2017-05-07.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

[Faery Blessings]

Today begins with the Hermit card, number 9, the key, the way through, to knowing oneself.
i found it very interesting that subsequently spirit guided people to connect with me, so that i did not have the introverted alone space suggested by the Hermit, therefore, i interpreted their presence as triggering of what to look at inside myself :-)

My first contact was quite amiable, clearly not random, perhaps a divine appointment, but in any case a messenger with a message, perhaps only a personal message, perhaps a message from the powers that were.. This message came from the realm of law and banking and changes in the world, and only peripherally touched upon ascension. We covered a lot of territory, but the bottom line was that the illuminati is seeking to skate out of karmic liability for the harm they have done, the suggestion being that "we" could be satisfied with "payoffs" of their fabrication of more debt instruments to benefit us in the material world, rather than full karmic accountability in all dimensions and densities where their harm has damaged not just our temporary temporal vehicle, but our eternal souls and spirits, and where they are truly eternally accountable karmically for their violations of divine law.
My response was to, later that evening, do as i have been trained and practiced for over 3 decades, to call both myself and all of them into the court of the lords of karma for full accountability.

My second contacts were olde friends from my prior incarnation in Kapa'a. continuing a theme which covered law and banking and changes in the world, but ultimately was more focused upon ascension itself. This discussion led me to be aware that it is time to expand upon my presentations in my articles:

Faery blessings -- celeste