
[a]scension blog

1st January 1971


More Than Two Billion Years Ago...
By: Anna von Reitz

Mon, 26 Nov 2018 10:26:17 -0900

More than two billion years ago on a group of planets attached to the Sirius B star system lived a race of warrior priests. Think of them somewhat like the Jedi -- except that in addition to their abilities as warriors and philosopher priests they were also scientists and mathematicians of great ability.

Next door to them in cosmic terms lies the star system of Orion, home of the Aryans.

The Sirians conquered the Orion star system and began a genetic breeding program to make super soldiers out of the Aryans.

They built in a lot of special features -- and bred out the ability for anything but binary "either/or" thinking. The Aryan super soldiers were also bred to thrive in atmospheres of fear and death, and developed an ability to siphon energy from the terror and misery of the dead and dying.
[ Yes! That would also be known as vampirism! -- celeste ]

So those were the beginning two castes -- the Sirian warrior-priest-scientists and the Aryan super soldiers.

Later they conquered the Pleiades star system and subjected the people there to act as Merchants and Traders for them.

Members of all three castes came to Earth and set up a planetary civilization somewhat similar to the Hindu Caste System still practiced by Hindus today.

So some of you have been faithfully concentrating on the mental and emotional discipline of melting away the Seventh Seal on Bardsey Island and have become aware of what the energy blockage of thousands of "bound souls" feels like.

Now as we continue past Bardsey Island and pass the healing wave of energy over the European Continent you will notice that there is a giant blockage over Rome itself. The entire city is built on human bones and blood. You can still view the catacombs and once you start to think about all the charnel houses and "holy relics" and venerated corpses in Catholic Churches it will become apparent that a Death Cult is involved in all of this.

That Death Cult and the system of numbered "seals" created by this Death Cult is a holdover from the Aryan super soldiers -- as it served a double purpose.

Remember that these bred-for-battle beings feed off the energy of fear and death and dying. By encapsulating large numbers of dead bodies and binding the dead and dying souls to these locations, they were not only using them to block the Earth's energy conduits, they were creating food caches for themselves.

So when the seals are removed two benefits are achieved -- we restore the balance of the Earth's energy system and deprive the Aryans of their food sources.

There is a similar food cache in New York City and another Seal there, that was formed by the miserable bodies of 15,000 largely Negro slaves who were worked to death to build the city and whose bodies were piled up like cord wood and left to rot along the ghastly corridor of Wall Street.

You will find the same thing in Washington, DC -- again, literally thousands of largely Negro slaves were worked to death to build that city and they were dumped into huge pit graves. The entire Capitol Mall is a giant bone pile soaked in blood and the energy of all those miserable people is bound there, forming another Seal.

For all those of Negro descent it is a special calling to bid these ancestors peace and love and comfort and to release them at last by melting away the Seal that binds them to that time and space coordinate.

If you wish you can all certainly "choose" your target for your greatest attention -- start your healing "wave" concentration in NYC or Washington, DC instead of Bardsey Island if you feel drawn to do so. Those seals have to be released, too.

If you are Italian, you might want to start by focusing your healing and releasing power on Rome first and foremost.

Think of all the innocent dead, collected like a squirrel collects nuts, and bound as food source and not allowed to rest or journey on for hundreds and in many cases, thousands of years?

We have the power now to free them all and help force the remaining Aryans out of hiding. Without easy access to their stored "food" caches and being constantly disturbed by our concentrated will to heal the Earth and release those seals and the souls trapped by them, the remaining "nests" of Aryans (sometimes called "Archons" by mistake) will be forced out, captured and transported back whence they came all these many years ago.

Yes, Virginia, this is a spiritual and energetic war going on, and your good will and compassion and mindful intention to heal the Earth and release these seals is needed.

False Gods
By: Anna von Reitz

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:51:07 -0900

False Gods

I have told you that your bodies are "vessels" that can be inhabited by various kinds of energetic beings. For example, the same kind of body can contain the soul of a man or of an angel.

Your DNA somewhat limits and determines what kind of body you have and what kind of energetic being or soul can inhabit it.

That's why these "bloodline" families cared about DNA and tried to preserve DNA that will produce bodies that can support the incarnation of more of their kind on Earth.

It's not that the DNA in itself is so special, but having the right kind of physical body that can support the incarnation of a particular energetic being, is.

Imagine trying to fit a super-tanker into a canoe and you will have the gist of it.

The ET's call carbon-based bodies "meat bodies" because they are ephemeral and degrade so quickly -- but also because some ET's eat our bodies for food.

These predatory ET's act as cannibals and vampires when they are incarnate, but in their minds, they are completely separate from the bodies they are both preying upon and inhabiting and they are -- again, in their minds -- doing no real harm, because the energetic body is [immortal eternal].

