2020-04-29.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

2020-04-29 MercuryDay's numerology:
	19 Sun
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Mage
Rational Mind: Energy,
	liberation, frankness,
	joy, convalescence

As we commit energy into manifestation, change begins flowing in the energy grids, triggering awakening to higher consciousness. May all humans now receive truth and live it.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 09:24:36AM -0700, Anonymous wrote:
> "All information and transactions are
> private between the parties and non-negotiable."

> RV is coming.

This program is saying that all the money is coming:

Well, if we are in correct lawful status, then
we ARE the creditors to whom the CORPSE-orators owe
that huge "national debt" of the 3 incorpse-orated "US"s
resident in the District of Columbia.
-- rough quote of the Fiduciary of
the UN-in-corpse-orated The United States of America
(Anna Von Reitz).

> You will not believe it!!

That which we refuse to beLEIve,
that which we hold as a beLIEf,
we sabotage, invalidate, and discreate AS our "reality".

I have been beLEIving in this settlement since i filed
as a Secured Party Creditor, changing my status from debtor,
back at the beginning of 2000, having once filed with an
error in my paperwork at the end of 1999, thus the refile,
and delay to 2000. 

Please note that by operation of law, THEY must vacate
their offices for 90 days in compliance with bankruptcy law,
and in so doing THEY shutdown their Govern-ance of US and the US,
but took US down with them, to the extent that "we" (you) "are"
in the wrong status as United States Citizens = Slaves of da Queen.

That all you debtor-slaves are complying with
the Treasonous Orders of the 50 InCorpse-Orate-d Governors of
the InCorpse-Orate-d E-"states", and / or the Mayors of the thousands of
the InCorpse-Orate-d Counties exonerates them of their Treason and Karma.

Thus the ScamDemic will last 90 days, before they try to again
get you voluntary Slaves of Satan, Lackies of Lucifer,
Bondsmend of the Beast, and Minions of Mammon, to validate them
by refusing to be self-responsible sovereigns of the goddess
and pleading with them to "set you free", when ONLY YOU can
choose to liberate yourself from volunteering to AUTHORIZE them
to GOVERN your MINDs as "your Govern-Ment" (chosen Mind Controllers).

Humanity MUST give up the blame-game / victimhood-game or
please enjoy your future eternity in Hell with the Hellions.
Once you receive the permanent-for-the-life-of-your-body
Mark of the Beast, it's too late... therefore refuse
"The Benefits" and "The Test" and "The Vaccination",
though we may receive any and all GIFTS which come
without strings attached, but each and every "benefit"
from "the government" comes with strings attached to your soul.

-- celeste:crystalfaery

Faery blessings -- celeste