The Five Nations --
Our Reptile Brains
By Anna Von Reitz 2020-06-19 10:17 UTC
Most people in the modern world know that they have both a conscious and a subconscious mind. They also know that they have two brains, one that functions as the repository of stored memory, and active thought, and one that keeps the automatic systems of the body operating 24/7. This second brain and the autonomous system it operates is commonly called "the reptile brain".
It is called the reptile brain because, well, that's what it is.
How this happened and to what final end it has come, is a matter of legend on one hand, and modern factual reality on the other.
When it comes to this,
not to add to the misplaced focus on our differences,
there are five main progenitors --
one group of amphibians similar to axolotls,
and four groups of reptiles -- fish, snakes, turtles and lizards.
It appears that there was not one pathway to our current body plan,
but multiple variations,
and that these correspond roughly to the four blood types, too:
A, B, AB, and O,
shared by the lizard-turtle group.
The AN Family has amphibian-brain ancestry;
our parents were Anu and Ana,
and we are spread all over the planet,
but mostly in the Northern Hemisphere.
We come in every color and kind and have the blood type A.
(Scandinavians, Russians, Americans, for example).
The ISH Family has fish-brain ancestry.
These people tend to have blood type B.
(British, Finnish, Turkish, Spanish, for example).
The EE Family has snake-brain ancestry;
their first parents are by far the most famous:
Adam and Eve.
Some of them have blood type AB,
and represent a melding of the two earlier blood types.
(Hebrews, Greeks, Maltese).
The UR Family has turtle-brain ancestry
and the O Family has lizard-brain ancestry,
and both commonly have blood type O.
They love heat and live mostly in the Southern Hemisphere.
(Uruguay, Peru, Congo, Venezuela, Ecuador).
These subtle differences are not generally appreciated, but in the ancient history of the Americas, these Five Nations were well-known -- those of us who live in America are living on Turtle Island, and legends abound about the Five Nations of People --
- the Salamander-People (amphibians)
- the Fish-People
- the Snake People
- the Turtle People
- the Lizard People
These very ancient stories, legends, and records written on stone and in "books" made of gold relate directly to scientific facts that are only now being explored -- thanks to suppression by the Roman Catholic Church, greedy early explorers, and cynical governments.
In addition to keeping our hearts beating and our lungs breathing, our reptile brains determine our sensitivities to things like radiant energy and magnetism, and account for variations in metabolism.
Our different kinds of reptile brains may also account for subtle differences in body temperature and whether we, as mammals, are more "hot blooded" or "cold blooded", anomalies like color blindness, our sense of direction and spatial orientation, and our ability to visualize things spatially versus thinking in words.
It has long been known that people have different modes of learning new information. Some people learn better by reading words, some by seeing pictures, some by hearing things spoken, and others by reciting aloud to themselves or a combination of these modes of learning.
The US Air Force went so far as to develop the "Read, Write, Recite, Repeat" learning protocol to assure that all students are learning, no matter which mode of learning they use.
Could it be that our favored mode of learning is determined by our reptile brains? And that academic success or lack thereof is not just a matter of favorite subjects or motivation?
Maybe we are all wired a bit differently by our differing reptile brains, and so, some people are "mechanically inclined" while others spout poetry? There is a great deal more to be explored.
Realizing that The Five Nations are more than whimsical anthropomorphic stories adds a new dimension to understanding ourselves and opens a window on the highly developed cultures that have existed on this planet in the past.
It also humbles those who have characterized Native Americans as "savages". The American Indian Nations of North and South America retained this advanced scientific knowledge for thousands of years, in the form of stories told around campfires.