleration, but which had not yet fully assembled, will begin rapid deactivation and disassembly, once the Earth grid infusions have ceased. Populations in the Bridge Zone, who have not assembled and activated the fifth DNA strand, will return to a 4.5-strand assembly level (4.5 accretion), and populations on Phantom Earth will return to 3.5-strand DNA assembly (3.5 accretion). The DNA will return to its natural accretion level and evolution of DNA will return to its slow and methodical process. On Bridge Zone Earth, the Halls of Amenti will close to the masses that did not complete fifth DNA strand assembly. Passage through the Halls of Amenti requires a fifth DNA strand activation level. As long as the Sphere of Amenti remains unsealed within Bridge Zone Earth's Morphogenetic Field, the Halls of Amenti will remain open to anyone in the Bridge Zone who can assemble the fifth strand, but fifth strand assembly may now take several incarnations. The Hall of Records remains open in the Bridge Zone, as long as Earth's grid stays aligned with the Alcyone spiral, but it will transmit data at a much slower rate.
The grids of Earth and Tara complete their separation and the ascension cycle comes to a close, as humanity faces its new reality within three different tracks of time. One part of humanity will experience the future in the D-3 Phantom Earth time cycle, another part will move into the age of enlightenment within the Bridge Zone-Inner Earth time cycle, 2213 years in the future and a relative few will voyage into the lands of Tara, within the D-5 time cycles, a position in space-time 5532.5 years in the future of present day Earth. The D-3 phantom Earth will take its own course of development as Earth, with the Sphere of Amenti in its core morphogenetic field, moves forward in the Bridge Zone continuum. For populations remaining in the D-3 time cycle, both the Halls of Amenti and the Hall of Records closes completely and permanently. Ascension from the D-3 cycle will require Guardian assistance because the Sphere of Amenti and Earth's morphogenetic field are no longer at the core of the Phantom Earth planet, they are within the planetary core of Bridge Zone Earth. Future ascension from the D-3 cycle will require a Host Matrix / Soul Matrix transplant, as those remaining in D-3 will be cut off from the planetary and race morphogenetic fields, and thus also cut off from their personal Soul Matrix in HU-2. People of the Phantom Earth will experience a genetic mutation through which the third and fourth DNA strands are unable to plug into each other. This will create a permanent separation between the D-4 astral identity and the D-3 ego identity and a separation of the lower three levels of the auric field from the fourth and higher levels of the Soul Matrix. This condition can be remedied only through a Host Matrix Transplant, such as that employed by the Palaidorians, when they created the Sphere of Amenti "rescue mission" for the lost souls of Tara. This is one of the problems consciousness faces when evolving on a "Phantom" Descending Planet. Can you understand why the Guardian races are attempting to inform you of and motivate you to consciously participate in, the accelerated evolution of your DNA? Ascend while ascension is relatively easy, during the 2012-2022 ascension cycle, for if you do not, ascension and soul evolution will be much more difficult thereafter, for you and your future incarnations.
40. January 1, 2022-]une 2047: Closing Cycle of Earth's Seven-Primary Vortices.
Beginning with the closing of Earth's seventh vortex in 1/2022, vortices 6 through 7 begin their respective closing cycles, ending with the sealing of the first vortex in 6/2047. We will provide a list of vortex opening and closing dates in the final pages of this book.
Final 1998 Comments from the Guardian Alliance
Throughout the course of this book we have led you on an odyssey into worlds of perception far beyond the focus of your three-dimensional view. We have recounted pieces of your past as a race, in order to show you the lengthy path it has taken for you to arrive at your present state of evolution. Perhaps in reviewing just how far your race has come and What great difficulties you have encountered, you will be able to appreciate the opportunity that is now presented to you Within the fulfillment of your present ascension cycle. Most humans on Earth have received little, if any, valid training regarding the rights and responsibilities of personal and collective evolution. You have been conditioned for eons to become lost within the perceptual maze of the three-dimensional illusion, to the extent that most of you have completely lost touch with the greater reality from which your earthly life springs. You have been sleeping children, lost within a dreamland of material perception, and few among you have made a valiant effort to lift your heads above the clouded seductions of your dreamscape. This will change. It must, for if you remain asleep, your dream shall become a nightmare, within which you shall find yourselves imprisoned. The destiny of your race and your planet is now in your hands. Though the teachings we bring to you may seem strange, and indeed alien, you have the capacity to employ this knowledge to your own benefit, if you will permit your ego to get out of the way of your intuitive perceptions. The truths of which we speak echo through the cells of your body and whisper through the winds of your mind, waiting for you to embrace them as you reclaim your forgotten souls.
In future Keylontic transmissions we will bring to you the technical data of energy mechanics you will need to begin taking responsibility for the evolution of your DNA and consciousness. As you can see, when viewing the ascension schedule we have provided, there is little time left for you to debate the validity of our information. Those of you who will venture to explore our perspective will have an easier time comprehending the changes you will perceive in the reality around you and you will have the opportunity to develop survival skills that will allow you to face these changes with dignity and grace. The Guardian races have been with you long before your arrival on Earth 550,000,000 years ago. They are no strangers to the human lineage. It is you who have forgotten. The quality of your future experience will depend upon your remembering and your awakening to the multidimensional identity that is your heritage and birthright.
The most important thing you can do after reading this material, is to make a firm personal commitment to reclaiming your private spiritual nature and to learning the energetic skills that will allow you to do this as rapidly as possible.
If you are wise, you will begin preparing yourselves for the energy infusions that will soon be coursing through your planet's grid. Learn ahout the human chakra system and subtle energy bodies, for without this knowledge you will he unable to interact directly with your DNA. There are many fine books available through which you can learn how to identify, manipulate and balance your personal bioenergetic fields. These activities are only the beginning steps in reclaiming power over your personal genetic code and the evolution of your consciousness and they will provide you with a rudimentary foundation upon which skills of Keylontic Science can be developed. Through applied Keylontic Science you will discover the methods by which DNA can be altered from within and you will rediscover your personal power to become Guardians and directors of your personal path of evolution. Becoming the director of your personal energetic power and the path of evolution your consciousness will follow, is not only a right, it is your responsibility. We have faith in your intrinsic integrity and offer our support, encouragement and love to all that muster the courage to face, rather than turn away from that responsibility. Each of you will reap the harvests of your own personal choices and you will join together with others making similar choices, to create a collective reality field through which your consciousness can evolve. May you choose well and favor enlightenment instead of darkness, comprehension instead of ignorance, freedom instead of blind obedience to forces beyond your perceptions. You have the ability to become free and powerful, loving and Wise. Rediscover this promise. Reclaim your power as co-creators within the universal scheme and use it now, while so much hangs in the balance, awaiting the outcome of your individual and collective Choices.
