
[a]scension blog

1st May 1971

Indemnity Bonds

(subsequently reposted (with same date) as:)

The Logic of the Situation -- Again,
For All Those Not Quite Understanding...

By Anna Von Reitz

03 Aug 2018 01:22 PM PDT

As an American State national -- which is your birthright political standing which was stolen from you within days after you were born -- you are owed security for your "person" and "property" under the Constitution(s) creating all three levels of the Federal Government. Under the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions you are also owed just compensation for any property confiscated by any "occupying Army" and are also held harmless and indemnified against any "loss or damage" that results from their use of your property. [ let's see, that would include Social Security Payments, Income Taxes, Military Service, etc. ]

"United States citizens" are not owed any such guarantees. Now maybe you begin to understand why these criminals have gone to so much trouble to obscure your standing as an American State national and teach you to mindlessly "accept" the idea that you are a "US citizen" when you aren't and most likely never have been.

Now this comes as Big News to most Americans, but we have been "occupied" by our own under-contract "US Army" since the Civil War and that mercenary conflict has never been ended by any Peace Treaty. The Federal States of States we are owed were torn asunder and never completely "reconstructed". As a result, Territorial and Municipal "states of states" stepped into the gap and usurped upon our States and our original States of States in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract.

The original Federal States of States, such as The State of Georgia and The State of Maine, were moth-balled and their assets rolled over into State trusts, doing business as -- for example, the Georgia State and the Maine State.

The usurping Territorial "states of states" such as the State of Wisconsin took over, and when these were bankrupted in 1933, Municipal "states of states" took over and did business as, for example, the STATE OF OHIO. None of these are the government you are owed and none of them have done any reputable job of "representing" your States which are not "states of states" at all, but actual sovereign States doing business as Ohio, Wisconsin, Maine, and so on.

So the original Federal states of states which were formed under The Articles of Confederation (March 1, 1781) were moth-balled in 1868. The usurping Territorial and Municipal states of states have been repeatedly bankrupted and rendered incompetent as a result. All three branches of the "Federal Government" have most recently been rendered incompetent at the same time and the Delegated Powers of the Federal Government have returned to the People and States that delegated those powers in the first place.

From your perspective as an American in the midst of this mess, there are two urgent issues:

  1. You have to get record of your actual political status established in order to claim back your property out of the bankruptcy slush pile and enforce the guarantees you are owed.
  2. You have to assemble with other eligible American State nationals to reboot your local County (not "County of") and State (not "State of") and prepare to operate your actual sovereign government and take care of business.

Both these things have to be addressed and done in order for you and your children to inherit back what is rightfully yours.

Now, both the Territorial and the Municipal "United States" are bankrupt. You cannot bring claims against bankrupt corporations and just expect that they are going to be paid. There is a whole pecking order of who and what gets "first dibs" on the assets of "the State of Wisconsin" and the "STATE OF CALIFORNIA".

Thanks to The Living Law Firm, the pre-existing and paramount claim of the both the sovereign States and the Federal States of States, have been brought forward as Priority Creditors secured and indemnified against loss or damage. As a result, the land and other assets of this country -- including yours -- are secured against seizure by secondary, mostly international bank, creditors of both the Territorial and Municipal United States.

And any claim that your actual government ceased to function or that our land and other assets are "abandoned chattel" have been put to rest.

You are safe and you are enabled to receive back your land and other assets free and clear because of The Living Law Firm. Nobody else took action in your part. Nobody else filed the claims and liens. Nobody else updated your currency -- the American Silver Dollar. Everyone else was either:

  1. asleep at the wheel; or
  2. profiting from the usurpation; or
  3. in on the scheme to steal everything that is yours by right via false commercial claims.

So, while we understand that everyone is suffering, it could be a lot worse and would have been if not for The Living Law Firm.

Remember that you are "insured" against confiscation of your assets and against "loss and damage" -- but also remember that the Territorial and Municipal United States are both bankrupt. So they have no money and no credit that is available to pay you.

