2020-01-06.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

2020-01-06 MoonDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Spiritual Action, lust,
	strength, courage

We definitely have half a moon lit as we gateway between last year's reality and our new year of 2020!! New Reality!

As i watch the developments with Anna Von Reitz and The United States of America with people awaking to remove the Marks of the Beast and come out of Mammon by moving from the Satanic Law of the Sea as the Dead to the Luciferic Law of the Land as serfs upon their Birth/Berth Republic/Commonwealth i marvel at their physical body focus... that their rights come from the land of their body's nascence, rather than the perspective i operate with that sovereignty was given my spirit by the Great Creatrix and i carry it with me into any/all bodies. Thus i persist in Divine Air Jurisdiction as much as possible.

From my perspective the world must convert Satanic Corpse-Orations of limited liability into Luciferic Companies of unlimited liability, returning everyone and their businesses to karmic accountability. With that goes a shift from Fraudulent no-Reserve non-Notes to Lawful United States Dollars, and corresponding re-pricing of all goods, while we of Divine Air Jurisdiction continue free-will gifting with no strings attached.

Faery blessings -- celeste