2017-02-25.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

[Fairy Anim]

Today a long-term customer requested my help with a friend's wife who is dying of cancer. That's two levels of indirection between me and the person in need of help. i cannot allow intermediaries in my healing work: if you care for others and want me to help them, then give them a reference to me, as they must seek me on their own volition, they must demonstrate a choice to be healed, not you demonstrate your will to have them be healed. Ethics require this.

i am an ascension worker, facilitating individuals ascending from 4D to at least 6D, to actually liberate souls from En.Ki's Prison, (Lucifer's Slave Colony imposed upon the gem of the galaxy, Gaia).

Faery blessings -- celeste