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Instruction to Safely Identify Your "Civilian Property" versus those agents seeking to "enforce" "Martial Law".
[ Why is this important? Because the default assumption is that you are a "U.S.Citizen", which, in 1933 were declared to be "enemy of the 'state'" by "THE UNITED STATES INCORPORATED", therefore you are presumed to be in the status of "enemy combantant", having no rights . ] -- celeste

Firmly attach this emblem to your house, your gates, and display in the front and rear windows of your car, boat, etc., to warn the military that you are a civilian "vessel" and that they will be trespassing on civilian property if they enter in upon your land, auto, home, etc. and will be acting against international law.

Field Manual 27-10/1956 Section 4, 45 and 46.

[Civilian Property]

Take a rigid piece of material -- wood, metal, foam core, etc. and make a sign -- a rectangle 5 inches tall by ten inches wide.

Draw a diagonal line from the top right to the left bottom corner so that there now appear to be two triangles inscribed, one above the other.

Color the top triangle black and the bottom triangle white.

1st February 1970

Created by Chronicle v4.6