2021-04-13.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

2021-04-13 MarsDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Inner will, motivation:
	Sudden change, transformation,
	initiation, rebirth,
	the consequences of time

https://crystalfaeries.net/fae/lawful_money.html#asylum confirms what i've been saying... those "seeking political asylum under HKGA" are indeed surrendering their sovereignty, for it is a submission to another sovereign "over you", i.e. is a form of declaring yourself incompetent to manage your own life, i.e. non-sovereign.

Likewise Geneva 4 Political Prisoner assertion to be released from jail/prison is a declaration of incompetence as near as i can see today.

Faery blessings -- celeste