# http://crystalfaeries.net/posix/bin/syncbitcoin
# celeste:crystalfaery 2013-01-19 17:42:52+00:00
let	result=0	#	success
echo	"`now`	=======	$0	=======	$0	======="	|| let result=1		# counting forwards from beginning of file

echo   "rsync -auvzH    ~/.bitcoin/{addresses.txt,bitcoin.conf,wallet.dat}	`/usr/local/bin/my_twin`:~/.bitcoin"
	rsync -auvzH    ~/.bitcoin/{addresses.txt,bitcoin.conf,wallet.dat}	`/usr/local/bin/my_twin`:~/.bitcoin
echo   "rsync -auvzH	`/usr/local/bin/my_twin`:~/.bitcoin/{addresses.txt,bitcoin.conf,wallet.dat}    ~/.bitcoin"
	rsync -auvzH	`/usr/local/bin/my_twin`:~/.bitcoin/{addresses.txt,bitcoin.conf,wallet.dat}    ~/.bitcoin
# Maybe someday one of these computers will generate some bitcoins.
# I'm pretty sure it won't be the Core Duo ToughBook.
# The power analysis verified mining is untenable here on Kaua'i based on electricity cost, even with a GPU.
# Yes, indeed, now you know where my empty incoming bitcoin wallets live, ready to receive payments.

echo	"`now`	-------	$0	-------	$0	-------"	|| let result=255	# counting backwards from end of file
exit	$result

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