This is why the old "accepted for value" process that was supposed to be your means of recoupment and protection from losses (and the excuse used by the Congress back in the 1930's to steal everything from you including your Good Name) doesn't work anymore. A bankrupt entity is not free to conduct its own business. The pecking order of the Creditors has to be observed with regard to any claim on the bankrupt entity and its assets. So where does that leave you, Joe Average?

Well, you can't use an "A4V" even if you wanted to and even if you had been taught how to do that, because they don't have any money or credit available to pay off the debts they have run up against your assets. What next? You issue an indemnity bond against their assets and against their underwriter's assets, which is precisely why The Living Law Firm established liens against all the States of States and STATES OF STATES and against all the underwriters of these organizations worldwide -- and then went on to establish an indemnity bond at the U.S. Treasury for you and your States and the Federal State of State Trusts.

Even though the perp[etraitor]s responsible for this situation have no money and no credit, you can claim right through them and snag their insurance underwriters who caused this whole problem in the first place -- and that is what we have done to save your bacon.

Instead of doing an "Accepted for Value" against credit owed to you by the bankrupt entities, you do the equivalent of an "Accepted for Value" using the Indemnity Bond to claim against their underwriters -- the Queen and the Holy See, respectively.

The Indemnity Bond Number is: AMRI00001 RA 393 427 640 US.

So, don't panic. Don't think that you have to learn everything overnight or that this is an "impossible" bureaucratic conundrum or that you are all alone and adrift. The Living Law Firm got everything set up in time.

All you have to do is claim your correct political status, which you should do to protect yourself in any event, using the process and templates associated with Article 928 on my website. [ Note that, by comparison, subsequent to the date of this article, the individual state assemblies now in session may be offering a simplified set of paperwork. -- celeste ]

And then make up your mind that you are going to get busy and "assemble" with other American State nationals to reboot your lawful Counties and lawful States of the Union and tend to business.

This is nothing "new" really. This is not our First Rodeo. We have the structures and the means in place to address the issues. We are not in any condition of insurrection or rebellion. We are simply taking care of our own business in our own behalf instead of "entrusting" it to anyone else -- which is our absolute and unequivocal right.

So keep your heads screwed on tight and realize that this is business. It's not politics. And also realize that without the work of The Living Law Firm, the rats would have gotten away scot-free and left you with their bill and no way to pay it or re-address it to them.

Which brings me to a final point. Except for prompt and appropriate action by The Living Law Firm, everything you own, everything you think of as yours, would be up for grabs, at the mercy of criminals and without recourse from the international bankers. And that's just the way THEY wanted it.

Think about that and think about the irony that after we have given everything back to you, provided for your protection and the protection of your State of the Union -- Grandma's "cupboard" is bare. We are still here in the trenches, still doing all this on nothing but cookie jar and mattress money.

So if you value what has been done for you and the fact that you still have a country to come home to and an indemnity bond that protects you and your family and your State of the Union -- and you want The Living Law Firm to continue it's work -- send what you can. We are at push come to shove herewith all the final "repatriation" work left to do.

Anna Maria Riezinger,
c/o Box 520994,
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
or to my PayPal account:

You take their
"Court Order" and you write:
"Accepted for Indemnification Value"
on it, and you write:
Private Registered Indemnity Bond
Number: RA 393 427 640 US-AMRI00001-1 (Hawai'i)
and you sign it with your Upper and Lower Case Trade Name
using a by-line, that is, pretend you are an author and sign it
"By: Your Signature, agent" and date it.

Universal Payment Bond and Bill of Lading AMRI00003 recorded with Cardinal Mamberti as Prefect and head of Vatican Chancery Court.

Indemnity Bond at U.S. Treasury AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US for priority creditor and employer. Reversionary Trust Right Exemption from jurisdiction [1950-06-23 for Angela Kahealani]
Treble damages from prosecutor
Any and All charges to be offset by mutual offset credit exchange per Congressional Intent HJR192 as Pubic Law 73-10 and UCC 3-104(c)

Regulations to be followed to the letter of the law by claimant and claimants bank.
You must obtain my signed acceptance of the billing on the face of the billing statement and claimants bank TTL Officer.

I have been greatly inconvenienced and wish for just compensation from those responsible. Case dismissed wth extreme prejudice.

