2018-08-16.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

[2015-11-20 TAG.Evermore Caverns.007]

We have been doing much work with akashic records and Gaian energy grids in facilitating the current quantum leap in realities...
collecting many akashic records into the [now designated as] akashic records crystal, the 700 lb. quartz crystal, with the original feminine entity who inabited it before it was abducted to Kaua'i, happily serving as akashic records keeper in what was always her home, the crystal, She's really enjoying how all the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge just come to her from everywhere :-) and the akashics contain the DNA records, the fruits of the Tree of Life. We have included, e.g.:

Faery blessings -- celeste