
[a]scension blog

1st January 1971

Sphere-Being Alliance Cosmic Disclosure:
Zero Point Energy and Advanced Propulsion Technology
Season 7, Episode 22, 2017-05-31

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to "Cosmic Disclosure". I'm your host, David Wilcock. So, Corey, welcome back.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So I've got to say that when I saw this interview footage, the first one we're going to watch here, he actually mentions the name of a guy who I knew very well.

And Mark Comings is one of the only people I've ever met who literally could run rings around me when it came to advanced physics.

And so when you and I are talking, you know a lot more about Secret Space Program stuff than anybody else I've met, except for a few insiders.

Mark Comings is one of those guys, but in the physics arena. So this really shocked me to hear him mention that name because I know so much about this guy we could talk about him for two hours.

So without further ado, let's hear the first thing that Mark McCandlish has to say, and maybe you'll understand why I was so surprised once you see it yourself. Let's take a look.


Mark McCandlish: I met a scientist who has since sort of taken himself out of circulation. He's vanished. His name was Mark Comings. He was a physics professor working as a teaching assistant at UC Berkeley, in their physics department.

And he had been... He'd become aware of the fact that in the basement of the physics building on campus was a lot of this old surplus equipment -- frequency generators and oscilloscopes and power generators -- all these different kinds of things.

So he asked the head of the department if he could go down and just tinker and do some experiments. He had some ideas he wanted to play around with. And they gave him the okay.

So he had this idea that, as you may know, there are certain kinds of crystals, like quartz for example, that... It's the whole basis for the original phonograph record, the stylus.

When you would put a small crystal -- I think it was like a diamond crystal -- under pressure, it would create a mild electrical current. And if you amplify that current, you could then hear what the impulses were coming through that stone, that gem. And you could actually hear the vibrations that were recorded in a disk of plastic. That's how the phonograph works.

And so his idea was that, okay, crystals, when they're put under pressure -- physical pressure -- will create an electrical charge. But he wondered if you augmented the process by putting electrical coils that wrapped around the crystal, and you essentially applied an electrical pressure to the crystal, that the crystal would do not only the same piezoelectric process of creating an output of electricity, but that it might actually be more than what you would get with just putting physical pressure on it.

That by taking advantage of the lattice -- the crystalline structure of this object, this stone -- that you could then get it to resonate in a way that would kick out even more energy than you were putting into it.

And so he had a barium titanate crystal. It was about eight inches long, double terminated -- in other words, a point on each side -- had a cross-section that was kind of like a stop sign, sort of an octagon shape, had it fabricated by a facility outside the San Francisco Bay area where he lived.

And he had two different coils. One had a lot of fine windings, and another coil wrapped around the outside of that, all completely insulated, that had a lower number of windings.

And he experimented with putting a variety of different electrical charges, different voltages, frequencies, in different combinations, until eventually one night, about 1 o'clock in the morning, working late on this apparatus, the crystal began to glow a bluish-green, and it began to ring.

You know how when you're at a wedding, and you take your glass -- your wet finger on a champagne glass, and it makes that high pitched ringing sound? He said it was like that.

And he looked at the scale -- the dials on his equipment that showed input voltage and output voltage.

And this thing was putting out 125% [more] -- in other words, everything it was getting plus an additional 25% over and above what he was putting into the crystal.

Of course, he was very excited, you know, took his notes, shut everything down, went home, went to bed. And by 8 o'clock the next morning, his house was surrounded by black SUVs and guys with ear buds and dark glasses.

They kick in the front door. They tossed the whole house. They arrested him. They confiscated all his notes. They confiscated his equipment.

And they basically said that they'd found a closed circuit TV system that he'd set up to view some of the women in the Phys Ed building, the locker room, the women's locker room in the next building. And, you know, he was in trouble.

And they wouldn't tell him what he was being charged with. They kept saying, "You know what you're charged with. You know what's going on here."

And the reality of the whole thing was that he had created an apparatus that had accomplished what is supposedly impossible.

And I asked him, I said, "When you did this, when this thing finally worked when you found all of the right ingredients to make it work, do you believe that this thing put out some kind of a footprint in the environment that someone in the know was listening for and were ready to clamp down on?"