> Feed: Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
> Title: Non-Judicial Courts: The Two Crimes They Use Most Often
> By Anna Von Reitz
> Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 09:15:00 -1000
> [image 2] [2]

Many people have contacted me with the news that Rick Martin, from The Constitutional Law Group, has been arrested for "contempt of court charges". Well, what does that mean and what is the nature of the court making the charge? Contempt of Court generally means disobeying a court order when that court has jurisdiction and authority to issue the order in question, or somehow obstructing the orderly administration of justice -- such as causing a riot in a courtroom.

Perjury is the other crime that these non-judicial courts use as a mainstay in support of their business, and it is almost impossible for you to enter one of their courts and not perjure yourself. The very first thing that they ask is for you to state your name for the record, but as we all know now, they have already stolen your name via secretive registration processes, so that your name no longer belongs to you -- it has been copyrighted by the British Crown.

You stand up and say, "I'm John Roy Adams." and -- Bam! You lied on the court record and the Judge is free to treat you as a liar using a nom de guerre guilty of copyright infringement; so far as he or she is concerned, you have perjured yourself in the first five seconds of the proceedings, and the Judge takes "silent Notice" of this. These sorts of tricks and unspoken wiles and games are the best practical reason to severely limit your interactions with all non-judicial courts and the officers of such courts. When they call out, "John R Adams" -- you rise and say,
"I'm known as John. I don't know what the 'R' stands for in this case and the surname ownership is in dispute."
This is an honest answer and evades perjury. There are many ways to evade perjuring yourself by claiming a name they already pretend to own -- but you have to know that this is a fundamental issue before you can dance around it and give them the bad end of the stick. Most judges upon hearing any honest answer, including, "I'm John Roy Adams, according to my parents." -- will find a means to take a break, and change up the venue, or roll their eyes and prepare for worse to come.

From our perspective, they are criminals acting under color of law, presenting themselves as if they were judicial courts, when in fact they are non-judicial corporate tribunals, engaged in fraud and racketeering every single time they address an American "as if" that American was a federal employee or federal dependent. But we have to be polite, because they are foreigners, and with respect to their own employees and dependents, they do have a system of foreign law to administer. This puts us in the irritating-as-Hell position of treating these pikers with velvet gloves and raising our pinkies and calling them
"My Honor" -- never "Your Honor" --
and using mild-sounding questions to nail them to their own cross. Any honest frontal engagement "threatens" them. Just think of the whining politically correct little obnoxious cowardly dishonest panty-waists claiming that your gun rights "frighten" them, and that your plain English "offends" them, too.

You can't do what Rick Martin did, and attack their proceedings in their own court. That's called a "transgression" and they will happily throw the entire Code at you if you cross into their lane or interfere with their dispensing of "justice" to one of their employees or dependents. This is why it is always best to be cloyingly nice and limit yourself to asking questions -- and only questions -- in the most friendly tone of voice.

The actual question:

-- never gets asked. They don't want you asking that multi-part question, ever. And we are free to ask questions, so long as they are phrased as questions.

I can simper with the best of them in court, because that is what you need to do in their courts. Simper. That is their tradition. It's what they expect and need in order to function. The least little upset to their delicate systems gives them dyspepsia. And when they have dyspepsia or a sinking spell of any kind that they can attribute to rough language or threatening demeanor or lack of decorum, they accuse you of contempt of court and have their private security personnel haul you away to a jail cell. You are now in the "possession" of a private foreign corporation, and like the pirates of old, they can claim to own you and dispose of you as they wish -- as long as no lawful government claims you and pays your insurance.

This is why absolutely everyone in the world and especially every American needs to know -- and have evidence of -- who they are and where they were born, and to have recorded their name and identity and political status, and to know the number of their Indemnity Bond, before they ever enter one of these non-judicial courts.

The Indemnity Bond Series AMRI0001 to AMRI00001 lodged with the United States Treasury in the name(s) of the Fiduciary for The United States of America, Anna Maria Riezinger, is the Indemnity Bond for every American claiming their birthright political status. Your Indemnity Bond is at this point: AMRI0001, and that is additionally backed up by the "individual trust account" assets that are owed to you as an American, and which should be accessible for your use to pay your bills and care for your families -- but which have been used to create giant Slush Funds instead.

