2017-03-11.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000


This morning's moonset was quite beautiful!

As we continue investigating separating one's "name" from the Marks of the Beast, we continue to observe the proverbial fork in the road between two major paths, then on each major path a variety of smaller differences. The fork we have so far taken is that of eschewing the temptations of worldly benefits resulting from bargaining with either the dEvil or the Dead, i.e. we minimize commercial contracts, preferring trade with living beings. We have not yet found any path which accesses the corpseorate Berth Account which does not require a Faustian Bargain, though the trust is 100% fueled by our labor and allegedly created for our benefit, but the trustees are serving their own benefit.. Our consequent stance, then, is that, whatever 2D (paper) frauds The Beast committed libels "our name" and reputation, but is none of our business, even though done in a variation of "our name", we simply disavow any valid contract with their (paper) fictions, suggest they all need a "psychiatric evaluation" for believing in illusions, forgive their trespass, and continue on the path of divinity, asserting that no "paper" can have any "authority" over our consistent insistence that we do not have any valid contracts with The Beast, The Devil, or the Dead.

Because The Beast preys upon deception, we have been very careful to distinguish between:


Since the cestui que vie Berth Trust was "allegedly" created for the benefit of the living being, and all the value invested into that trust came from our labors, how do we access the value due to us?

Faery blessings -- celeste