03:39 HST Moon (Virgo) Conjunct [Virgo] North Node
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is connected and fused together with
energies of karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth.
They will affect each other prominently.
While today has brought awareness of opposing forces within duality
battling to control planetary collective consciousness "reality",
we continue to pursue the path of transcendence,
neutral to all of the "worldly" duality,
and persisting upon our focus of ascension to higher realms of
New-Gaia where none of the sillyness of
"service-to-self" dominates.
What, perhaps,
is notable about today's newly arrived information,
is how very much it confirms a long-standing awareness,
that most of the negative forces' "power" is that of deception,
i.e. that something which appears on the surface as "positive",
when viewed for its ultimate results / consequences,
can be seen as "negative".
We may recall that "the world" is the domain of "the great deceiver",
and deception is still the vehicle of influence by the lesser deceivers.
While our focus must remain upon the creation of a positive reality,
we simply are sharing yet another "wake-up call" to be alert,
that to the extent one engages in the world of duality,
the more popular something is,
the more likely it is receiving support as
collective reality because it is a deception.
Could this be more true than with
"mass media",
or popular religions?
i write this while being assaulted by
poundingly loud "Christian Rock" from the neighborhood
501(c)3 "Church" of
As i scan our little lemurian goddess island of Kaua'i for bright spots, we notice the majority are in the wild, rather than in the areas blighted by the zombie apocalypse... no surprise there, and an obvious continuation of today's developing theme. While we have plenty more work to do on our little blog, and could say more today, we are motivated to head away from our town center, and seek refuge more in nature, therefore, for now, bid you all adieu.
Faery blessings -- celeste