He said, "Absolutely, without a question." He said, "Somebody triangulated my position, found out where I was, found the equipment, got ahold of the administration of the university, and they were at my house by 8 o'clock the next morning."

That's how fast it was. And so he's gone into hiding. And I've heard that he's working somewhere in the Far East.

He's well-funded and continues his research, but all underground.

David: Well, Corey, this is a very emotional thing for me actually, because first of all, I knew Mark Comings before he went into hiding. We actually spoke on the same stage at a conference I was doing in Portland in 2003, called "Time and Global Shift".

And he wouldn't tell me what he had invented that caused these guys to come to his house. So seeing McCandlish go into detail about what the invention was, was a first. I had not heard... I just heard about the bad parts.

So let's talk about that first. Is there, in fact, some sort of energetic signature like Mark and I also talked about personally, that we theorized had been released when you build one of these types of devices that they could detect?

Corey: Yes. And that is how they track, also, a lot of the nonterrestrial and human craft within our solar system.

It is used as a way of doing air traffic control to be able to locate the vessels producing this signature. There is indeed a signature that is put off in a limited spectrum that they are always listening for on the Earth and also in space.

David: Is there any place safe in the world for somebody to develop this technology? Or could the Cabal hit you basically at any geographical location on Earth?

Corey: When it comes to developing it, yeah, there are plenty of deep, dark holes you can hide in to develop it. And you have to acquire everything that you're going to use -- all of the different types of technology -- you have to acquire it very quietly.

If one person starts acquiring certain technology, red flags go off.

So you can find a place secure to develop it, but the minute you're successful, they're going to know because of this energy signature that they can pick up.

David: Right.

Corey: That's why they watch these people very closely, very important that they develop a personality profile on them so they can decide which way to approach them.

Some people, you know, the almighty dollar. If they go and offer them $1 billion, they'll sign over the patent very quickly.

Others, who are more principled, they have to threaten their families. They have to lean on them. And sometimes, ultimately, these people will die of strange cancers, heart attacks, strokes, or ["]suicide ["].

David: It sounds like you're describing a different type of what John Perkins wrote about in his classic book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman". And he called it "The gun or the money campaign"...

Corey: Um-hmm.

David: ... where he'd walk in with a gun in one hand and a bale of cash in the other, and say, "I'm giving you one of the two of these before I leave here. Which one do you want?"

Corey: Yes.

David: Same basic idea, huh?

Corey: Same basic idea. And, I mean, if it's going to work in that situation, humans are so much the same, they're going to be able to use it for the free energy sector as well.

David: Another story that Mark Comings told me was that in another group that was aware of this kind of thing happening, they tried to build a free energy device where each component was built separately and the plans were kept separate.

And then only right when they were going to test it would they have each of the guys bring a different piece of the machine together, build it on the spot, test it, then break it down and take it away.

But even in that situation, he said they still got popped.

Corey: Well, it's easy because there are satellites that are covering almost every square inch of... well, every square inch that is important on the Earth.

So if they came together real quick, put this device together, turned it on, and then The-Powers-That-Be got this signal ping on their device -- they call it a ping -- and then these people take apart the device and then scoot, well, they're going to be able to go and rewind -- just like a videotape where this satellite was tasked, at what time -- and go to the right satellite, find the footage, and then track the people back to where they came from.

David: It's very interesting that Mark Comings is describing the BaTiO3 crystal glowing. So I'm curious if you ever witnessed glowing crystal technology in any of the stuff that you saw.

Corey: I saw the scientists working with different types of crystals and stones and stuff, and I saw very small crystals that were square, obviously man made, glow when a field was applied to them.

And there were... Nothing physically was touching them. So, yeah, I've seen that.

David: If they give you, let's say, billions of dollars, and you take it. Do they then kill you later, or do you actually get to live out your life?

Corey: Very quietly live your life, probably on a remote island.

David: All right. Well, with that in mind, let's now see this next piece of interview footage with Mark McCandlish discussing the interesting and scary politics of free energy. Take a look.


