
[a]scension blog

31st December 1969

3D Gaming on the Librem 5

By: David Hamner

The Librem 5 is the first phone running a full-blown desktop Operating SystemPureOS; the same operating system that runs Purisms Librem Laptops, Mini, and Servers. Productivity tools are abundant, but how good is the Librem 5 when it comes to gaming?

The Vivante GC7000Lite GPU in the Librem 5 provides a lot of 3D rendering power while still protecting your freedom with free software drivers. Heres a look at how some 3D games run on the Librem 5 today.

There are a number of games like SuperTuxKart and Neverball that are already fully touch compatible. First-person shooters tend to benefit from a keyboard and mouse, and the list of games that work with UI scaling is so long you would have to use extra storage to install them all.

My Librem 5 after making this video.

The Librem 5 running PureOS for gaming is starting to look a lot like PC gaming thanks to the investment Purism has made in a convergent operating system that powers all our products.

Discover the Librem 5

Purism believes building the Librem 5 is just one step on the road to launching a digital rights movement, where we--the-people stand up for our digital rights, where we place the control of your data and your family's data back where it belongs: in your own hands.

Preorder now.

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