2021-12-27.fae 2021-12-27 03:25:33 -1000

2021-12-27 MoonDay's numerology:
17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	8 Kumari/Justice
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Hope, faith, trust,
	spiritual insight

This solstice has brought to me a consistent message:

What has become clear after contemplation of this emphatically repeated message is that the CoVaxxed are the dead, along with those who continue to choose to remain in Mammon, the difference being that the Vax is the unremovable Mark of the Beast, whereas the corpse-orate status of PERSON-hood has been reversible.

Having devoted 30 years of my life to ministry, and having put together the jigsaw puzzle of "how to remove the Marks of The Beast" in 2000, and having spent two decades trying to awaken people to these truths, spirit now commands i release that kuleana / dharma, for any further attempts to save more human souls are an utter waste of time and energy, for i cannot provide for others motivation they lack, nor override their free-will choice of worldly benefits over eternal life via spirit.

So, now i must leave behind me "The Beast&qut;, for my queendom is of a higher realm.

Faery blessings -- celeste