As we have mentioned, you may be facing tectonic disturbances and the Earth changes they will create, between now and 2017, When Earth is in its most vulnerable position. Pay attention to your skies and if you find waves of mass UFO "fly-by" sightings, know these are intended to bring you fair warning, so you have time to prepare for changes in the Earth. If such sightings do indeed occur, seek telepathic communication with Guardian Visitors or your own higher-self and soul levels of identity, through which you can be guided to appropriate action. Your lives and the lives of those you love may very well depend upon your ability to access this higher level guidance. Learn the skills of interdimensional communication now and how to protect yourselves from covert manipulation during this practice, for these skills will become tremendously valuable over the next 20 years. There are many books and teachings available through which you may develop interdimensional communication skills. Learn from the Light Workers among you, who have already developed proficiency in these areas, for they can teach you much. Those of you who master the skills of higher-dimensional internal guidance will not become lost within the maze of external circumstance and you will be able to retain your personal power in the face of traumatic events.
If you do not find starships displaying themselves in your skies, consider yourselves fortunate, for this indicates that your progression through the ascension cycle will be far less treacherous than it might otherwise have been. You still need to prepare. Earth will still undergo infusions of UHF energy that will directly effect the condition of your personal bio-energetic system, consciousness and physical body. Earth will still shift into the Bridge Zone and if you have not assembled 4.5 strands of DNA, you will end up on the Phantom Earth in the D-3 time cycle. You may face covert and overt invasion by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and at best you will find yourselves in need of Soul Matrix Transplants to free you from cycles of fragmented incarnation with the D-3 time cycle. All of this can be avoided now, if you take responsibility for preparing yourselves for the coming changes. Each of you can "rise to the occasion" if you choose to do so and we believe that you shall. We believe in you and would not go to such great lengths to educate you, if this were not the case. You must now re-learn to believe in yourselves and to break free from the limiting self-concepts that have been imposed upon you by outside forces and which you have imposed upon yourselves through accepting limitations without question. You are not victims unless you choose to be. Choosing ignorance is choosing victim-hood. Your power lies in the choices you make each moment, in the thoughts you allow yourselves to entertain, in the actions and events within which you allow yourselves to participate. Take responsibility for directing your subtle energies and you will be on your way to personal empowerment.
In closing this book we will provide for you a rudimentary introduction to the Science of Keylonta, through which you can begin to build a framework of reference for understanding the structures of your subtle energy systems. In future books we will explore the mechanics of DNA assembly and activation, offering practical exercises through which you can gain mastery over this process. The exercises provided within this book are a good place to begin. Reading alone will not assist you in developing subtle energy skills; it will only provide the conceptual foundations. The exercises must be used and practiced to develop proficiency. We cannot stress enough the importance of the times that now approach you, as you move into the 21st century. It is our hope that you will comprehend the significance of your approaching ascension opportunity and begin to take action now, to ensure your placement within your desired future destination. [...]
Communicators responsible for Keylontic Transmission of data contained in the 1998 Amenti Transmission
Transmitting Speakers (Metaterrestrials):
- D-12 Universal Federation, Council of Twelve, also known as The Guardians of the 12 Pillars and The Founders, charter members of the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and The Guardian Alliance.
- HU-5 Breneau Matrix Via D-12 Melchizedek-D-6 Sirian Council Transmittance Pattern.
- Supervisory Matrix (Ultra-Terrestrials): Azurite Council of the Ra Confederacy Meta-galactic Core
- Contributing Speakers and Technical Specialization Extraterrestrials: Palaidorian Gestalt D-6, Elohim Cloister D-9, Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense HU-2, Zhar Confederacy
- HU-2, Pleiadian Star League Alcyone Council D-5
- Metaterrestrials: Lyran Gestalt D-12, Breneau Collective D-15 Ultra-Terrestrials: Azar-Azara and Melchazedakz Gestalts Meta-Galactic Core.
Energetic Synthesis
News - Solar Logos - 2018-10-13 23:09:00+00:00 by Lisa Renee
In their infinite love for creation the original Diamond Sun races, the Paliadorians, established the Covenant of Paliador millions of years ago to reclaim the fragmented Souls as a result of the Taran Explosion. The Covenant of Paliador encompasses a massive scope of locating lost souls, transiting consciousness, collecting and recovering Soul fragments that need bodies, routing attachments and consciousness units that need to be recovered, in order to return them to the possibility of continuing evolution through the Cosmic Time Matrix. The Paliadorians hold the access into the Universal Stargates and the many internal portal structures that exist inside every planet in our Solar System. These portals, such as the Trinity Gates, will serve as the transit gate exit for many of the Soul groups that will move through them for their continued evolution and learning in the next planetary schema. In order to heal the Soul groups that suffered fragmentation and digressed into the phantom realms, it would be necessary to completely rebuild the Diamond Sun architecture for the SOLAR LOGOS in our Universal Time Matrix.
Tara is used to describe the future earth timelines in its 5D form located in the Soul Matrix layers of the second Harmonic Universe. The Taran cataclysm resulted in the explosion of the World Soul of Tara, which fragmented the collective Soul Matrix body, producing genetic template damage, seals and anomalies like the shadow selves and 2D-4D soul splitting. With the damage and fracturing of the Soul Matrix in the female spiritual principle, and the Monadic Matrix in the male spiritual principle, the Soul and Spirit bodies were unable to merge and unite together to continue consciousness evolution. When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the Spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul Fragmentation, which results in lightbody damage and has continued to stunt and digress the collective consciousness evolution on the planet Earth.
Thus, the Soul fracture is deeply rooted in female principle reversals, while the Monadic fracture is deeply rooted in male principle reversals. These gender reversals and the disconnection between the Soul and Monad reflect the distortions made in the planetary architecture that commonly manifest as gender splitting and sexual misery. The original human template for Spiritual Ascension is the sacred marriage made between the Soul and the Monadic Spirit which evolve together through multiple dimensions. The hierogamic union that occurs between the male and female principle is ultimately designed to embody the eternal SOLAR LOGOS or Cosmic Christos Consciousness into the manifested reality.