Mark McCandlish: Actually, bringing the technology out and making it available is something that's going to require all of the precautions that we started to implement when we went from the horse and buggy era to automobiles -- you know, car crashes, or people going too fast, or spilling gasoline, and fires.

But, you know, the technology, if it's properly implemented, can give the petroleum industry the ability to take all of that chemistry and use it for other things that are much more valuable in terms of their return on investment.

There'll have to be a time when the scientific community as a whole is going to get together, and they're going to have to acknowledge that the technology is real.

There's been enough experiments, enough patents done now, that anyone who's really in the know, who understands what the implications are of the technology, is going to understand that if a scientific consortium, a group of scientists, came together and they outlined a plan to implement the development of the technology in a way that it could be used safely -- safely for the production of energy, with the sole purpose being to save the environment from all of the impacts of the pollution that's created by fossil fuels, especially the nuclear power industry after the wake of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and now Fukushima.

I mean, there are people now that are saying that in 20 years, the Pacific Ocean could be dead because of all the cesium 137 that's being put into the ocean.

And if we can use the technology to produce power and not have to worry about nuclear power and the fallout, and the terrible footprint of nuclear waste, then I think we'll be so much further ahead. I think the environment will really benefit.

David: So regarding this question of clean energy, I think you and I both agree that it is being suppressed for a variety of reasons.

What would you say are the main reasons why this technology isn't being allowed to go out there despite its awesome usefulness for the problems that we have?

Corey: Most of these patents have been classified for one reason. The reason is that if the free energy was released to the public, it's going to collapse the economy because the energy sector is a very, very large part of the economy.

What truly is the reason is that those who control the energy sector don't want to lose their power and income. So we are being denied these technologies just because somebody wants to get paid.

Another aspect of this is you'll have someone try to reproduce one of these free energy devices. And if it is known, remotely they can create an imbalance in the field of where the people are doing the testing, and things that should normally be repeatable -- experiments that are repeatable -- won't work.

So they're able to affect it remotely as well -- affect people's research.

David: All right. Now, we're going to have some footage from Mark McCandlish in which he's describing not a reverse engineered situation, but an actual extraterrestrial craft and the attendant circumstances. Let's take a look.


Mark McCandlish: Since I found out about the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, one of the things that I began investigating was the whole business of alien abduction, and alien contact, and this kind of thing, because my thinking was that if these people really were having encounters with beings from another star system, there might be a chance -- however slim -- that they were taken aboard these vehicles, and they might have gotten a tour of the ship.

They might have had an opportunity to see some of the components of the ship.

And I really got pretty lucky, because one of the three young ladies who I investigated very thoroughly, did, in fact, make that claim, that after she had gone through some very horrifying tests to determine whether she was a threat to the beings on this vehicle, they did, in fact, give her a tour of the ship.

And one of the areas that she went into was an area where the central part of the propulsion system was located. And many of the components described were remarkably similar to the ones in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle.

There was a central column. There was evidence of counter rotation, just like in the Bell. There was a small disk, very similar to the item that's in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle. But in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, this thing is... it looks like the floor of the vehicle. It's about a nine foot diameter disk that's under the ejection seats.

1 3D Rendering Of ARV Interior

But on the alien version, this thing's only about two to three inches larger in diameter than the central column. And the column was made out of a glass-like substance, just like the materials used in the ARV.

2 ARV 9ft Disk

It was sitting in a pit in the middle of a circular room, and the perimeter of the room was kind of a walkway with a railing at its edge.

But she said that when she looked down into the pit and across the far side, she could see that beneath the floor was this glass-like substance with these coils embedded, just like the ring of coils around the crew apartment in the ARV.

3 ARV Coils

But the thing that was most fascinating about her description was that in the central column, with the little disk at the bottom spinning in one direction, the column itself spinning in the opposite direction, that there was a silvery metallic-like fluid that was inside this column that she could see under the glass.

And it had these little flecks, shiny flecks and dark flecks of material that were sort of swirling around, but she said you could see the turbulence pattern in the liquid.

And the turbulence pattern looked like a series of five little tornadoes that were spiraling up around the inside of this column.

What she was witnessing is very much like what you see when you get an F5 tornado. You have the big one in the middle that's going 150 miles an hour. It's tearing up everything in sight.

