> Feed: Videos and Articles by Wes Penre and Ariel Glad > Title: Gnostic Musings #1: Why are we Constantly Descending Through the Kenoma? > Author:Wes Penre > Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2020 15:20:38 -1000 > Click here for our Gnostic glossary [2] [image 3] Download [4]
Now, when we have completed the twenty-one part Gnosis Series that is directly based upon the Gnostic texts and what these convey to us, we want to connect some additional dots that might be interesting for the reader. We need to keep in mind that the original Gnostic texts were partly written in metaphors, allegories, and analogies, and parts of them are literal. Christ gave us the Message in a way that it is communicating direct to Spirit, but from a perspective that we can understand, while dwelling in this dense realm of matter that we call 3-D. Ariel and I have discussed the texts quite thoroughly between each other, and as we have done so, certain dots start connecting, which make all the information we have gathered over the year come together quite nicely in our own minds.
Important! If you haven't, please first read our Gnosis Series Part 1-21 on our blog (https://wespenrevideos.com/category/gnosticism/ [5]), or this series of articles will not make much sense. Alternatively, if you are familiar with the Gnostic Gospels already, you might be able to follow us in our thought process.
Some of what we will be writing about in this new series can be directly backed up by the Gnostic texts, the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), and other sources we have studied over the years, while other parts are speculations, musings, and pure dot connection. Therefore, please read these articles with that in mind. Important is to build you own conclusions based on your "inner knowing" (Spiritual growth and Gnosis). We are always interested to know what you think, so feel free to write comments in the comment section below each article, respectively.
This first article will discuss the descension process in the Kenoma, and why we are continuously descending through the Seven Heavens and below, followed by cataclysm after cataclysm.
The First Atlantis Revisited
As discussed in the Gnosis Series, the original human soul group was created in an area set up by Jesus Christ (Khan En.lil in the WPP) between the 7th and 8th Heaven. This was the first Tiamaat/Earth--the so-called original Garden of Eden, where "the lion slept with the lamb." At that time, we (the human soul group) had access to both Orion (8^th and 9^th Heaven) and the 7^th Heaven below. There was a Divine Plan, involving us Spirited humans, to wake Yaldabaoth up to his own Spiritual nature, buried deep inside of him. We were to be the forerunners, descending into Yaldabaoth's Heavens, waking up to our own Spiritual Light inside, so we could influence the "God of Matter".
Thus, it was on this first Tiamaat/Earth (also called the First Atlantis) that the human soul group was first established, and the Aeon Sophia/Christ and Sabaoth/Ninurta were the Overseers. In this realm, there were no wars or conflicts. The human bodies were quite ethereal in nature, and each human had a soul and was Spirited.
If we play around a little with perceptions, the following might be a way of looking at our first home outside the Pleroma and how it worked in regard to density. If it were possible for us to travel there now, we would probably see quite a transparent world, which we possibly could more or less walk right through because we are denser. That world would be almost physical, but we could walk through trees and bodies, as well as these humans could walk through us, if this makes sense. Everything was much less solid because this planet was located much closer to the Pleroma. The more we have descended, the more solid our bodies and our environment have become--almost all of it being copies and mimics of the First Atlantis.
We got a question whether there was a Grid around the First Atlantis, as well as the other Earths we have descended to. This is an unknown, but we could expect that there were grids around all thee Earths in the different Heavens--even in the First Atlantis. Originally, it was probably a way of keeping the human soul group together under one umbrella--together is strong.
When he noticed what Sophia/Christ and Sabaoth had created in the First Atlantis, Yaldabaoth immediately felt the need to copy and mimic that in his own Heavens. At that time, Sabaoth had already been assigned the 7^th Heaven, so Yaldabaoth and his archons had little to no influence over that realm. They could probably enter it, but there Sabaoth was King, and because of the Knowledge he'd received from Sophia/Christ, he was, in the eyes of the archons, more powerful than they were, and they feared him and his angels (MIKH-MAKH Warriors in the WPP).
In the Gnosis Series, we suggested that the first Heaven, in which Yaldabaoth created his own human bodies was the 3^rd Heaven. After having pondered this some more and compared different Gnostic texts and other sources, such as the WPP, it seems more likely that his first construct was built in the 6^th Heaven. As we eventually descended--something we will talk more about in a minute--we "fell" or descended to lower and lower Heavens and deeper into matter, where things became more and more solid.