With the onset of the Galactic Wars, there was utter destruction of the Solar Stargate architecture that formed the triadic identity of the SOLAR LOGOS, which is the highest emanation of the Source system that powers the eternal Soul and Spirit throughout the lower dimensions. This is similar to saying the eternal Soul of the Sun was disconnected from its lower dimensional Soul matrices, which were evolving in the lowest density of the phantom areas with artificial timelines being used by the NAA. Further, these lunar forces were abusing alien technology and broadcasting mind control programing in order to gain full control over the Earth. Without the SOLAR LOGOS, the Sun and its many Soul matrices would eventually expire and not fully ascend into the next Universe. The SOLAR LOGOS has the Source power to resurrect Solar Consciousness forms by rebirthing Soul matrices from within the Diamond Sun template of the Cosmic Christos Consciousness. Without the SOLAR LOGOS, and with the utter destruction of the Diamond Sun template, the Souls would continue to descend and fragment.
The SOLAR LOGOS is inherently the Avatar Christos Matrix, which is the fourth triad of intelligence that holds the higher frequency bands of the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions in our Universal Time Matrix. The triadic identity of the Avatar Matrix is required to link into the Soul Matrix in order to directly ascend back into the Universal Mind and Cosmic Logos. This level of consciousness embodiment is now possible from within any section of the time matrix. The Avatar is the energetic reality of experiencing Unity with God, embodying the Unity Logos as an intelligent consciousness field, where enlightened extradimensional contact begins for working in Universal Service for the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
When the Cradle of Lyra was destroyed in the Lyran Wars with the invading Orion Groups, this caused the destruction of the SOLAR LOGOS, the Cosmic Christos, the Avatar Matrix level of consciousness in our Universe. These Galactic Wars damaged the Universal portals exiting out of this time matrix, and destroyed the Lyran DNA which was the original embodiment of the Silicate Matrix, the Diamond Sun DNA that enabled the capacity to live as an eternal Krystal Avatar human being. The timeline that brought about the destruction of the Cradle of Lyra is where the seed of the Galactic Wars began, that represent the war waged by the anti-Christ groups against the Solar Christ DNA. Many of these groups comprised of the Lunar forces were unable to move through the Universal Stargates or gain access into the higher dimensions of reality, because they were not embodying Solar Christ DNA. Thus, they have waged war against the Solar Christ in attempts to clone and replicate versions of the Christ Diamond Sun DNA in order to gain the genetic keys for full consciousness access throughout this Universal system. This reveals clues as to why the NAA groups are so obsessed about everything that involves harvesting and studying human DNA, along with their many hidden genetic experiments and breeding programs, to attempt to break the genetic code for consciousness transport and full access time traveling.
The damage incurred to the Solar Stargate system and Sun Disc Network disconnected the Avatar Christ Matrix spiritual-communication links inside the planetary core manifestation template, plummeting the Earth into the darkest age. This damage to the core template and its subsequent disconnection from the SOLAR LOGOS generated a closed system of finite energy supply that prevented planetary ascension and terminated communication with the extradimensional Diamond Sun families. The NAA groups took advantage of the closed system and the fragmented Souls of Tara as they were reseeded back into the Earth timelines to reclaim their lost Soul parts. As a result of the planetary grid damage, they had lost their Soul memories and many were recycled repeatedly into the lower dimensional bands of the 3D earth timelines, unable to heal their Soul Matrix, evolve or ascend as their consciousness body was stuck in time.
This cataclysmic event brought about the Moon Chains and Black Hole Entities that came into contact with the Earth, who began to genetically modify and harvest the planetary field to be a consciousness prison and farming territory. Moon Chains are soulless beings, like some of the Greys and Zetas, that have been cloned and hybridized for use by the NAA groups who have placed them on various moons and planets to be workers. Moon Chains also have connections to the refugee races that came from the Mars-Maldek wars, which resulted in exploding planets in the Solar System. Moon Chain lineages are also considered cast offs or laggards from other cycles of evolutionary rounds that occur between multiple planets root races located in our Solar System. The Moon Chain lineages have been directly involved both karmically and technologically with purposely creating the sexual misery mind control program in the human race during this dark age, in order to harvest the maximum amount of human sexual energy for their explicit use. The sexual misery program is a lunar distortion that is designed to manipulate and abuse the Solar consciousness sexual energies. This type of manipulation is also extremely spiritually abusive because it greatly harms the human lightbody.
These Lunar forces decided to exploit the planetary resources by enslaving the inhabitants and by planning to eventually colonize the planet with their lunar consciousness forms. This was accomplished through breeding programs, alien hybridization and working in collaboration with the neighboring extraterrestrial races that trade and barter for assorted negative alien technologies and earthly commodities. This explains why the human body is such a valued and coveted genetic Solar technology, as humans have many more abilities, emotional senses and possibilities that exist in their physical body, than a lunar entity has available in a biological drone body.
The intruding groups sought to permanently destroy the natural occurring Solar Christ DNA from existing anywhere on the planet and within the entire Universal system, in order to take this planet as their primary territory for colonization. It is these nefarious NAA groups that had planned to gradually use Solar Simulators to replace the heat of the actual Sun in the lower atmosphere, because it is the Sun that transmits its eternal Soul intelligence from the SOLAR LOGOS to humanity.
Effectively, the war over consciousness is between the Lunar Consciousness, (finite parasitic forms) and Solar Consciousness (eternal light forms) that are engaged in conflicts to gain control over the human Soul's future timelines on the Earth during the Ascension Cycle. The Lunar is fighting for access to the genetic material in human bodies that they can use for colonization, life extension, and slave labor. The Solar has finally returned back into the lowest dimensions in the phantom realms and is attempting to free all imprisoned consciousness that has been stuck in time, repeatedly recycled and enslaved.
The Soul Matrix is the first spiritual triad of embodiment, when a human being starts to connect and integrate the Soul body energies into the heart complex during the first stages of spiritual awakening or spiritual ascension. The entire Soul body is made of three layers that interact together into a horizontal triad body, which merges into a trinity body. Each of these layers, 4D, 5D and 6D correlate to the same energy center or chakra, with its color wave spectrum connecting into a dimension of time and space in the future. When the Soul Matrix and Monadic Matrix begin to merge together in the first stage of sacred hierogamic union, this is called Building Wings, signifying the union of the masculine and feminine as One. Upon Building Wings in the lightbody, the chakra membranes dissolve and merge into one unified column of light. At this time, the planetary grid is in the unusual position of supporting both humans with chakras on the 3D timelines, and humans on the ascending path without chakras on the 5D and above timelines.