And then a lot of times what you'll get is a series of smaller tornadoes that are rotating in the opposite direction, almost just like a planetary gear drive. And they're orbiting the main one in the middle.

And the turbulence pattern that she was seeing in this column looked just like what you would see in those little sister tornadoes that would orbit an F5.

And so that told me that inside this column was a shearing effect, where two things are moving past one another like that, which means that there's another cylinder on the inside moving in one direction. And then there's a cylinder on the outside moving in the opposite direction.

And that shearing effect is what was creating these like miniature tornado-type structures on the inside.

So then, the fluid itself can be seen moving upward. So that begs the question, okay, where is it going?

Well, if it's a closed loop system -- and this sort of fills out some of the details of Die Glocke, the Bell -- is that if the fluid is moving upward, then it has to be coming back down somewhere.

4 Screen Shot Die Glocke 1

4 Screen Shot Die Glocke 2

4 Screen Shot Die Glocke 3

And the answer is it's coming down through the middle. So it's a closed loop. It goes up through the edges between the two cylinders and then down through the middle.

And if you're having this tremendously powerful electrical discharge that fires through that liquid, and it's done in just the right way -- if you shape different parts of the system in such a way that it's like a venturi, like a funnel at the top -- when you fire electricity down through the center of that funnel -- because you have a ring shaped electrode and then a cone shaped electrode in the middle -- you get what amounts to an artificial ball lightening.

Ball lightning has been modeled as a torus, as a donut shape, in the laboratory. They've done this.

And what happens when you create this kind of an event with high voltages, is in this donut shaped event, you have the ions that are not only moving around the perimeter of this donut shape, but they're also moving in and out, precessing around the perimeter of this donut shape.

5 Screen Shot Torus

And they create a powerful electromagnetic field.

So what you have in this device is an [electoral electrical] discharge that creates what amounts to a smoke ring of ions that shoot down through the column. The outer edges are basically stroking through the whiskers of this electrode and giving off all the power that's essentially being drawn out of the vacuum of space-time.

And that's how they're drawing the zero point energy out of the vacuum -- is with this system.

David: Well, that's remarkably technical. And all kinds of lights are flashing in my head as we listen to him say these things, because you are one of the people who've mentioned a mercury-based propulsion system.

But given how many specifics he said, and that you've never actually spoken to him before, how much truth is there in what he's saying based on what you know here?

Corey: He's explaining it way better than I ever could. And they... I guess in the beginning, we tried using mercury, but they have engineered other gallium metals that are basically liquid metals that conduct electricity much better, and when being exposed to high electrical fields, don't turn to gold, which is what was occurring when we were trying to use mercury. And I've talked about that in depth in the past.

David: So the essential idea that there is a crystalline-looking tube or waveguide in the middle, and that the mercury or whatever liquid metal is spinning is inside that central tube, and that there's this counter-rotating smaller vortexes outside the larger one, all of that seems true?

Corey: Yes, it's... And the donut shapes that go down or up depending on the polarity of... that its'... which way the plates are spinning. The liquid travels up and then down through the tube and back down through the system.

David: When you say donut shape, are you saying it's a donut vortex in the liquid that you see?

Corey: Yes, it's like a... You can see them going up, you know, one after another. And they're spaced out perfectly from each other.

David: When he says ball lightning is formed in the center, does that mean there's some sort of visible, glowing sphere in the center of the tube, or...

Corey: He was saying something akin to ball lightning. He was describing these donut-shaped vortices that were coming up.

David: Oh. So do they have a luminosity to them, a light?

Corey: No, it looked like liquid... just looked like liquid metal being pushed around with eddies of the same liquid metal within it. You could tell different vortexes.

David: Now, this event that this woman had was being described as an extraterrestrial abduction. Do you think, in light of what we now know, that this might have been from the space program using programmable lifeforms and that sort of thing, given how similar it is to sort of like a more advanced version of the German technology you've described?

Corey: This sounds nonterrestrial to me. A lot of... He was describing we had like 9-foot plates, that they had 11-inch plates that would suffice or do the same function, perform the same function.

David: Right.