The Gnostic texts are telling us that, while we were still in the First Atlantis, Sabaoth came and talked to us and explained in detail the human Mission (Experiment, as I called it in the WPP). He explained that we were going to descend into Yaldabaoth's copy of the Earth and wake him up from inside his own construct and from within his own archontic human bodies.
The Descension Process--Yaldabaoth's Construct
Our descension process was most likely part of the Divine Plan from the get-go. Sophia/Christ and Sabaoth could predict what Yaldabaoth would do because of Yaldabaoth's nature--he just had to copy what was above. So, the Divine side decided to use this against Yaldabaoth and his ignorant archons, as it were.
As predicted, Yaldabaoth created his own human bodies in their archontic image, but at the same time using the original human as a blueprint. But his mimic was not working. Yaldabaoth could not animate these bodies. Then, "a voice" whispered in his ear that he should breathe his Spirit into Adam, which he did, and Adam became animated.
However, when the archontic forces noticed that Adam was much smarter and powerful than they were, it worried them. And when this came to Yaldabaoth's knowledge, he did the exact thing Sophia did when she accidentally created him--he cast Adam away and threw him into a lower realm, where Adam's Spirit became ignorant. Yaldabaoth "disowned" Adam, just like Sophia had once disowned Yaldabaoth. He let Adam return after a while, however.
After some further incidents, in which Eve, in form of Zo? Sophia, was involved, Adam and Eve were both symbolically cast out of Yaldabaoth's copy of Eden, and Adam and Eve fell into a slightly lower density of matter.
Star Constellations and Yaldabaoth's Firmaments
In the Gnostic texts, its spoken about the Consummation of the Ages. This can be paralleled with what is in the book of Revelation of the New Testament. We live in a universe--the Kenoma--where everything repeats itself in cycles. Once upon a time, Zo? Sophia (the Orion Queen) set up the star constellation (the Zodiac) in the Upper Heavens to shine light on the Earth below. This might have been intentionally done as a part the Divine Plan. These star constellations immediately copied themselves into the lower Heavens, and Yaldabaoth created a veil in the Firmament, where the reflections of the original stars were mirrored from the Light above. Thus, we have the Wheels of Time, i.e. linear time. Sophia probably wanted to create this scenario, so each age (eon) had its own timespan. After a certain amount of time, following the heavenly celestial bodies, semi-controlled by the archons, an age came to an end, and it was time for the Consummation of that particular age. During the age that proceeded a certain Consummation, we humans would hopefully have woken up enough from being in amnesiac matter to prepare for Christ to come down and shine his Light over the particular Heaven we resided in at the moment. According to a source I had while writing the WPP, humanity did succeed in previous constructs.
Angels Fall and We with Them
For argument's sake, let's say we existed in the 6^th Heaven and the Consummation of the Age was at hand. The Spirit, attached to each person, together with the Genuine Soul, was retrieved, and the destruction of the construct in the 6^th Heaven was instigated by Christ. We might call it destruction, but in reality, it was just the destruction of a certain human abode in the Kenoma, forcing Yaldabaoth, who shuns the Light of the Spirit, to descend further into darkness/matter--all per design. It's like shining a bright flashlight into somebody's eyes on a dark night--the target will automatically want to escape into the darkness/night again because the bright light is uncomfortable.
Multiple Floods
Ariel and I have come across multiple sources by now--including the Gnostic texts--saying that there has been more than one Flood in history. With our theory about gradual descension deeper and deeper into the Kenoma, the indications of multiple Floods strengthen our theory.
In the WPP, I wrote, based on the En?ma Eli? and other ancient texts, that the Flood we are most familiar with was instigated by Khan En.lil (Christ), but the Gnostic texts clearly say it was instigated by Yaldabaoth and his archons. In retrospect, I think both statements are correct. As mentioned above, the Divine side can fairly well predict Yaldabaoth's moves on the chessboard, and thinking it was him who came up with the idea of a Flood might very well have been part of the Divine Plan altogether. The Divine side knew Yaldabaoth would do this--something that was planned by the Divine from the beginning. Thus, Khan En.lil/Christ did instigate the Flood by descending into the realm where humans resided, and when Yaldabaoth saw the Light, he shunned it. As the Gnostic texts say, he regretted that he had created the humans in the first place and decided to create a Flood to destroy his own construct. Before that happened, the Spirited and souled humans were retracted from Earth.