When aspects of the Soul fragment and sink into the lowest layers of perception, they enter a danger zone. When the Soul is separated from its higher Spirit body it continually sinks into the lowest dimensions, where the personal shadow and collective unconsciousness start to flow together and merge. When this merge with collective unconscious occurs, dark, chaotic, shadow bodies start to emerge and multiply, possibly becoming fixed and consubstantial with the Soul, engulfing its light. The Soul aspect enters the realm of the underworlds or phantom matrix, which are the spheres of collective unconsciousness in which the NAA and lunar groups are directing artificial technology to create consciousness traps. Primarily, the consciousness traps are the AI False Timeline Propagation that was generated from the NAA group's 9-11-2001 declared war against humanity, called the Armageddon software. This event signified that they intended to take complete control over the future earth timelines, and would attempt to circumvent Ascension by continued dimensional blending experiments and instigating wars, while rolling out the Transhumanist agenda.
As a result of the rebirth of the triadic identity of Solar Consciousness forming into a rehabilitated and functioning Solar Logos for our Universal Time Matrix, recent grid conflicts of battling for access through the main Solar Gates have occurred. The newly rehabilitated Solar Logos triadic identity has met with completion and connected into the Earth body through a variety of Stargates and interdimensional portal systems. This provides the means to heal Soul fracturing and perform mass Soul retrievals for the Earth and humanity. This event is perceived as a direct survival threat to the NAA and lunar groups.
The NAA are battling for control over access though these Solar Gates, as well as for control over the Sun transmissions and its main portal. Control over these areas are needed to manipulate the direction of the human Soul in the future timelines, thus in retaliation, another generation of AI technology and artificial algorithms intended for disconnecting the human Soul from the physical identity are being attempted now. These technologies are in a range of electromagnetic frequencies targeting the unaware masses through access to personal technology devices. These are the attempts to mind control and to distract, to direct people away from recognizing the truth and integrity that exists within themselves. The Controllers are attempting to block out higher frequencies coming into the Earth from the newly birthed Solar Logos, enlightened extraterrestrial groups like the Guardian Host, as well as the higher frequencies of the personal Soul and Monadic layers in the human lightbody. To keep the Soul and Monad disconnected, they are also promoting gender confusion and gender reversals in the masculine and feminine principles, to keep people distracted away from their spiritual development.
In this current phase, we are entering a window of opportunity in the bifurcating timelines on Earth, in which controlling factions are desperate to manage the future direction of the majority of Soul groups on earth. As a result, they will do whatever they can to block access to the Sun, divert spiritual awakening and attempt to interfere with the natural access links to the Solar Logos and Solar Christ DNA.
The hidden interior of dark cabal, military complex and breakaway civilizations that actively oppose a full disclosure event, are in collusion with the NAA and lunar groups. They are being strategically manipulated through the artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that are given to them by the negative entities, such as the Zeta groups that continue to skillfully exploit their greed for power. These dark groups are imbedded in a variety of divide and conquer agendas being targeted against human ascension and planetary freedom, and thus are rolling out their next generation of frequency blocking technologies. These include the securing of artificial networks and satellites for building a Skynet type of space fence. Skynet's manifestation was that shown to the masses in the Terminator movie series, of predictive programming, which is an overarching, global, artificial intelligence hierarchy exclusively performed by servers, mobile devices, drones, military satellites, war-machines, androids and cyborgs, and a wide range of other computer systems.
Looking Glass time travel technology, AI Quantum computers, frequency fences, consciousness sweeps, and holographic inserts are being used for scrambling human brain wave patterns, as well as achieving the brain mapping of the collective race consciousness in order to build a series of artificial neural networks.
Through the collection of massive amounts of data contained in the earth inhabitants' mental matrices and consciousness imprints, this data is collected for uploading into artificial intelligence networks being used for the prediction and manipulation of future timelines. This technology is being used to forecast and manipulate timelines and is being used by both covert human groups and NAA groups. Ultimately, these artificial technologies have been gradually implemented to continue the NAA plan of full domination over global resources, by creating both an obedient and internally warring population that does not notice their personal freedoms and liberties are being stolen.
With all the mental data and personal content that is being collected from the masses, any and all means to grow the online data collection industries, including the gathering of DNA samples is in full steam ahead. These industries and technologies are being funded by unlimited deep pockets for this end game purpose of building clusters of artificial neural networks.
In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives.
They seek to get people to tune into certain reality bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be.
Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group's emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting republican or democrat matters. These are methods of divide and conquer played out in the inverted system, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception.
They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension.
Although the NAA cannot stop planetary ascension, or the Guardian groups and Starseed missions that are helping the planet undergo ascension, they can scan the field to see these events and structures in the field, and then use technology to project distorted or artificially cloned versions of them through assorted holographic inserts. These cloned and artificial versions of the positive agendas for global ascension, can be tracked as AI technology being used to direct the thoughts and perceptions of the masses away from the positive agendas that support personal sovereignty and consciousness freedom.
Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion and chaos in spiritual communities, especially targeting those working towards disclosure.
The NAA replicate cloned images of personas and scenarios that are held sacred and holy by the people of the earth, such as manipulating the sacred content in traditional religions or new age spirituality, to divert people into submission and blind obedience to external sources of power. Again, by using holographic inserts of beloved people and personal gurus like Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael or others, the deceiving entities mask themselves as light beings, in order to trick people into beliefs, behaviors or actions that serve their selfish interests. This is the nature of Imposter Spirits that use false light and holograms to deceive people. By promoting philosophies that demand the following of religious or spiritual authorities, the masses are told to implicitly trust the interpretations given to them by these authorities. This is a form of hijack to interfere with the direct spiritual connection and to confuse a person's inner spiritual guidance system. It is each person's responsibility to remember it is best to develop a direct relationship with God and Self, removing all intermediaries and authorities that would tell you differently. When we dedicate our life to the process of spiritual healing, we learn how to open our heart to express unconditional love and experience trust in our own inner spiritual guidance.
The nefarious agenda behind the data collection and surveillance is to build AI servers that ultimately work to sever the energetic connection between the person and their Soul matrix and instead reconnect them into an artificial intelligence collective consciousness network. These AI systems can be used to propagate false light, an experience of light in the mind which seems genuine but is in actuality being artificially generated. There are organic lightbody structures that link the body, mind and emotions to the Soul matrix, which further link into the Spirit body and Avatar Christ body. The Controller beings that understand the multidimensional nature of reality can manipulate the subtle energy bodies and splice an individual from a certain soul group. They can then place them into a mismatched soul matrix, in which the process would disconnect that person from their original Soul matrix family. Transhumanism and Transgenderism are weaponized 3D narratives that act as cover stories for serving this agenda as well.