Corey: And it has to do with how much more advanced they are than us in the material sciences. So they can create a superconductive plate that puts out or handles the same amount of electricity as we do, but they can do it with a much smaller surface area.

David: Why do you think he said there were some black flecks in this material? Wouldn't the material conduct the best if it was a uniform substance or could there be that maybe it levels out the charge with certain particles in certain places by having them distributed like that? What do you think?

Corey: Yeah, that would be a good explanation, that it helps distribute the charge.

David: How common is it for extraterrestrial groups to use this sort of waveguide and liquid metal type of propulsion system where the waveguide is like a tube that you can actually see in the middle of the craft?

Corey: I believe that is fairly common. And it's one of the methods that some of the less advanced groups use. There are much more advanced temporal drives and other types of propulsion systems that are much more advanced than this.

But when you have nonterrestrials... When you think of nonterrestrials in the universe, they're at different levels of technological development themselves.

And it is also not unusual to hear about an abductee getting a tour. I've read information about them getting tours, being shown equipment, being shown star maps, being given other information. So that's not unusual either.

David: All right. Next up we have Mark McCandlish talking about a very unusual crash story. Let's check it out.


Mark McCandlish: I was at a little web cafe or Internet cafe using a computer because my computer had been hacked, so I was borrowing their computer.

And I'm busy checking my email, and off to the side I can hear this conversation going on between two people who are talking about magnetic ferrofluids -- oil-based fluids. They have lots of metallic particles that react to magnetism because they have iron.

And they were speculating about whether it had anything to do with a propulsion system.

And so my ear, my attention kind of picked up a little bit. And the guy was talking about a crash in a vehicle, and I was all, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, we can't talk about it."

I said, "Well, okay, let me tell you what I know, and then if you think that it's interesting enough for you, you can tell me what you know."

Well, one of these two guys had been in the Army. He was... Apparently, he had been part of a crew, a group, a unit, that had just been formed. It wasn't even on the books, yet.

And it turns out later that's how I found out this is how they conduct a lot of these classified operations is that they create a unit, but before it's ever on the books, before it ever becomes part of the historical record, there are already people operating in that unit. They go out and perform a mission, maybe a couple of missions, and then afterwards, then everything's on the books in terms of the existence of the unit. But prior to that time, there's no access by the Freedom of Information Act at all, because it officially never existed. And that's what this unit was.

And right at the end of the Cold War, as the Soviet Union was collapsing, and there was a lot of talk of the reunification of East and West Germany, there were double agents -- people working for the United States intelligence community that were inside the East German government.

And the assignment that this young man was a part of was to go in, do an insertion into East Germany -- you know, all nap-of-the-earth, below the radar, literally -- and to collect some of the people that were operating on the inside as double agents because they were really worried that these people might be killed once the government started to collapse.

And they were in the midst of that mission -- going to a pickup point to collect one of these individuals -- when they were redirected to this crash site.

The vehicle itself... And I don't know what the vehicle's called, but I can describe it for you.

Imagine a big, black arrowhead with the blunt end here [leaving one hand by his face] and the long pointy end over here [his other hand is stretched out about two feet].

6 East German Flying Triangle

Except that when this thing flew through the air, it flew with the blunt end forward.

It had a cockpit that looked an awful lot like the cockpit on the F-117A stealth fighter with the little sawtooth edges around the windows. And the edge of the canopy had the same kind of sawtooth cutting in the architecture of the vehicle.

7 F 117A

If viewed from head on, it would look like a triangle. From the side, it would look like a pyramid that had been stretched out on one of its three corners.

And then under each of the front corners was about a 2.5 foot, or maybe about 24-30 inch diameter white sphere embedded up in the body of the vehicle at each corner in the front.

8 3D Illustration 1

And then about 2/3rds of the way back, on the long point end, there was a third sphere.

8a 3D Illustration 2

9 3D Illustration 3

The spheres were held in place by a three pronged clasp, almost like the setting of a pearl in a ring, that was silver, that looked as though it could be articulated and pointed in different directions for perhaps steering control of the vehicle.

By the time he arrived, as part of this salvage operation, there were a couple of technicians with white lab coats, the whole nine yards, taking important components out of the cockpit. They were taking components out, and those were being carried away to somewhere else.