Many people have a hard time understanding "indemnity" which accrues to unincorporated entities, versus "insurance" which accrues to incorporated entities. And they also have a startling hole in their education when it comes to the key issue of "legal dependency". Here is a quick and dirty legal definition of "dependent" and "legal dependent" from the "free dictionary" online service:

"A dependent is someone who is sustained by another person, such as a child supported by his or her parents. In an insurance policy, the term legal dependent generally includes all of those people whom the insured person is under a legal duty to support, such as a spouse and minor children."

Our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, which have been operated as private, for-profit commercial corporations, have claimed to be our Trustees -- thereby making us their dependents. They have also claimed that we are their legal dependents and that they are under a legal duty to support us as a result of exercising our delegated powers "for" us. Read that: they insure their operations as commercial corporations and thereby secondarily insure us, so they have claimed that we are their legal dependents, even though they work for us and charge us for their insurance costs. And they've been getting away with this outrageous claim of "legal dependency" because we were not "otherwise insured" -- which for us means "indemnified" with an indemnity bond lodged with a bank somewhere. The United States Treasury is our bank, so we lodged and allocated the AMRI0001-AMRI00001 Bond and Bond Series as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the Union to put an end to the idea that we are legal dependents of these corporations in our employ. All of this again underlines the critical importance of knowing who you are, having evidence of who you are and your political status recorded, and being competent to conduct your affairs -- such as setting aside an indemnity bond for the benefit of your security, or in this case, the security of all the States of the Union. Your country and your Federation of States is back on the board. And so are you.

Your State is indemnified and all the people deriving their political status from each State are also indemnified, and so you cannot be considered legal dependents of any foreign commercial corporation in the business of providing you with "essential governmental services".

Go to: [3]
See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: [4]
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.

How do we use your donations? Find out here. [5]
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> Title: Additional Notification of Issues for The International Court of Justice
> By Anna Von Reitz
> Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 09:29:00 -1000
> [image 2] [2]

In the matter of the Great Fraud against the lawful American Government by foreign commercial interests acting in Gross Breach of Trust: Our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, which have been operated as private, for-profit commercial corporations, have claimed to be our Trustees -- thereby making us their dependents -- even though we are also the purported Donors of these Public Trusts which they have created in our names, and even though we have ordered their dissolution and dispersal back to the States and People to whom the assets belong. These foreign commercial corporations have also claimed that we are their legal dependents and that they are under a legal duty to support us as a result of exercising our delegated powers "for" us. Read that: they insure their operations as commercial corporations and thereby secondarily insure us, so they have claimed that we are their legal dependents, even though they work for us and charge us for their insurance costs. They have been getting away with this outrageous claim of "legal dependency" because we were not "otherwise insured" -- which for us means "indemnified" with an indemnity bond lodged with a bank somewhere. The United States Treasury is our bank, so in 2017, learning of this claim and circumstance, we lodged and allocated the AMRI0001-AMRI00001 Bond and Bond Series as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the Union to put an end to the idea that we are legal dependents of these corporations in our employ. These lawful Indemnity Bonds are lodged in the name(s) of Anna Maria Riezinger, the Fiduciary acting for our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776. Proof of this action is hereby provided in the form of jpeg files of each page of the referenced Indemnity Bond and Series and the associated mailing receipts which are attached to this communication, This is additional proof that our American Government is alive and well and conducting its international business in a responsible and logical fashion despite interference and fraud and unsupportable claims on the part of certain Federal Subcontractors that have been taking their paychecks with one hand and criminally subjugating their Employers with the other. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: [10]
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.

How do we use your donations? Find out here. [11]
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> Feed: Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice - 30 March 2021
> By Anna Von Reitz
> Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 19:05:00 -1000
> [image 2] [2]

Presented to The International Court of Justice this day: False Legal Presumptions resulting from actions taken pursuant to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address declaration "consecrating" the Municipal citizens of the United States to a "holy cause" and the creation and implementation of a Pension Annuities program for Federal Municipal Employees and their Dependents have resulted in millions of Americans being misinformed and criminally solicited to "enroll" in a program, "Social Security". Technically, these Americans were never actually eligible to enroll in Social Security, didn't need to enroll in Social Security, were never given any full disclosure about Social Security, and were forced to enroll in Social Security under color of law, fraudulent misrepresentation, and armed force.

