crystal faeries

divine love consciousness blog

8th August 2016
   | Feed:  Purism                                                       |
   | Item:  Purism is combining hardware and software designed to better |
   |        protect your privacy                                         |

   When it comes time to purchase a new computer or tablet, often we compare
   specifications from one computer to the next. We may take a look at
   storage size, amount of RAM, brand, cost… but we often times forget what
   is arguably the most important thing when considering a new computer
   purchase: our data.

   Stored on our devices are our private thoughts, likes, pictures, videos,
   documents and browsing history; collectively our “Digital Life.” In many
   ways, our computers have in fact become an extension of our own
   brains. More and more people are beginning to question and inquire further
   into what companies—that create the applications and operating systems
   that we use every day—are doing with this data accumulated through their
   use. Are these companies using our data to market to us, build profiles on
   us, or otherwise monitor what we do? And more importantly, are our devices

   Have you ever really given that much thought?

   High end devices such as products from Lenovo, Apple’s Macs, Microsoft’s
   Surface line and even lower end devices such as Google’s Chromebooks all
   ship with operating systems that—to one degree or another—are monitoring
   what you do on your computer. There is much debate as to why, how much,
   and what precisely are they monitoring with this data, but for some of us,
   any data monitoring is too much.

   Enter Purism.

   Purism was created with a belief system designed to combine the most
   privacy respecting software wrapped in beautiful and
   well-made hardware.
   Simply put: we want you to have the same form and function that
   you are used to, albeit in a much more private and secure manner. We
   believe that you and your data are important and that your data should
   remain yours, and yours alone. Purism does no monitoring or data
   collection. None. Can you say the same for your current device and
   operating system?

   The Librem line of laptops and 2-in-1 devices come pre-installed with a
   complete and fully functional office suite. Additional applications are
   available to provide alternatives to the creative applications from Adobe
   and other companies. Our web browser, PureBrowser, is built upon the
   familiar Firefox but with the best privacy respecting add-ons
   pre-installed. These add-ons block and prevent many forms of malware, ads,
   and other forms of trackers. Our industry-first Hardware Kill Switches
   physically cut the electrical power to the web camera, microphone, and
   Wi-Fi, giving you assurance that no one is watching, listening or hacking
   you and your computer. These are physical switches, not a piece of

   It’s become commonplace these days to have to open an account in order to
   download or use applications. In many ways, gone are the days of
   application use anonymity… Except when using Purism’s Linux based line of
   Librem devices. We do not require you to log in or create an account to
   use any of the thousands of applications available through our store. If
   you see something that you like, download it and give it a try. They are
   all free, without having to give up your usage data.

   When considering your next hardware purchase, if you have the knowledge
   and ability to perform background task and Internet connection analysis,
   we encourage you to take a look at the processes and connections that
   Windows, OSX or Chrome OS are running on your current device, behind the
   scenes; these are simply not there with PureOS. Purism has no interest in
   serving you ads or monitoring what you do. Our business is to combine the
   best privacy-respecting software into great-looking hardware that will
   last you for years to come.

   We’ve glossed over the minutiae that many computing professionals are
   already aware of but we hope that this piece provoked some thoughts in
   your mind about the current state of computing. Got questions or
   suggestions for us? Send us your thoughts at feedback(at)


          Posted:   2016-08-08 08:25:06 -1000
          Author:   James Rufer
     Filed under:   Additional Information, Distribution, Laptops, Software

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