As for the WinDblOwS
Obamanation created by Satan Himself (Bill Gates of Hell),
i'll simply state that it IS malware,
and should be cleaned off your computer's memory ASAP.
To put that another way, there is only one reasonable cure
for the blight upon the world, of DOS+GUI,
donate your [ copy license ]
to a computer museum, and install a flavor of
Linux™ on your PC.
The niggly little detail that "they" at MicroShaft
can't be bothered to support all the FLOSS
codecs is absolute proof they do not give a shit,
oh, wait, their entire OS is shit, OK, they DO
give you shit, and it won't play people-empowering
Free/Libre Open Source Software CoDecs Formats.
So, gee, i'm sorry you have to go out of your way
to install compatibility software on LOSEdows
to watch/listen many of my DRM un-encumber-ed files.
While your desktop/laptop Win/Mac system is upgradable with FLOSSware to make it work, it seems that very few Self-Owns (slave trackers) are upgradable, perhaps lamentable as there are now more mobile devices than {desk,lap}-tops, the former being broken and the latter fixable.
i have focussed here upon "The Bitten Apple"'s MacOSuX and iOS, the premiere "Walled Garden", which many have "bought into" for Glamour, Superiority, Social Status, and other illusions and delusions of the ego.
It was purely a political corpse-orate profiteering choice, as always with Apple, to try to keep you locked into their garden, that they have refused to support that the computing products you rent from them for 3 years, before their software UPdates install DOWNgrades, reducing performance to "encourage" you to send your "old" Apple Products to the Landfill and buy a new one, creating toxic pollution killing Mother Nature herself.
So, the take-away from the above is... your iPhone won't play .ogg in Safari. Steve Jobs is Dead, with a bit of Karma for his refusal to support FLOSSware in order to improve his profits, and his final grasp to become Big Brother, which initially he was intent to disempower back when he said that "it's better to be a (software) pirate than to join the Navy.
No problem, there's VLC for iOS. That's right Steve... FLOSS beats Proprietary Corpse-Orate-ware.
NewsFlash: this just in! New in iOS 14: Simple Everyday Privacy with DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser i have no idea how well it handles all the media formats, so please report back to me what you discover about it :-)
The bottom line is that, i'm not willing to fill my laptop or webserver with two copies of every video just for the sake of iPhone users too lazy to install VLC, to play non-Jobsian file formats. Sorry about that... so please do file a bug report with Steve Jobs.
Even my stupid flip-fone can play .ogg audios, .ogv videos, and .webm videos, but won't play .flac audio (my favorite) nor .mkv videos. But it is not at all upgradeable... which means i have to transcode them to play them mobilely.
As for replacing Safari with Opera or Google Chrome, ummm... i've tried them all... and still, after all these years, it's Firefox i use all the time, but to do split screen views of a webpage in order to display just the portions of those above tables i wanted to focus upon, i summoned KDE's Konqueror, running on my KDE Plasma desktop, on DebIan "testing". VLC is what i use to view videos on my laptop :-)
Now that i've delineated what's wrong with the world, what's wrong with me? i need to change my scripts to request .webm versus .mkv formatted video files, so that if i then try to publish on my website, everyone will be able to view them.
The bottom line is this:
Corpse-Orations serve themselves at the expense of all,
versus sovereign living souls who support the good of all,
harm none.
-- celeste