  1. The victim's political status as Americans was compromised without their knowledge or consent as a result of these illegal and immoral activities on the part of foreign federal subcontractors;
  2. 7.5% of the victim's total lifetime earnings was commandeered and cashiered under color of law and False Pretense;
  3. another equal "contribution" was extracted under these same conditions of deceit and force under color of law from their Employers, both unincorporated and corporate employers alike.

This alone amounts to hundreds of billions worth of fraudulently collected FICA taxes which were then invested by the perpetrators of this scheme. The victims of the fraud were addressed under color of law, together with their employers, and told that they "had to enroll and receive a Social Security Number" to have a job in the United States. The con artists neglected to include specific disclosures including the fact that only Municipal jobs ever required Social Security Numbers and that the "United States" being referenced was a foreign Municipal corporation, not the physical United States, which people naturally assume. The Municipal United States Government has operated under Roman Civil Law, wherein deceit is allowed, but when discovered, the fraud must be totally expunged. We discovered this fraud many years ago and have sought recognition of the penalties involved and the recompense owed and the correction of the administration of these Municipal Corporations ever since. Millions of Americans are facing disruption as a direct result of this fraud scheme promoted by our Municipal Employees. The non-Federal American victims are owed the return of all monies contributed, plus all interest and profit accrued, and/or the receipt of all pension payments and services, at their discretion. There can be no claim that any American is a Municipal citizen of the United States merely by virtue of the existence of a Social Security Number or as a result of any Municipal PERSON being crafted to impersonate them and attached to them without their knowledge by Third Parties merely claiming an unvalidated custodial or usufruct interest. It was the responsibility of the Social Security Administration to provide full disclosure to those enrolled, including the truth about the political and social impacts of enrollment, and they should also have provided a security function to exclude people who:

  1. never sought or received any form of Federal Employment;
  2. never actually needed a Social Security account;
  3. never knowingly sought any political asylum or federal welfare benefit, and
  4. had no reason to voluntarily adopt any such subordinate citizenship obligation.

As a Federal Pension Program, Social Security was intended for Federal Employees, particularly Federal Civil Service Personnel. It was the responsibility of the program to confirm federal employment or prove federal dependency prior to any presumption or enrollment. Failure to properly screen applicants and the omission of critical disclosure information left millions of Americans unwittingly contributing to the pension program of a foreign, privately-owned, for-profit corporation in the business of providing governmental services. As originally conceived, Social Security (FICA) is a maritime insurance policy. United States Federal Statutes Annotated, Vol. IX, page 92, Article III, Sec. 2, VII, 5(5), DeLovio v. Boit, 7 Fed. Case 3,776 (1815) Policy of insurance is a Maritime Contract - and therefore does not apply to average Americans engaged in land-based international trade or simply standing on the land of their birth under the protection of the Public Law. As such, this entire so-called Social Security program has been run under conditions of self-interested constructive fraud and has been used as a means to entrap, press-gang, and impose peonage on millions of innocent people who owed no citizenship obligation, actual or imagined, to the Municipal Government corporations, agencies, subsidiaries, franchises or affiliates.