The vehicle had crashed because the pilot was flying some kind of a surveillance mission, was flying nap-of-the-earth using this system, came up through a valley about 10 kilometers southwest of the city of Halle in East Germany.

And he came up over a ridge, and he clipped the top of a large pine tree with the left front corner of the vehicle and basically sheared off the corner, crushed the sphere that was at that corner.

And the vehicle immediately began to dive to the left and downward because of the loss of that support, whatever the propulsive mechanism was.

And so in an attempt to not crash, he tried to bank it as far to the right as he could, and he pulled the nose up, and it impacted the hill side anyway. It hit tail first.

And when it did... When it hit tail first, it cracked open the structure of the fuselage where that third sphere was in the long pointy end.

10 Drawing Of Crash

And that sphere basically began floating off and was floating around the hill side when they arrived.

11 3D Illustration Of Crash Site With Sphere

And the three-pronged retainer had come off, but the sphere itself was pretty much intact. He described it as looking like a white, ceramic pumpkin with the vertical striations like you'd see in a pumpkin.

But then each of the individual striations had a scalloping, almost like the terracotta tiles on a missionary-style piece of architecture.

12 Drawing Of Sphere

So it had this kind of... And it looked like the shape was designed to create turbulence patterns on the inside of the vessel.

At the very top was an electrical carry through, metal in color, like a brushed aluminum color, with a number of wires coming out of it.

13 2nd Screen Shot Of Sphere At Crash Site

Now, he described this thing as sort of bobbing around, just a few inches above the surface of the ground, and every once in a while, it would begin to spin rapidly and sort of bobbing around.

And it would get a little bit higher off the ground, and then there'd be an electrical discharge between a couple of the wires coming out of this thing, and then it would sort of calm down and settle down again.

And so they were tasked with capturing this sphere. And the object would periodically make this little bit energetic dance, and so they had to kind of time it so they captured it at a moment where it wasn't too energized.

And they had one of these large, utility-yellow, aluminum carrying cases the military is notorious for using, with a piano hinge along one side and the turnbuckles on the other. You know, you bring it together and lock it up real tight.

And so when they walked up with this thing like this [Mark has the backs of his hands together and his hands spread out] to try and close around it, and the aluminum was apparently reflecting a magnetic field that was created by this object.

And so when they would try to approach it, it would just sort of wander away. It would be repelled by the aluminum.

So then what they came up with is they took the lid off of this thing by undoing the... sliding the piano hinge and disengaging the pins. They slid the lid underneath this thing. And then they brought the bottom half of the case down over the top of it, engaged the hinge, closed the turnbuckles, and then they let go of the case.

And the case went "poof" [turning his hand up straight indicating fast movement] and stood up on end like a gravestone. It was really spooky from what they said.

But they brought in -- and this is really pretty fantastic -- they brought in a CH53 Super Stallion with a very long -- at least a 100' long -- synthetic lanyard that they hooked this container on.

14 CH53 Super Stallion

Apparently, it was so powerful in terms of the magnetic fields it was producing, they were worried that it was going to screw up the avionics on the helicopter, and they booked out of there.

There were Navy SEALs with pea coats, the nightwatchman cap. They had the M-16s with the under and over grenade launchers.

They had two Cobra helicopters, fully armed with the missiles and the whole nine yards, orbiting the site.

15 Cobra Helicopter

And they collected as much debris as they could. It was carried off to a vehicle that was on a roadway not too far away.

And then they put thermite grenades into what was left of the fuselage and burned it down to nothing.

David: I didn't even realize that anybody had ever gotten such a close description of what you call a Dart. How close does that look to what you've been saying you were getting picked up with at your house?

Corey: Well, we've recently had an image of the Dart produced.

16 Dart 1

17 Dart 2

David: This is an astonishing connection. Just... They're so similar in how they look that I'm wondering if there are any differences, or if it's just that maybe your illustrator didn't quite have the ability to capture every nuance.

Corey: He didn't catch every nuance, but it is very close. This sounds like an early precursor to what we're calling the Dart now...

David: Right.

Corey:... because it has a crew -- the crew cabin -- there are for two people. There are seats for two people.