When an individual becomes disconnected from their Soul matrix, the cellular memory and DNA history are wiped, so the Soul energies will not naturally activate in the body. If they become connected to a false matrix or spliced into another Soul group, the false matrix will program the DNA and download its memories into the three layers of ego, which have been programmed into the false matrix by the NAA. Essentially, what they program into the false matrix is what we observe as the standard 3D version of the material reality based upon a death culture, a controlled reality in which the Soul, Spirit, consciousness and God do not exist.
Planets and galaxies also have a Soul matrix, through which all of that system's inhabitants are interconnected through their individual Soul matrix and Soul group. When a planet or galaxy is blown up and suffers a cataclysmic event that rips apart its morphogenetic fields, the Soul matrix is damaged and fragmented in the macrocosmic layers of the planetary body, as well as in the individual incarnating body. When a planetary Soul body is blown up, this disconnects the planetary grid system from accessing the eternal energy supply, so that evolution upon that system becomes finite, as it recycles the existing energy. When the original Soul matrix of the earth was exploded, the 5D Taran body, this exploded the World Soul. It damaged the Soul matrix of those original angelic human beings that once lived on Tara, and are now reincarnated upon the Earth.
To prevent the continuation of mass planetary ascension with the rebirthing of the Solar Logos for planet Earth, Tara and Gaia, the NAA agenda is to link the earthseeds and those vibrating in the lower perceptions of reality into a false collective consciousness matrix that is being generated by an artificial neural network. The artificial network is built upon the massive amounts of data being collected and shared between the consciousness links of the masses, and that collective data contains the architecture for artificially brain mapping the perceptual ranges of those groups that are in consensus with that particular reality bubble. As many of us may imagine, the astral bliss New Age philosophy and spiritual communities that form into reality bubbles based upon astral delusions and half-truths are being greatly targeted for this now. The collective consciousness links feedback the interactions as well as the perceptual ranges and perceptual abilities, which can be measured on a dimensional scale. These measurements are used to sustain an illusion of false reality through layers of artificial intelligence systems grouped together in holographic inserts projecting that dimensional scale, thus making it appear that permanent structures are manifesting in that particular reality bubble.
Currently, the planetary body is pulling in higher frequencies from the unified fields, from the trinity field of the Solar Logos, and this begins to potentially expand the field of perception for many people. The main issue will be, are people willing to look at what they are seeing and experiencing when the veil is lifted and the content remaining is unpleasant and difficult. The commitment to truth spirit means that you are willing to remove false reality bubbles and egoic conditions, placing trust in God that you are willing to see the truth no matter what it presents. It is the truth that sets us free.
When the field of perception changes or elevates in the reality, the mental body energy follows the thought pattern and expands its consciousness view. Effectively, this is perceiving and seeing things that were not previously in one's awareness because they were hidden from conscious view. It is to wake up from being asleep and notice that although these things had always been there, when awakening we begin to see them for the first time as they really are.
As human DNA is exposed to higher dimensional frequencies, the reality fields of higher dimensional spaces start to come into awareness through an array of new thought patterns, mental pictures or sensory emotions. These thought forms may be shaping into a new self-realization and awareness, and they may surface into a sensory form, such as perceiving and feeling shapes, pictures, and images in light within the inner screen of the mind. These images and sensory feelings may be experienced as imagination, which is the higher consciousness bringing into the conscious mind the awareness of higher dimensional realities, or bringing in the memories that connect with future aspects of self. When human consciousness focuses on future memories, placing attention on the future potentials and imagining what those potentials may be, this places the mind into a higher frequency band located in future time. The process of Spiritual Ascension is to move one's consciousness forward through time by progressively bringing in the higher frequencies from the future timelines, or accreting light frequencies from the unified field by bringing them into your personal lightbody.
When [mankind] consciousness places full attention into the now moment, the energetic substance that composed the thought pattern will imprint the frequency band in which that current thought vibrates. As a person moves from one thought pattern to another thought pattern in the present moment, the thoughts left behind leave an imprint in the energetic field, and the new thought substance moves into the new position for the vibrationally matched frequency band. Depending on the thought pattern's emotional strength it can leave imprints recorded in the inner lightbody and external fields simultaneously, leaving an energetic influence on the timeline. Whenever we are thinking a thought, we are leaving an energetic imprint within the frequency band where our consciousness was stationed, and this can be in lower or higher dimensions in time.
Currently the Controller's attempt to prevent collective human consciousness from naturally moving forward in time into the higher frequency bands, by using tactics to keep people focused in past memories. To repeat traumatic historical events from the past and replay the pain it caused humanity, they loop mainstream media to rerun certain traumatic events in history repeatedly through news and movies. This acts as a triggering event or focal point for each new generation to stay locked into repeating those past historical events, making them unable to evolve past the original pain that it caused. When people dwell on the past memories or past experiences, it sinks the consciousness into the imprints that exist in the lowest dimensions beneath current present awareness.
When we think of past memories and we dwell on pain or trauma that was caused in the past, it takes our consciousness out of present time and places our attention and our energies in the lowest frequencies of the current timeline. This repeated behavior can keep people from growing or expanding their consciousness into future time, as when they live in their past memories they live in the thought forms of the past identity, and that station is underneath the frequency band of their current timeline. The lower frequency fields of the 2nd dimension, are where the past memories are stored and where the aberrant or traumatized aspects of identity form into the pain body.
The tactic to control humanity, is to retraumatize humanity from events that happened in the past and to keep replaying or triggering those memories in a variety of ways, to keep the masses attention on the lowest dimensions that are beneath now moment awareness. The thought patterns and pain of the past selves that is recorded in the past memories are the most dense and slow vibration, thus, they leave energetic blockages that form into miasma or karmic imprints in the lightbody. These accumulated past memories that have formed karmic imprints will remain in the body and replicate the same dense patterns in current time, until the frequency pattern is raised and the past pattern released. The collection of miasmatic and karmic imprints are the dead energies that feed and grow the pain body and shadow selves.
With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. If the mental and emotional body is not prepared to know how to integrate the polarities or synthesize and release these karmic imprints, the person can become extremely ill or psychologically imbalanced. The external energies and relationships are drastically impacted as the karmic imprints begin to manifest in the current station of identity, similar to the shadow selves, karmic imprints and miasmatic records all beginning to purge at once, and this can bring extreme chaos to people's life conditions. The least prepared people will experience overwhelm as these karmic patterns manifest into uncontrolled emotions, exploding into chaos as their life careens out of control and their physical and mental health deteriorates. This is why we all must learn how to direct and control our mental energies and thought patterns, as with this skill all people can learn to release negative and chaotic energy from the shadow selves and redirect it into more harmonious patterns, practicing self-love and self-acceptance, in the moment to moment.