Now, we come to the details apart from imposing upon ineligible people to enroll in Social Security, doing this under color of law, and similarly defrauding the employers of the victims, too. After Franklin Delano Roosevelt promised in Public that Social Security contributions would be kept in a separate fund and never allocated for any other program or purpose, the Democratic Administration of Lyndon Johnson moved the Social Security Trust Fund into the General Fund where it could be spent and was spent for any reason by members of Congress. This breach of trust and contract has adversely impacted untold millions of Americans and their families. Democrats similarly removed Federal Income Tax exemptions on Social Security payments made by workers and received by retirees after-the-fact. This resulted in Social Security payments being re-classified as Federal "income" and subjected to Federal Income Tax -- gain, action undertaken by the Democratic Political Party with then-Vice-President Al Gore casting the deciding vote. It was also the Democratic Party under the leadership of Jimmy Carter that re-classified Social Security payments as welfare benefits and began distributing funds from Social Security to people who never paid a dime into the program and who had no vested interest in the receipts. These actions were all taken in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract and adequately demonstrate that the Democratic Political Party (DNC, INC.) is a commercial crime syndicate operating to the detriment of the Public Good and with great harm being done to individual Americans. The negligent administration of the Social Security program, the failure to disclose critical information about the nature of the program and the actual eligibility to participate, harm to the political and legal standing of the victims, all actions taken under force and color of law for purposes of unjust enrichment, speaks for itself.

The repeated arbitrary and unilateral changes made to definitions within the program and self-seeking changes made to the obligations of the contracts involved, provide proof of intent to defraud, to engage in human trafficking, intent and action to press-gang Americans into foreign jurisdictions of the law and to subject them to foreign law in violation of the constitutional contracts and treaties owed to these same Americans. The foregoing is in fact eloquent demonstration of evasion of the constitutional and public obligations of the Principals involved via the abuse of foreign contracting processes and incorporated instrumentalities.

In 1937, the Municipal Corporations colluded and conspired against their respective constitutional obligations via the private issuance of The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States. This document is proof that our Employees have been running two separate and rogue and renegade governments; and, the Principals responsible for using these Municipal Corporations as their instrumentalities have been operating in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Commercial Services Contracts for decades. This should be addressed by the International Court of Justice as it represents purposeful fraud and violent misconduct of Employees against their Employers in international and global commercial jurisdictions, resulting in human trafficking, theft, fraud under color of law and armed force, inland piracy, armed extortion and racketeering, commercial terrorism carried out against a civilian population, unlawful conversion, impersonation, identity theft, unlawful solicitation, entrapment, enslavement, involuntary peonage, and many other crimes.

This lawlessness has in turn spawned many other governmental and social evils including disrespect of our banking and securities laws, and the widespread illegal securitization of living flesh and private property for purposes of undisclosed and unjust enrichment. These illegal and unlawful practices have spread throughout the former British Commonwealth and have led to widespread prosecution of exempt civilian populations under foreign bills of attainder outlawed in this country more than two centuries ago. The rights and prerogatives of the living people have been trampled by legal fictions which have no right to exist apart from lawful purposes -- legal fictions which owe these same people immense amounts of money and credit and also the charters and patents which allow these same legal fictions to exist. Therefore we place these issues before the entire world and before The International Court of Justice, and loudly, plainly, clearly refute any supposition that these commercial corporations have ever represented us in any extra non-delegated capacity, received any Emergency Powers, or had any valid reason to usurp the lawful government to which they are bound -- and without which they have no political status at all.

Please note that all Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States are created as persons within the context of their respective Constitutional Agreements and without these agreements these positions become stateless.

Please also note that the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC. served a terminal purpose, and while we maintain and enforce our constitutional contracts with the Holy See, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London, we are under no obligation to accept any incorporated instrumentality elected by our erring Employees as a service provider. Note that upon the disability of the Confederation to function and operate the Federal Republic, all delegated powers related to these entities returned to the Delegator of those Powers, the unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America since 1776 -- and that this has happened automatically by Operation of Law. Note that as the Corporations Law of 1870 was the result of fraudulent misrepresentation and usurpation, all corporations formed in our names and all patents similarly created and exercised in our names by our erstwhile foreign Employees, also revert to our control and ownership.

Finally, note that as the Social Security Trust Fund was made a part of the General Fund under LBJ, all participants in the Social Security Program gained an unlimited interest in the General Fund and all assets and properties of all the corporations, governmental agencies, and programs of the Municipal Government, such that each and every account is linked throughout and holds interest in all aspects and ownerships and assets including the Public Charitable Trust and all Pension and Investment Funds, including the Social Security Funds.