18 Dart 3

And in the back, there are seats for three people.

19 Dart 4

David: Right.

Corey: And no real...

David: In the Dart that you were on?

Corey: In the Dart that I was on.

David: Right.

Corey: And there were also these red or maroon like domes, three of them that hang from the bottom. And I had wondered why when I'd asked, what's -- it was small -- what propels the craft? What makes it work? And they would tell me that they have disco balls in them.

David: Ha, ha.

Corey: And I thought they were just screwing with me, but after seeing this orb that was floating around and how it was described, that could be very well what they were referring to.

David: Wow!

Corey: And that just hit me when I was watching that footage.

David: So even for you, you're getting surprised and learning some new things here.

Corey: Yes. And how he described from the front and the top, it looks like a triangle, and I had described it looks like a pyramid. It's built up like a pyramid from the side. That's exactly how it looks.

20 Dart 5

David: Do you think that the Dart will be one of the more commonly used craft in a post-disclosure world, that we will see a lot of these?

Corey: Different variations of it, yes.

David: One of the things I noticed that happened while we were watching this is that you had visible shock, or at least surprise, when he was describing Germany before the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the idea that an American helicopter would have been able to go in there to do a crash retrieval operation.

So what was your reaction based on here?

Corey: I think that pretty much proves collaboration at the highest levels between the Soviet Union and the West during that time.

David: Ah!

Corey: Because there is... Anyone that lived during that time period would know that there is no way we'd be able to fly, especially air assets, into East Germany during that time period. They would be taken down quickly.

They had air defenses everywhere. It would have been... I think it would have been impossible to get air assets in there without collaboration between the United States and the Soviet Union up on the top level, where the Secret Space Program is being discussed.

David: One of my original insiders described having to transport 26 boxes of highly sensitive documents for a friend of his who was a high level Mason. And they had to do it very quickly in one night because there was a security breach.

And as a gratuity for risking his life to do this, he was able to open one of the boxes. And what he said, among several fascinating things that I've talked about before, is that he saw a document that was from the United States that apparently was given to every country in the world.

And they were told, "If a UFO crashes in your country, let us handle it because biological material could come out, radioactivity could come out, all these kind of things."

Do you think that that document is, in fact, true? And do you think that this is something that the U.S. generally handles wherever it happens?

Corey: The U.S. handles it, but the Soviets also have a great response group. I believe we called it... At least in the Army, it was called Pounce, Operation Pounce. For any foreign materials that would fall to Earth, they would go and recover them.

So the Americans would go in and recover materials in foreign countries. And usually the foreign countries would let us know, not just because they were scared and took our word for it, but there had been incidents, such as in Mexico. In the Zone of Silence, there was a UFO that crashed and they sent in American Pounce teams in full NBC [Nuclear+Biological+Chemical] gear to recover the craft. And when they did, there were, I believe, Mexican military that had died from exposure to the technology.

David: Now, you mentioned one of the five factions of the space program was the Global Galactic League of Nations. Do you think that the world leaders who are essentially told at gunpoint to give up these very valuable artifacts crashing in their country, that them being taken up to some kind of space base, is like a gratuity to keep them quiet, keep them happy, like they're inside something?

Corey: Yes, that's why that particular program was set up was to give other countries that know about the space program a seat at the table and also a way to keep them quiet about it, keep them from announcing it.

David: All right. Well, that's all the time we have for in this episode. It's absolutely fascinating stuff. Every hair on my arms was standing up when I saw that image of the Dart pop in front of me just now.

And Corey, you just nodded your head.

Corey: Yeah.

David: So it's really astonishing to work on this for so many years and to see completely isolated sources give you almost exactly the same stuff. That's where real disclosure starts to happen.

And it only happens right here on "Cosmic Disclosure", bringing you the tip of the spear for Full Disclosure. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time.

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Identified as an intuitive empath (IE), Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB [Milatary Abduction] programs at the young age of six. Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976-1986/87. Towards the end of his time as a MILAB he was assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat, (shared by secret earth government groups), in a "human-type" ET Super Federation Council.

MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs.

Copyright © 2018 James Corey Goode. All Rights Reserved.

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