In the current now moment of present awareness we all have the power to change, shift and release these karmic patterns, which changes the station of our consciousness into a higher timeline and allows more light to be embodied. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome.
If we can grasp that our current station of identity is walking through a consciousness dream that is taking place in the borders of a mass consciousness dreamscape, you can train your consciousness to move forward or backward in time to observe and release the impact of negative events from imprinting upon one's consciousness. As an observer of the mass dreamscape, the sliding consciousness observes traumatic events or negativity in time and yet is not imprinted by the negative emotional residue. To observe something means that we are looking at something we do not identify with as ourselves, we see the reality playing in either forms of dark or light and we discern what it is, but we know that it is ultimately a movie playing in a dreamscape.
Much of what we can observe in the world today is the result of the past selves and the masses combined thought forms in the lower dimension timeline that were imprinted in the earth fields. Empaths and sensitives can easily discern the obvious amount of trauma and pain that is recorded in the energy field of the earth, as a result of the accumulated collective consciousness thought forms being directed into anti-human values and the practices of other ideologies that generate collective pain. These thought patterns move backward or forward in time, and they can move up or down the dimensional scale impacting the state of consciousness that exists in different sections of the field.
Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or even existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness, the compassionate witness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awakened consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth as the light shines upon it. We may prepare for entering this state by opening into deep prayer, meditation, and focused attention, calling upon our Avatar Christ, Solar Logos to help guide us through difficult emotional terrain in the compassionate witness.
Giza is the reference to the demographic area of Egypt that is the 4th dimensional planetary Solar Stargate and Solar Temple. This strategic area was a primary target of total invasion by the NAA before, during and after the Luciferian Rebellion. This was in order to gain full spectrum dominance over the Sun portal, and control access into Mars, install the Checkerboard Mutation in the 11th Gate, disconnect the Solar Logos and Sun Disc architecture, as well as take a key position in the Middle East for total earth domination during the Ascension Cycle. To understand the Paliadorian rehabilitation of the Solar Gates, let's revisit a summation of historical timeline trigger events involving the takeover of the Giza Solar Gate.
* Giza Stargate Takeover = 25,000 YA (years ago), Nibiruian line of Annunaki take over the 4D Giza Stargate, Astral Plane false ascension matrix and 11D Stargate Stonehenge, gain control NET's installed. * Atlantian Flood = 11,500 YA Takeover and destruction of Giza Stargate, victors of war start re-writing historical records and creating false timelines, surface flood and holocaust. * Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion = 10,000 YA First stage of takeover of Iran-Iraq 10th Gate, Middle East settlements and organizing Brotherhood of the Snake from Atlantian timeline in the region. Thoth Group and Phoenix Grid to gain control over Giza Stargate. Tiamat wormhole. * Iron Age Christos-Sophia, Jesus Christ Mission = 2,000 YA Sirius B Christos Mission to repair Giza and Stonehenge Stargate, timeline repair gridwork to prepare for the Ascension timeline and reclamation of the Christos Diamond Sun body in 2012 timeline.
As a result of these destructive and damaging historical timelines that place deeply painful trauma in the human miasmatic records, ongoing Guardian projects are happening to repair the planetary architecture, to remove and erase some of the damaging genetic impacts made to humanity that resulted in Soul fragmentation. To repair the Soul matrix we must first repair the heart complex, which starts in the original Diamond Sun Heart of the planet itself, which is in the location of Giza. The Solar Stargate was the original Arc of the Covenant, in that it opened into Sirius B and led to the Mother matrix of Andromeda, in the Seven Higher Heavens.
In order to gain control over the planet, assorted Black Magicians such as A. Crowley and Thothian groups, installed many layers of anti-life architecture to grow the Artificial Tree of Life. This was done through the seeding of black hearts, black cubes, cloned false identities and demon seeds, to infect the Giza heart complex and infiltrate the entire planetary grid network. This location is also a key area for the stolen Law of One records, manufactured into the Emerald Tablets by Thoth Groups. These manufactured tablets were used to further hijack and manipulate human DNA, fire letters and time vector codes that connected to the Solar Christ DNA and Holy Father principle of the Emerald Order. This led to impersonation of the Solar Christ DNA identities on the Christos Mission, such as Yeshua, Akhenaton, Michael-Mary, Ezekiel and many others, who were replicated in false holograms. These holographic inserts were placed into many of the human population to generate Imposters, in order to confuse the anti-Christ version with the authentic Krystic identity. By projecting masses of False Michael holographic inserts and Michael channelings into the planetary field through these black magic systems, this was fragmenting the true Michael-Mary consciousness in metatronic reversal, continuing to generate negative form anti-life versions of Michael-Mary. These are the distorted 3D core manifestation templates that we came to heal on the earth for all of humanity during the Ascension Cycle.
These reversal networks known as the NRG and Michael-Mary Turnstile Matrix were used to feed the gender reversals for anti-hierogamic union into the human population, breaking many human hearts and generating very unhappy relationships. The planetary body is undergoing an event of Michael-Mary heart twinning in the collective solar consciousness body. This is about the resurrection of the Michael-Mary Solar body consciousness, the healing of the crystal Diamond Heart, and the recognition of the original Solar Consciousness in this Solar System that we are all connected to. Michael-Mary Solar Consciousness is originally from the Seven Sacred Suns cosmic principle from outside this Universe.
Thus, there have been evictions of many Black Magicians and Imposter Solar Christ identities, and the reclamation of Solar Christ genetics is occurring as the result of the Sun Disc Network connections being made into the Solar Logos. Additionally, there has been Guardian rehabilitation of the planetary heart network in the 4D-7D-10D Sun Disc networks and their relative Stargates, to remove the Artificial Tree of Life architecture from running AI signal, black magic reversals and projecting black hearts into the planetary grid. Recent Guardian projects included the reconnection of the Giza Solar Gateway to the Hatshepsut Temple and the Rosslyn Chapel Sun Disc Networks, which acts as a Solar Gateway, and was integrated into the grid network for supporting 4D-7D axiatonal line vulnerabilities.
Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland connects into the Princess Scotia story, which reveals African roots in Irish timelines sourcing from Egyptian history, of those attempting to hide Atlantian artifacts and other important spiritual relics. Scotia, the Egyptian princess was said to be the daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrived in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti. Their kings became the high kings of Ireland. In later centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the Picts and giving Scotland its name.