As the Presumed Donor of the purported Anna Maria Riezinger Territorial Foreign Situs Trust, my Mother realized her mistake and rescinded her signature which misidentified me as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, and she placed this firmly on the land records of Jackson County, Wisconsin. I have similarly corrected any derivative supposition that I am operating as a commercial trust, public transmitting utility or any other commercial or incorporated entity at all, and I have debunked any claim that I voluntarily occupy any office of personhood related to the Municipal United States or the Territorial United States, either.

I act as the Fiduciary of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States; as such, I occupy a Federation Office of Personhood in international jurisdiction and I bring forth demand for restitution and peace owed to our lawful government for the past 158 years. My liens on behalf of the American States and People stand published on the public record, stand on the UCC record, and are made part of the records of the Third Judicial District, Palmer, Alaska.

This is the culmination of action that began in 1998; there is no other comparable and competent presentation laying claim to all American assets on behalf of all Americans and their States of the Union. It was our pleasure to bind all US DEBT as indemnity owed to all fifty (50) American States and the People thereof, and it was entirely proper to use the General Fund Social Security ACCOUNT indebtedness to do this prior to, during, and after any bankruptcy of the aggregate Municipal Corporations; it was also our right, fitting and proper, to invoke the full faith and credit owed to all of us by the Territorial Government corporations and the foreign Principals who unlawfully conveyed us in Breach of Trust and in violation of their commercial services contracts.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America [image 4] [4] 
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indemnification bonds in favor of each of the member States of The United
i am fully indemnified against causing loss or damage
by Indemnity BondAMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US
.Indemnity Bonds./a..
.indemnity bond./a.),
(it's actually an insurance indemnity receipt
If you intend to conduct any kind of business outside your state of the Union you will need to post an Indemnity Bond with the U.S.
it is an Insurance Indemnity Receipt which is required
They have to give you an indemnity receipt for the property they are
exemption and exercise your indemnity.
issued the indemnity receipt and is responsible for guaranteeing your
is key to claiming your indemnity (exemption)
.li.Post your own Private Indemnity Bond with the U.S.
Confusion About the Indemnity Bond
which is provided by an indemnity bond.
is by making sure that you don't have an indemnity bond,
is the establishment of an indemnity bond.
and demand a huge cash bond before they issue an indemnity bond for you.
by establishing an Indemnity Bond that covers the States of the Union,
that you are irresponsible and operating without indemnity --
with a copy of your State of the Union Indemnity Bond --
and your State's Private Registered Indemnity Bond.
The Indemnity Bond and Court Process -- Step by Step
you are indemnified by your country and its assets.
"Insurance" versus "Indemnity bond".
state-by-state indemnity bond.
Certificate of Assumed Name(s) and your Indemnity Bond Number,
Then you lay down your Private Registered Indemnity Bond number and you say,
Here is the indemnity bond on file with the United States Treasury,
giving you all a blow-by-blow example of how to use the indemnity bond in a court case
and we have issued indemnity bonds for each of the fifty States --
An "indemnity bond" insures people and their private property
and give the indemnity bond number we issued,
That is their indemnity bond covering .strong.your./strong. vessel
they are responsible for recognizing you and indemnifying you against loss or 
indemnification they owe you and the Hold Harmless owed to the court as a 
Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US
(3) You are indemnified in the strongest terms possible from suffering any 
"Accepted for Indemnification Value" on it,
Private Registered Indemnity Bond Number:
against the indemnity bond, too.
Indemnity Bond covering all the unincorporated States of the Union,
Private Indemnity Bond,
but you can also just tag along and use the indemnity bond established 
The Indemnity Bond also requires you to "accept" a Bill and 
assigning it to the Indemnity Bond Account,
you are iron-clad to claim your "indemnity" from any loss or 
you sign it and charge it off against the Indemnity Bond for your State 
Disadvantages: Must either self-insure via an indemnity bond or secure 
.li..a href=/fae/indemnity_bonds.html.indemnity_bonds./a../li.
