For those of us Gemini Ascendant people who love multiprocessing, you may wish to sequentially listen to these audio tracks while proceeding to read the rest of this page :-)
- the Splintered Self describes transdensity existence.
- The Prism of Lyra describes densities.
- Precipice of Evolution and Lyran History.
"All [mankind] beings are divided into four general classes...
4 types of [mankind]
(By Manly P. Hall in What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples):
- The lowest of these divisions is the physical nature,
and those who dwell therein are of the earth, earthy;
they live only for the gratification of their physical natures.
Their idea of heaven is a place where there is
food, feasting, and little or no work...
Their minds are only partly active.
Their bodies resemble prisons more than dwelling places...
they live to labor, plodding along to a mediocre destiny...
Give them opulence and they cannot retain it.
Give them luxuries, and they do not appreciate them.
They are the dark earthy ones who must ever bow before intelligence.
They do not love God[dess], for they cannot know H[er].
[ This is the R-complex (reptilian mind) consciousness of the root (sacral) chakra. -- celeste ] - The second division is made up of the artisans
and those who labor both with mind and hand...
They buy, sell, and exchange...
Having a mind, they control the mindless...
Not having the mental organism with which to reason,
they fill the places of worship where thinking is done for them.
They are the ones who allow their clergy
to decide all spiritual problems for them,
feeling themselves incapable of assuming
the onus of heavy thinking...
[ or being unwilling to be self-responsible (liable) for making their own choices -- celeste ]
their credulity is utilized as a commercial asset by certain types of minds who consider it legitimate to capitalize on the ignorance of others.
[ This is operating in right-brained intuitive feminine in abandonment of left brain. -- celeste ] - The third class is made up of the scientists...
they attack the boundary lines of the known...
Those who wage this war in the cause of science
are mostly concrete thinkers
who follow as far as their instruments will lead them
and then must wait for instruments still more powerful.
Most of these minds are atheistic or at least agnostic...
The miracles of theology are incapable of chemical analysis
and are consequently taken ["with a grain of salt"]
by the scientific world.
[ This is operating in left-brained linear-logical masculine ego-centric consciousness in abandonment of right brain. -- celeste ] - The fourth and highest group embraces
philosophers, musicians, and artists,
all living in an abstract mental world
surrounded by dreams and visions
wholly unrecognizable by the other types.
They have reached beyond the world of academic education
to the world of creative idealism,
which is at present the highest function of the [mankind] mind.
This world is the dwelling place of genius, of invention,
and of the things which lower mentalities
can only accept but never analyze.
Religiously, these minds are deistic.
Most of them are monotheists --
believers in one God.
[ One is All is One (there is one spirit living through all forms) -- celeste ]
Many of them are mystics or occultists...
[ This requires both awakening to at least the heart-chakra level, and balanced utilization of both critical thinking of left brain, yet prioritization of right-brained intuitive feminine spiritual consciousness. -- celeste ]
explains The_Seven_Densities
for a simple model, or for a lager picture see Lisa Renee's
Wings and
Heiros_Gamos and
"The Universal Time Cosmology of Twelve Dimensions of Simultaneous Time-Space
Cycles within a Fifteen Dimensional Wave Spectrum.
Each Harmonic Universe is equal to the Triad of Spiritual Identity
that our consciousness evolves through as our
Personality (1D-2D-3D),
Soul (4D-5D-6D),
Oversoul (Monad) (7D-8D-9D),
Avatar Christos (10D-11D-12D) and
Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D)."
The Universal Time Matrix is comprised of five density levels
that each hold three dimensional holographic fields within them,
or groups of three Spectrum of Frequency that manifest as
platforms of consciousness perception and expression.
Each of these density levels are organized into
a trinity of dimensional reality fields,
and each of these reality fields are also called Harmonic Universes or HU.
In each Harmonic Universe,
there are consciousness levels that have characteristics in the blueprint
that result in matter forms and consciousness perception
that is unique to each harmonic universe or density.
Each expression of the God source in its collective consciousness or life form,
has many stations of identity that exist in
each of the dimensional realities or Harmonic Universes.
For [mankind] beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities
and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.
These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.
- In the First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the personality matrix or incarnated [mankind]. This station of identity is the personality matrix.
- In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the Soul Matrix. These stations of identity make up the entire soul matrix.
- In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Monadic matrix. These stations of identity make up the entire monadic matrix.
- In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D exists the three layers of the Christos Avatar Matrix. These stations of identity make up the entire Avatar matrix.
- In the Fifth Harmonic Universe in 13D-14D-15D exists the three Layers of the Rishi matrix or Threefold Founder Flame or GSF Flame. These stations of identity make up the entire Rishi matrix
-- Lisa Renee
Per "the Ra Material - the Law of One", [and written with [a]scension perspective]: 9D = Source Consciousness 8D = a density of "in-between", right before full integration back into Source @ 9D [ the highest level of individuation -- celeste ] 7D = Density of Forgetting (returning to Source starts) * my ego identity * my his-story about that identity 6D = Unity (the union of love and wisdom), (where RA is purportedly channeled from) [ a Hive Mind with only one thought -- celeste] Above this you're able to leave Ea-Rth and [a]scend with Gaia Highest Level of Simulation of "Reality" by En-Ki's Simulator on Ea-Rth Below this you're entrapped and enslaved on olde Ea-Rth 5D = Wisdom 4D = Love 3D = That's us, anything with a Soul 2D = Anything basically that can reach for the light such as animals and plants 1D = The Elements