These changes in the planetary grid network have allowed another stage of genetic rehabilitation for the Crystal Rose lines from Andromeda, through alignments made into the Universal architecture connecting into the Aqualasha Staff. Aqualasha and the Aquaferion Blue Feathers Shield were paramount for securing the corrections made to reclaim the Solar Logos, Solar Gates and the Diamond Sun Heart matrix in the planetary body. For the human heart complex and Soul to heal its fragmentation, the planetary heart must first be corrected to help support the continued building of the Diamond Sun Crystal Heart template. May love and peace fill each human heart with the holy spirit of our true Cosmic Mother!
In fieldwork, the rose line for the Diamond Sun Heart matrix appears in the instruction set as rows of energetic flowers, as flowering crystals that are growing in a massive morphogenetic field of flowering roses, that rise up to blossom in the Aqualasha Staff. The field of flowering crystal hearts are connecting to the purest beauty of the Blue Sapphire diamond white-gold flame of the SA Sophianic heart tones of Krystallah, the main heart tone of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. The SA tones appear to include peach creamsicle colors for the specific purpose of sexual center and gender healing, while bursts of sapphire blues and peach merge into the 2D centers, which are designed to comfort and heal the Soul and heart, to support the purging of sexual misery programming. We've come a long, long way.
These are incredible times of transformation and change that impact all we have ever known. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart
path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. God(dess)SovereignFree!
With a Loving heart, Lisa
Source: Princess Scotia
Solar Body Consciousness
Energetic Synthesis by Lisa Renee
The main Solar Body that is our visible Sun, is undergoing an evolution in that its magnetic pole is reversing, which further alters the solar ray transmissions to the Earth and to other planets in our Solar System. Planet Earth's local Sun is a star called Sol. Our Sun is a Stargate and it is possible for certain craft to be used to go in and out of the portal to reach the outer rings of the Solar System. Recently, many neighbors in our Solar System became aware of the changes happening with our Sun, as a result of the rebirthing of the Solar Logos in the 10-11-12th dimensional layers. The 4th dimensional Solar Stargate on the earth is located in Giza, Egypt and this is the main opening into the Astral Plane which also opens further into the other Solar Gates. This stargate access is where the trajectory between the Sun, Earth and Moon are interconnected through geometric fields of instruction sets that are based on the grouping of light codes. These may appear as platonic solids, and are the building blocks of matter that arrange the blueprint layers that form into the timelines in the Universal Time Matrix. The Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics had taken control of this area of the planet over 22,000 years ago, in order to gain control over the Sun and Solar Gates. As a result of recent grid wars they have lost control over the Solar Gate through the rebirthing of the Solar Logos for Earth, Tara and Gaia. The Sun is related to activating the human DNA template for spiritual ascension potentials. Each Sun and Star in the Universe are interconnected through the instruction sets of the morphogenetic fields, or plasma filaments that create the webbing that interconnects all of the stars and stellar bodies together.
This shift in the Solar body principle in our time matrix appears to alter the functions of the Ursa Major or Great Bear constellation, in which its seven main stars are sequentially merging forces with their counterparts, the seven sister stars located in the Pleiades. The resulting alchemical merge of these constellations of stars is manifesting new expressions of gender creation principle in the higher cosmic planes that change light reflection as it is broadcast into the lower densities. This merging of Solar bodies into the Galactic Core and further into the Andromedan Core, is also referred to as the Seven Sacred Suns in the One. Each of the Seven Sacred Suns have a cosmic solar principle that broadcasts a spectrum of plasma frequency waves through its ray body which is currently emanating new light codes into the planetary body.
This is vastly significant as it marks the astrological resolution of levels of the fallen angelic miasma contained in many of the karmic imprints that were in the planetary core manifestation template. This was the result of the historical timelines that are in the stellar and cellular memory record that directly relate to the NAA invasion and the moon chain entities impact upon the earth. This is similar to say that there is a clearing of the magnetic field imprints in the planetary akashic record that relates to some of the Galactic Wars that resulted in karmic cause and effect throughout the timelines, and that some of these events were carried out with the cooperation of the human race for resolving the polarity experiment. This is a cosmic convergence between the spiritual source of Solar bodies that exist within the 360 Universes, along with the local stellar bodies that interconnect with the matter world, as all of creation undergoes a new embodiment cycle, referred to as morphogenesis. Karmic patterns of what may be called cosmic evil and cosmic rage stemming from multiple planetary histories that connect to the lunar forces, moon chain entities, and black hole entities are surfacing in order to come into final resolution within the past timelines of artificial control and technological abuse.
This phase unites the Seven Sacred Suns and the Omniversal Paliadorian Solar Consciousness to reunite again through the neutron window that opens into the 360 Universes, as one interconnected Solar Consciousness body to transmit the Cosmic Spiritual Sun plasma waves of the Solar King. The Solar King, or Cosmic Christ Consciousness has rebuilt the complete triadic identity of the Solar Logos, which is the original light source field that builds the eternal Christos-Sophia Diamond Sun body or Krystallah. The Omniversal Paliadorian Solar Consciousness are also referred to as the progenitors of the many Krystic Dragon races, which are eternal light Solar bodies that shapeshift and transmigrate anywhere, and source somewhere in the God worlds that are one of the 360 Universes. Currently, most of the Dragon races from the Paliadorian Solar Consciousness that are entering our Universal system to support the Christos reclamation and Guardian Host mission, are from the Andromedan God worlds.
Additionally, a cosmic triad of energy has formed with our Sun, Pleiades and the planet Uranus to ignite the unity consciousness blueprint for the planetary logos. Uranus, as per its recent alignment to its astrological influence, is the major planetary body which transmits the qualities of the 7D Violet Ray to the Earth. When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions between planetary and stellar bodies there are forces of alchemy that blend together, which alter frequency current and manifest new potential creations. The cosmic alignment changes the stellar architecture of how the Sun transmits the violet ray current throughout our Solar System. The violet ray is the 7D current which creates the ultraviolet magnetosphere and holds the magnetic instruction set for the planetary brain, otherwise called the planetary logos. Clearly, this is significant to the embodiment evolution directly related to expanding our personal spiritual centers, the crown chakra, third eye and pineal, heart, physical brain and the quality of our vibrational thought forms.
The Sun hides an etheric planet or orb, which during Ascension cycles, is an entrance leading to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, which holds within itself the first principle of the emanation of the Holy Father's Eternal Light, the Solar King. The Holy Father principle manifests within the Cosmic Spiritual Sun and is what gives light to all things in the Universe. The awakening Holy Father in the Universal Logos is heralding the reappearance of the Cosmic Christos Solar principle throughout our Solar System.
