# /usr/local/bin/audition
# http://crystalfaeries.net/posix/bin/audition
# celeste:crystalfaery 2016-02-10 04:28:22+00:00
# open the smallest audacity project from our archive we have not auditioned
audirectory=/home/.audacity # where we keep audacity projects
audprojects="$audirectory"/.projects.txt # where we track auditions
if [ ! -s $audprojects ]
then # unless we have an existing to do list, generate a new one:
du "$audirectory"/*.aup | sort -n | cut -f2- > $audprojects
while [ -s $audprojects ]
do # iterate our to do list
audproject="$( head -n 1 $audprojects)"
tail -n +2 $audprojects > /tmp/$$.txt
mv /tmp/$$.txt \
audata="$(echo $audproject|sed 's/\.aup$/_data/')"
echo "OPENING $audata" >&2
audacity "$audproject" && read -p "DELETE $audata ? " REPLY || exit $?
firstchar="$(echo "$REPLY" | sed 's/^Y/y/ ; s/^y.*$/y/')" # accept Y* or y*
if [ "$firstchar" = "y" ]
then # user requested delete
delete -r "$audproject" "$audata" \
&& echo "DELETED $audata" >&2 \
|| echo "KEEPING $audata" >&2
else # user declined to delete
echo "KEEPING $audata" >&2
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