Obviously, you can either exist in the incarnate form -- living inside a physical body -- or a discarnate form -- living outside a physical body. So when they eat someone, they are "only" destroying a temporary physical form.

This is what Jesus was referring to when He said not to fear those who can only destroy the physical body, but to fear Him who can destroy both the soul and the body and condemn them to Gehenna.

"Gehenna" is Aramaic for a sort of cosmic waste dump or non-space of discarnate scrap.

I have also told you about the warrior-priest-scientists of Sirius B, the super-soldiers of Orion called "Aryans" on this planet, and the merchant traders of the Pleiades -- and how they formed a caste system similar to the Hindu caste system that still exists today.

These extra-terrestrials were worshipped as "gods" by the people of Earth, but the group of Sirius B warrior-priests who came here were actually renegades and pirates set against the Order of the True God.

We know them as the Fallen Angels, and they are related to the Dracos, the Archons of the Draco Star System. Together, these two related groups of "the Fallen" combined to make up the Saturnine Brotherhood.

Their servants, the "Aryan" super-soldiers -- "Aryan" is a transliteration of "Orion" -- need the energy of terror and death and its preserved residue known as the "engrams" of terror and death -- because that is what they feed upon. So, to a lesser, more ceremonial extent, do the Draco Archons.

They staged wars to re-stock their larders. Horrific tales of vampires drinking the blood of dead soldiers are true, so are the stories of cannibalism, but the real pay-off was not the flesh and blood that they "harvested" but the engrams, the long-lasting energetic imprints of emotional terror and pain that these ETs could feed upon for years afterward.

When you hear these terrible things about the "sacrificial cults" in Europe and in South America and in Meso-America -- cutting out beating hearts from living chests with stone knives and "rivers" of blood flowing down gutters on either side of stairways leading to stone altars at the top of pyramids -- you will now understand better what they were doing: they were feeding their "gods". Literally.

When you hear about people being inhabited by "demons" you will better understand what that means, too. These "demons" are ET's of specific races that can inhabit and sometimes co-inhabit a human body.

Some of them were so powerful that they could simply "walk in" to an occupied body and chase the original owner out. In effect, the original being "died" but the body lived on under new ownership -- with a profoundly different personality in charge.

[Adverse Possession of a body belonging to an incarnate entity is just about the worst tresspass, except occupation of their consciousness. It is possible under free-will choice that a "walk-in" assumes the body of another with permission, often under a contract, usually that of taking-on the karma of the being leaving the body.
Other variations are of course possible, even if not frequent. The concept of one-soul one-body is the simplest, therefore the most popular here in the soul-school of Gaia.
In my own case, two of us souls from the same oversoul group of one spirit, had intended to incarnate as fraternal twins, one male and one female. Mom had been prescribed Di-Ethyl-Stilbestrol, well known now for causing genetic defects and trans-{gender,sex}. Mom failed to carry to full term my own body, which was absorbed into my brother's body, leaving an chimera androgyne for the two of us to incarnate into, and we did so at birth. For the first part of our life he navigated and i was a passive back-seat passenger. He left in 1993, complete with his lessons, and having succeeded with setting up the body and consciousness in support of our shared mission, which i took-over solo as of 1993. -- celeste]

Often, misguided but otherwise normal people, sought to attract the notice of these false gods by sacrificing young people -- similar to staking out a live animal or piece of meat as bait to attract a predator like a bear or mountain lion. They would then ask these "gods" for rain or victory in war or whatever else they wanted, and if the "gods" were pleased by their sacrifices -- they'd get what they wanted.

But time has run its course. The Doctrine of Destiny has expired as of November 18, 2018, which is why when they tried to ceremonially "open the gates of Hell" by sacrificing their High Priest on the 19th of November, nothing happened.

Nothing at all.

It won't be long now and the last of these false gods will be gone, all the residue of their long reign of terror swept away like dust, their "seals" clogging up the Earth's energy conduits flushed away like old leaves down a rain gutter. All their so-called "magic" is fading away.

They will no longer be able to incarnate "in the form of" men and women and no longer exist as "hue-men" -- that is, "colored as men", having the appearance of mankind, but not actually being men or women.

And that will bring peace to the Earth. Selah. So I have said it, and so it shall be.

Likewise all their crazy sex cults will die off. They used sex as a means of enslaving and controlling and black-mailing and then ultimately used the resulting unwanted off-spring who were aborted or otherwise sacrificed -- as more food.

If you stop a moment and open up your senses you can feel the lifting of the weight and the opening of the atmosphere.

The False Gods are leaving. They have no choice. And they cannot return. [ And with the exit of the false "gods" we also have the opportunity to end false religions, and replace them with spiritual truth. -- celeste ]

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