We think of the Flood as the planet being covered with water. Although this has probably been the case at times, Ariel and I think it also means sinking deeper into the cosmic water--descension in other words. Either way, a current construct is destroyed by a cataclysm, followed by Christ's return, and Yaldabaoth and his crew flees further down into the lower Heavens.
In the above example, we used the example that we existed in the 6^th Heaven. At the Consummation of the Age for that Heaven and that particular density of Earth, the archons fled into the 5^th Heaven and started all over there, creating slightly denser bodies. We, the human Spirit/soul group followed him; per the plan; deeper into matter, with the intention to once again wake up to Spirit inside and prepare for a new Consummation of the Age. Consequently, the Earth in that Heaven was eventually also "flooded," and Yaldabaoth's team had to flee into the 4^th Heaven and start all over on that density of Earth. And so it's been going on and on, until the point we are at right now--in the Underworld. We have finally reached the bottom--probably the last Earth. Now, Yaldabaoth can't hide anymore, and he knows it. When the Consummation of the Age for this construct is starting, he can no longer hide in darkness because he can't descend any further. This is probably the main reason why he is creating the Singularity and is planning to invade Orion, using us as batteries and shields.
Thoth and the Rebuilding of Civilizations
Alternative historians often talk about ancient civilizations that suddenly, for no obvious reason, are destroyed, and new civilizations are built upon previous ones. Thus, we have Lemuria and Atlantis to name only two, existing in different Heavens of the Kenoma. There are many buried civilizations that were just abandoned and disappeared. Then, according to our human mythology, Thoth descended and helped humankind build a new civilization. What about if each of these new civilizations was the beginning of a new zodiacal cycle after a previous Consummation of the Age?
We humans, from our limited perspective, will probably never be able to fathom all this in its entirety--we can only do our best with what we have. Of course, all the questions we have will be answered once we get out of this realm and can return to Orion in the 8^th or 9^th Heaven. But we think it's important to come up with theories that can be discussed. Most of us are quite new to the Gnostic information, so we learn from each other.
For example, after many deep discussions between Ariel and myself, we came up with the theory that many layers of the same Earth were created as soon as the First Atlantis was created. Simultaneously, at least one Earth was created in each Heaven--it copied itself all the way down. Ultimately, it's the same Earth existing in different dimensions/Heavens. When one version, in one Heaven, is destroyed or flooded, the same Earth in a lower dimension can be populated. Thus, it's not that Yaldabaoth creates all these different Earths--they were already created--he just populated them by mimicking the Earth version above, but in a more solid form because of the lower density.
Seven Earths
Basically, we therefore have at least seven Earths--not including the First Atlantis. These Earths have probably been located in the 6^th, 5^th, 4^th, 3^rd, 2^nd, and 1^st Heavens, and finally, one in the Underworld, where we dwell now. This will count seven Earths altogether.
We are Sophia--and so is Yaldabaoth!
We are aware that there are readers who feel aggravated because we have had to endure all this trauma and manipulation by falling deeper and deeper into matter, but we think there is a basic misunderstanding regarding this concept. Yes, we have a Genuine Soul and an artificial soul/spirit, and we have a physical body that can feel pain, as well. However, all these components are of the KHAA and the Kenoma, and none of it is us--it's only our human experience in the Kenoma. We are Spirit--not soul. Although it can be very traumatic to be here, it has been necessary.
It's not that we are individual Spirits, either. We simply confuse Spirit with Soul, which is individual in this construct. There is only one Spirit in the human soul group, and that is Sophia/Christ. We are Sophia--all of us who are Spirited. Therefore, it's not that we have been manipulated into going on this Mission--it was Sophia's wish, so she sent herself, i.e. us. [image 6]
An easier way to look at this would be to imagine Sophia being a sun (and this is just a metaphor). This sun resides in the 8^th and 9^th Heaven. Yaldabaoth creates his own bodies. Let's pretend he creates 10,000 bodies. Sophia then sends 10,000 sunbeams from herself/the sun, and each sunbeam attaches to an individual human body. Thus, it seems like we are 10,000 different Spirits, when in fact, we are one and the same--simply different sunbeams of Sophia.