They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a ring-pass-not around the Solar System from the earth coordinates while travelling in the lowest density of creation. During the Ascension Cycle, now is the time the Holy Father and Solar Logos may return to activity with the earth plane to spiritually transform humanity. The release of the Solar Cross implant, the ring pass not, is tantamount to the related initiation of the planetary logos to the Solar Logos, and supports the positive future evolution of collective humanity to become spiritually free.
This new solar activity is changing the masculine principle archetypes through the alteration of the seven ray particle structure that is primarily made through the alignment of the planetary staff to the staff in the Andromedan Galaxy. This modification also directly impacts the elemental particles of matter to become less dense or more fluid. This shift is dismantling the architecture of the archontic masculine archetype, the False King of Tyranny in the planetary logos that is used to enslave humanity, which is to be replaced and eventually healed with the Christos mind, as directed by the Solar King that follows the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
There are Seven Sacred Planets which have acted similarly as consciousness prototypes for manifesting creation, as well as supplying the raw materials, light, sound, and electrotonal code for the builders and architects of the planet earth. The Seven Sacred Planets are also comprised of living spiritual light, which circulates throughout and beyond our Solar System, while the other five planets have historically remained spiritually stagnant or dormant in their organizational principle. They have future applications which have yet to reach their evolutionary potential for the solar system. These seven planets are spiritually initiating in order to circulate the combined plasma waves of the Cosmic Spiritual Suns throughout the Solar System. These inhabited planets have human and other life forms, which exist in other timelines and dimensions that are also undergoing stages of the ascension process. One such sacred planet closely related to the earth as a sister planet enduring the ascension process in its higher dimensions, is Venus. Venus is providing to the earth body an transmission for an ascending race prototype for all twelve human tribes, from its original Mother principle. The planet Venus holds the matriarchal history of the Solar Female Christ for the angelic human race. During this phase, the hidden history of the matriarchal lines of the eternal Solar Feminine Christ principle begins to transmit its blueprint from the Holy Mother aspect, and that mother code is gradually restoring energetic balance through the corrected feminine principle which brings gender balance back to the laws of creation.
All of these twelve planetoids in our Solar System represent the total energetic body of what remains from our 5D earth in the next harmonic universe. This future earth has been called Terra or Tara and it is also deeply related to the female phantom body of Tiamat, another sister planet that exploded from a cataclysmic war. It is some of these planetary remnants that have produced traumatized and unhealed mental bodies that are the negative source of miasma and karmic superimposition that was exploited upon the 3D earth plane by the refugee races. One such quarantine architecture was installed, the Solar Cross implant was placed in the heart centers of the 4D astral body and the 8D body of the earth and humanity, generating a one way access into the 8th portal of the Orion gateway that housed the Yahweh Matrix. The spiritual stagnation of the inhabitants of multiple planets and their warring mind logos is what combined the strength of the enforcement of the Solar Cross as a dimensional blockage to stop access in and out of this quarantined system, and further limited access by any entities to go beyond the consciousness of the Solar System, unless they are embodied as Solar Consciousness. Black hole entities, moon chain beings are of the lunar consciousness groups, and they are battling to find ways to exit out of the Solar Gates and Solar quarantines, without success. The history of explosion of planetary bodies and the rampant destruction it creates upon the races involved, is why the Solar Cross quarantine was put in place on the Earth, to remove access of lunar and black hole entities beyond our Solar System. This is one reason of what formed a quarantine fence around the earth, as well as another frequency fence that is enforced by the NAA technological nets, of which they are currently retaliating with the another AI control strategy. The repeated explosion of other planets in our Universal Time Matrix is the primary reason why there have been multiple invasion histories upon the earth, these explosions weaken the integrity of the time matrix. These invasions are from many lines of the Fallen Angelic races that are based in lunar or black hole forms. As a result of the invasion histories, there is a tremendous amount of karmic imbalances to play out and resolve between several planetary logos and their race lines that exist in the Solar System.
Each of these planets, its astrological blueprint and their race lines are undergoing stages of spiritual evolution through the reabsorption of their main egoic ray that existed within its closed energy system. The main mental body ray produces a theme of consciousness experience for that race line, and the experience never evolves when the consciousness energy is consistently depleted and not organically replenished. This was the consciousness state of the lunar forces, on a one way trajectory of de-evolution towards ever increasing fragmentation. The collective race psychic impression and its ego-personality influencers begin to shift during the Solar System Initiation, plasma rays that are radiating through the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, or through the Solar Consciousness Network. At this time we have begun a Solar System Initiation as a result of the rebirth of the Solar Logos in our Universal Time Matrix, which impacts the interchain of spiritual evolution between multiple planetoid bodies and the related histories of the egoic-personality mental bodies that are attached to those planetary histories, which include the moon chains. These planets, moons and their assorted creations have collectively brought forth their egoic and grotesque astral manifestations by ignoring the natural laws and choosing to abuse technology to dominate and enslave others, many of these moon chain groups have greatly influenced humanity in the lower earth plane to believe in parasitism and blood sacrifice ideologies. The egoic remnants, the psychic debris of these planetoids and the Fallen Angelic entities associated with them, have created vast amounts of mind parasites throughout the phantom realms.
These mind parasites have come to be understood as the archon entities and their technological clones, which are manifested from these phantom bodies and are also technologically replicated in artificial intelligence in order to control and enslave humanity by the reptilians-insectoids. The archons feed on the chaos and fear generated by living light and living things, and use the energetic harvest to exist in the phantom spaces around the earth body. In order to continue to feed and survive they have largely attached themselves to the invading warring races of the NAA groups, that are embodied and disembodied. Being parasitic, they siphon energy to exist primarily from the solar bodies or the sun. One such Annunaki engineered race is the Leviathan, groups that were evicted from the wormhole in the earth body that was created as a result from the Tiamat explosion, which resulted in a phantom black hole eons ago. This field damage in the higher timeline was used by the NAA to abuse the earth collective consciousness energies through a network they have used in the Middle East called the Phoenix Grid. A showdown for the control over the Solar Gates and the Phoenix network, along with the agenda to continue to incite military invasion in the Middle East through carrying out warfare in Syria, was recently intercepted to reduce grid damage by the Guardians. These grid conflicts are in truth about gaining territorial control in close proximity to the main Solar Gate network.
_(ES News- Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun, November 2013, Adapted for Current Events, Solar Logos)_
Lisa Renee Oct. 2018