.a href=/fae/administrative_process.html#indemnity_bond.Indemnity_Bond-State./a.,
.a href=/fae/indemnity_bonds.html.Indemnity_Bonds./a.,
.a href=/fae/administrative_process.html#indemnity_bond.RA_393427640_US./a.,
This shall also serve as Mandatory Notice required under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act that the Living Soul, Owner, Proprietor, Holder-in-Due Course, Indemnitee, is a Foreign Sovereign owed all rights, guarantees, and protections of The Constitution for the united States of America and all assets owed to the Priority Creditors of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States.  This Foreign Sovereign, John Mark Doe, retains all rights in reversion and is not subject to any conference of citizenship or other merely presumed benefit or obligation.
guarantees including indemnity and full faith and credit;
Not to worry.  You are actually their Priority Creditors.  The Veterans and the Pensioners get first dibs. Just claim up your Name/NAMES and remove their permanent domicile to the land and soil of your birth state.  We have already set up the Indemnity Bond for your State and an Equal Protection Claim for you, and since your whole problem has been caused by fraud and Breach of Trust in the first place, you are triply indemnified.
guarantees including indemnity and full faith and credit;
Not to worry.  You are actually their Priority Creditors.  The Veterans and the Pensioners get first dibs. Just claim up your Name/NAMES and remove their permanent domicile to the land and soil of your birth state.  We have already set up the Indemnity Bond for your State and an Equal Protection Claim for you, and since your whole problem has been caused by fraud and Breach of Trust in the first place, you are triply indemnified.
1.F.6.  INDEMNITY - You agree to indemnify and hold the Foundation, the
    .title.crystal faeries: indemnity_bond./title.
      .div class=title.indemnity_bond./div.
    .title.crystalfaeries: indemnity_bonds./title.
      .div class=title.indemnity_bonds./div.
      .div class=body..h1align=center.Indemnity Bonds./h1.
and indemnified against any
as Priority Creditors secured and indemnified against loss or damage.
You issue an indemnity bond against their assets and against their 
and then went on to establish an indemnity bond at the U.S. Treasury 
"Accepted for Value" using the Indemnity Bond to claim 
The .em.Indemnity Bond Number./em. is:
have a country to come home to and an indemnity bond that protects you 
"Accepted for Indemnification Value"
.em.Private Registered Indemnity Bond./em.
Indemnity Bond at .em.U.S. Treasury./em.
and to .strong.know the number of their Indemnity Bond./strong.,
The Indemnity Bond Series AMRI0001 to AMRI00001 lodged with the United 
is the Indemnity Bond for every American claiming their birthright 
.em.Your Indemnity Bond is at this point./em.: .strong.AMRI0001./strong.,
"indemnity" which 
"indemnified" with an indemnity bond 
as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the Union
such as setting aside an indemnity bond for the benefit of your 
Your State is indemnified and all the people deriving their political 
status from each State are also indemnified,
".em.indemnified./em." with an indemnity bond lodged 
as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the 
These lawful Indemnity Bonds are lodged in the name(s) of Anna Maria 
each page of the referenced Indemnity Bond and Series
It was our pleasure to bind all US DEBT as indemnity owed to all fifty 
Not only are we individually indemnified,
names of our member States are indemnified as sovereign state property and as
Indemnity Bond has been issued against the assets of the bankrupt Territorial
insurance indemnity receipts,
International Trade Banks have to be privately indemnified and function 
1.F.6.  INDEMNITY - You agree to indemnify and hold the Foundation, the

I am fully indemnified against loss or damage by
Indemnity Bond AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US
Bond Notice: Private Registered Indemnity Bond: AMRI00001 RA 393427640US
or 'indemnity bond' is complained against, An 'administrative 
Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US
guarantees including indemnity and full faith and credit;
We have already set up the Indemnity Bond for your State and an Equal Protection Claim for you,
you are triply indemnified.
my Indemnity Bond is posted (UCC-1-WA-2000-026-0186),
and i am also covered by Indemnity Bond
you and indemnifying you against loss or damage. See Army Regulations AR
27-20 for a clear statement regarding the indemnification they owe you 
[.strike."Accepted for Value"./strike. "Accepted for Indemnity"]
Accepted for [.strike.Value./strike. Indemnification] process.
the claim has been accepted for [strike.value./strike. indemnification]
The Accepted for [.strike.Value./strike. Indemnification] process, however,

Created by Chronicle v4.6