The Retraction of Spirit and the Return to the Pleroma
Then, when all this is over, and when the Genuine Soul with a sunbeam spirit attached is ready, Sophia will retrieve all these sunbeams, and we become Sophia again, like we were to begin with, and Sophia returns to the Pleroma in pure Spirit. We become Sophia. The Ego we are working from in this construct, whether its name is Lisa or John, is just his or her experience--it's not the real "I". When Sophia returns, Lisa and John will "merge" their experiences with Sophia, and they will exist within Sophia as memories and experiences. But we need to realize that we have been Sophia all along.
Continuing this train of thought, it also means that the Spirit of Yaldabaoth is also Sophia, and this is the reason why she needs to redeem him (and this is why we are helping her because we are her). Thus, we could loosely say that Yaldabaoth is our spiritual "brother"--he is us and we are him, but only in Spirit--not in matter, i.e. in soul and body. If we would say that it's okay to save Anna because we like Anna, but it's not okay to redeem Yaldabaoth, it only means that we are judging Yaldabaoth as a soul, which is of the Construct. Anna and Yaldabaoth are both of the Kenoma, but their Spirit is one and the same--Sophia.
- https://i0.wp.com/wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/7-Earths-2.jpg
- https://wespenrevideos.com/2020/05/12/gnostic-glossary/
- https://i2.wp.com/wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/pdf-small.jpg
- https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Gnostic-Musings-1-Why-are-we-Constantly-Descending-Through-the-Kenoma.pdf
- https://i1.wp.com/wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Sophias-sunbeams.png
> Feed: Time Shift Blog - Energetic Synthesis > Title: Consciousness Descension into Matter > Author: Lisa Renee > Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 17:50:05 -1000
The Transduction Sequence [2] describes the process by which consciousness undergoes several stages of Descension [3], passing through multiple layers of dimensionalization in order to manifest into a matter form. Consciousness [4] uses a Blueprint [5], architecture to express itself in matter. A Core Manifestation Template [6] is designed for consciousness to express itself into the biological form that is located within a specific dimension of time and space. As an example, the original angelic human 12 Strand DNA template [7] is expressed through the holographic template of the 12 Tree Grid [8], or Kathara manifestation grid. Consciousness units arrange themselves into dimensional grids which form into layers of morphogenetic fields, containing specific instruction sets that build into energy spirals that make up the merkaba fields.
The Merkaba [9] fields are what help to sustain the energy that builds the entire Lightbody [10] construct, in which there are male-female sets [11] of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals of the consciousness energy. The male-female sets of consciousness energy spirals generate a DNA and RNA imprint. The DNA architecture is the masculine principle, while the RNA is the feminine principle. The DNA-RNA messaging [12] circuitry must communicate together in balance. The DNA and RNA imprint project the entire lightbody hologram which organizes the light of the consciousness into a bio-energetic field, or auric field.
The auric field organizes into multiple layers of energy matrices that act as small computers, and these are the Chakras [13], the lower exist in the particle layers and the higher dimensional chakras exists in the anti-particle layers. The anti-particle chakras are Morphogenetic Chakras [14] and they inform the instruction sets absorbed into the lower dimensional chakras, who can open the higher contents when they are able to hold the higher frequencies. Over time the chakras dissolve into each other when absorbing the higher dimensional frequencies.
The chakras send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into the nadial capsule which forms around the manifest biological form. The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of the harmonic universe, in which the consciousness is stationed as an identity. The Nadial Capsule [15] instructs how the consciousness must organize itself into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology. The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the Nadial Structure [16], which acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and energetic receivers that form into the blueprint for the physical Brain [17] and nervous system [18]. The central nervous system transmits into the molecular structure and then into the nuclear core in the 1D Atomic Body [19], which informs the Dark Matter Template [20].
This nuclear core sends intelligent consciousness energy from all combined blueprint layers into the central nervous system, which sets the metabolic and biological base rhythms. These biological base rhythms are imprinted from the Soul [21] and spiritual intelligence [22] into the Blood [23], which form into the historical spiritual records. This blood record forms an imprint that is recorded in the brain to produce and distribute Hormones [24], and the natural chemical reactions that are recorded in each organ and gland [25], and into all cellular tissues.
When we understand the interaction of the consciousness imprints from our Soul [21] and spiritual intelligence recorded into our Blood [23] and biological form, then it becomes obvious that the human body is filled with the personalized spiritual records of that unique consciousness being.
(Source: Ascension Glossary - Consciousness Descension into Matter Biology)
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